0 Post – 122 Comments
Joined 1 months ago

Sadly Is pixel only... right?


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Fuck netflix?

From someone out of the loop, what is Minetest?

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Anyone interested in an invite?

  • Yes, I'll remove you after the invite.
  • No, we can't play together.
  • Yes, drop your profile here/dm

If you don't get the mail, this is probably due to playtest schedule, they may give you access when the playtest is open, after that you can always play vs bots

playtest schedule


Edit: What have I done? :O so many users want to try it

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So, asking you to VOLUNTARILY donate IF YOU WANT to with a pop-up you can simply ignore and/or disable is advertising? I don't understand... I mean, they give you a product for free, full of good features and updated regularly, and the moment they ask you to donate, again, IF YOU WANT to, it's considered advertising...

You're so sad, dude.

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LibreTube surely copied youtube!1!! Seriously, why not add it in the app years ago?🤦‍♂️

Don't use KDE then🤷‍♂️

Those assholes! They should make an OS for free!!! How dare they ask for support?!?!

No one forces you to support them, if it's so annoying just disable it. I wonder if makes you happy work for someone for free... Hope it will happen to you so you'll understand how bad it is :)


Oh... If there's no official support and problems, I'm not going to install it

I was gonna ask for a link but the post itself is the link. Gonna try it now. Minecraft-like? So does it have all Minecraft basic stuff? Day/night, basic mods, tools, etc? I mean, can you do what Minecraft 1.7.10 can do (more or less)?

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Following because that me

Isn't she a hot cat girl?🤔 I don't remember exactly :3

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I was interested because everyone keeps talking about it and I wanted to try it myself but it's compatible only with pixels. I have a Samsung and I changed phone recently so I'm not going to buy it again. I don't want to spend 600+ for a new phone + 2/300? (100?) for the buds but my next phone will be a pixel🤔

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Sooo can we have Hi-Fi rush 2? The first was freaking amazing and when I read about the ms bullshit I was mad and disappointed. Fuck you Microsoft

Both snake and camel case. Sometimes I mix it in the same project and I hate myself for it

I'm not saying Winaero Tweaker kinda breaks the updates (if you try to open the update page it just does show an error) but it does exactly that

  • Permanently disable Windows Telemetry and Data Collection.
  • Permanently disable Windows Defender.
  • Permanently disable Windows Update.
  • Disable ads and unwanted app installation (Candy Crush Soda Saga, etc).

Oh! I meant grapheneOS, It looked interesting and I wanted to install it on my phone

she has a big surprise for you 👀

Can you program hardware buttons via software too?🤔 Maybe I'm wrong

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No problem! You're still right, though.. They should've made the power menu default but I'm not a samsung employee, they probably have a good reason 🤷‍♂️

But which version? Plus, I've learned todsy that Samshit locks the battery at 80% with unlocked BL... Even if I'm using it on my dev phone, 20% is A LOT

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And you sir, you can share them and be the hero

Not all capes wear a hero Not al heroes wear a cape

I said the problem is not UE, I didn't say i love it, did I? I only said the engine is not the problem if it's not infested with EOS. Games that force it now or retroactively add it are the big problem, EOS and Tim is the second problem

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Yooo Itaaaa

Added. When invited please let me know if you can see it

You should get a mail from steam

Hello , You have been invited to join the Steam Playtest for Deadlock!

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Settings > advanced features > side button > press and hold?

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How many hours in? Just curious, I'm bad at it but I got my first win ~16 hours in, are you doing something wrong?

Oooh i get it now, voyager can't

I've installed Linux on dual boot because I've always loved it and used it as a solo operating system or in dual boot configurations years ago. Now I'm using KDE Neon for the sole reason that it has the wobbly windows. Otherwise, any operating system is fine for me. The only thing I need to find is a good alternative to Affinity Designer 2 or a way to make it work on Linux. I know there's Inkscape, but I'm not used to it or its user interface.

Uh what? For real? And that's shit is even legal?! TIL! I'll never buy another Samsung phone then

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No problem! Have fuun

This is interesting to know since I would love to win at least one game with plasma since people said it the funniest deck but for some reasons I can't get past ante 2/3. I'm going to try to play a game or 2 trying to buy chip jokers and tarots hoping for the best, I do really need to understand better jokers and synergies between them

They should focus on balancing teams, you can get 98% of one sided games and I mean it's either you win because the enemy team doesn't know how to play or you lose because yours doesn't know how to play

The one who played it before me said it was best to get the X multi jokers so I always ignored the + multi ones and even the X multi final score.. I tried but I don't exactly know which ones do that. I should try with what you said and see if it works, thanks! Which poker hand is better with it?

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Added. When invited please let me know if you can see it

You should get a mail from steam

Hello , You have been invited to join the Steam Playtest for Deadlock!

Added. When invited please let me know if you can see it

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LLM? The point is to never use something so inferior. It's not a good competitor, it only ruined the gaming industry on pc

Added. When invited please let me know if you can see it

You should get a mail from steam

Hello , You have been invited to join the Steam Playtest for Deadlock!

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Added. When invited please let me know if you can see it

You should get a mail from steam

Hello , You have been invited to join the Steam Playtest for Deadlock!