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FatTony Search engine is it down or just me

Walmart near me

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People's Park was a major local landmark with a long history that is well known to students, faculty, residents, and alumni. It had become a home to otherwise homeless people whose existence was inconvenient for the university's expansion plans and an eyesore to arrogant passersby.

The park's history includes both civil and violent disobedience, including against the university itself.

It would not be surprising to hear that, whatever is built on this lot, it is subsequently destroyed by an act of arson or other vandalism.

I am surprised they are taking the risk and making the investment at all. IMO it would have been safer to just buy some of the private properties surrounding the park instead, even at a premium.

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That Cruz quote is insane. Net neutrality will not be easily sold to the public as “radically left-wing”. Nobody is going to believe that shit.

It literally has neutrality right in the name!

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Mark Zuckerberg now a backstreet boy

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Didn't these jokers already try to overthrow their capital city, angling for a total annexation of Ukraine within the first few days of the conflict?

If Ukraine had not fought back, it's statehood would have been history over a year ago.

Zuck beard real or fake

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I've tried it, and I ate the whole plate, but I wouldn't do it again.

Raw chicken tastes like it smells, and it's just inferior to every other sashimi - not outright repulsive, but just not as good.

I honestly don't understand how those specialty chicken sashimi places stay in business. I guess there must be an audience for it, but I can't imagine why.

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Do flip flops cause flat feet?

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I wonder if you could capture a high quality, multitrack recording of this emergence event to get a multidimensional audio sample from unique times/geographies where these groups emerge.

With an audio sample that could only come from this specific event every 200+ years, you could set up a program that survives your own death and triggers only when it happens again.

I'm not sure what the utility would be, but I'd watch it on Netflix for sure.

There are a bunch of online tools that are free and let you upload a PDF to have it go through OCR.

Just Google "Free PDF OCR" and click through all the ads to upload, then give them a temporary email address to get a download link to the finished product.

Hot tip: There are free temporary email address sites too, if you need one to avoid getting on their ad lists.

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Usage for what?

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This is a great idea 👍

Nice work! I look forward to checking it out very soon.

I haven’t played in a long long time, so I can’t recommend something specific, but any plans to add one of those experience-based progression mods? It might help people identify more trustworthy players long term.

Pretty sure Netflix has been doing this for overdubs for the last 2+ years. The actors mouths approximately match the overdubbed language, at least for English.

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I think it's a great idea to require a human attendant for giant autonomous machinery.

If the company does not provide the attendant, then the public is just going to shoulder that burden.

I am NOT going to protect or respect unattended property like an autonomous truck if it runs off the road or rams my vehicle or is a risk to my own safety, for example.

I'm pretty sure I'd be offended just having to ride behind it on the freeway as it drives precisely the speed limit in all traffic conditions - can't say for sure until I've experienced it though.

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Bottom half are also Trumps family. It's Melania and Barron, just 3rd? 4th? wife and most recent spawn.

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Just walk away and assume the original engineer put safety measures in place.

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Haha, their take is pretty charged but it's valid imo.

Just reframe this as a temporary trip/challenge to live off the land and regroup!

If you can genuinely view it that way, tell people about it and they’ll think it’s a really cool experience.

Then do it. Make it a project you can complete and then actually finish and come back to tell people what you accomplished and what you learned.


Yes, I know. Right on.

Same here! Let's all get on BlueSky and get people to join Lemmy!

Oh, that's probably going to mitigate some of the risk. Hey, maybe it'll be enough!

I think a promising way to defeat a giant for-profit corporation like Meta is by investing capital in many smaller non-profit corporations which can each focus more tightly on the fediverse while Meta spins off to focus on the next hype train a year from now.

Little non-profit companies can carve off small portions of the market for federated social media content and, if enough exist to carve it in small enough pieces, then giant corporations like Meta will focus on other markets that are less fragmented.

Sure, Meta might try to buy out the little guys and consolidate, but as long as the little guys keep investing in free and open source IP(not trademarked/copyrighted systems) there won't be much room for Meta to technically differentiate themselves in a meaningful way to most consumers.

Nachos are just upgraded taco salad.

I went to a party where everyone was supposed to bring a salad and vote on the best one. I brought the nachos. The vote was unanimous.

You don’t think you’ve seen USAF stealth technology since the F-117s.

Where should the outrage be? To whom should it be directed? What are the specific political moves that will change the behavior of the Israeli government?

I think these are the open questions floating around in the general world population right now. They are debated, but the answers aren't really clear to a majority.

I won't pretend to know for certain, but I think the outrage should be among Israelis and directed at their government because that's the only direct way to change it's behavior.

Alternatively, I guess a 3rd country's citizens could pressure their own government to divest from Israel or otherwise pressure them to change their ways. Of course, that's an indirect way to change the behavior of the Israeli government and does not address any preexisting reasons for aiding Israel in the first place.

Yes it does. I would venture there are alternative solutions but I can't imagine what they are in any detail, just generally:

Maybe these trucks operate more like trains and have a designated lane where motorists do not have to encounter them?

That’s true I suppose. No, I can’t be sure. It could just be really good dub writers, I guess?

Yeah, not a bad answer! I’d assume someone is on the trolley too, but that’s just an assumption and, hey, maybe they would survive the wreck anyway!