5 Post – 293 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Tomorrow is back to normal. Even the 37c/kWh spike hardly registers on the graph compared to today even though that's still pretty expensive.

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That's about 4990 more than I do.

I've disabled almost all of them. Even the ones I do get only appear as an icon on my notification bar. I don't even have lockscreen notifications anymore. I find it too invasive, and feel like the device is demanding my attention.

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I'll let you, OP borrow my brain anyday if you'd like to experience what it's like to live always expecting things to go wrong.

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We've had negative 20 temperatures for over a week which happens about once every 10 years so the demand is extremely high and on top of that few of our powerplants are out of service for maintenance so that electricity has to be bought from abroad too.

Few cold days in a row is not an issue as buildings still have heat stored up in the structures but when it lasts for a long time the demand for more heating goes up drastically.

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I've been slowly getting back into reddit lately. While I want Lemmy to thrive and will keep contributing to help it do so it's still hardly a replacement for reddit. Compared to it, Lemmy is basically a single moderately active subreddit. If I had to name a type of person Lemmy at its current state is ideal for I'd say a left-wing activist type whose into tech and politics. While that has some overlap with what I'm interested about it still leaves out all my deepest passions and to be honest I feel really uncomfortable knowingly being in such an obvious echo chamber. I'd really wish there was more of the kind of users here that most of you probably dont want. Just to even things out a bit.

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Intentionally misrepresenting facts is not how one should try and make a point though. It just makes people cynical and distrustful.

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About 30% do

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There's 9 ads between the chapters of that article and one that follows you on the side of the screen as you scroll

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You guys have alarm mans? That sounds cool

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Thanks for the explanation. However trying to run the first command gives me sudo: curl: command not found

So I'm stuck right there in the first step lol

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My anxiety but probably not going to happen.

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I don't think it was scheduled maintenance. Something broke

None/use name seems to be an option aswell

You have my attention

Surprised it's not encrypted in the first place. You haven't been able to listen to police communications in Finland since the 90's. I would assume most of Europe is the same way.

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There's no better kill switch than the ability to remove battery

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I was riding my moped on a dark gravel road back home with my buddy and as I make a left turn, I can see in my headlights someone doing jumping jacks on the middle of the road ahead. I pull aside thinking what the hell did I just see as my friend who was following me pulls next to me, lifts up his visor and is like 'did you fucking see that?!' We immediately go back to inspect and there's no sign of anyone anywhere.

Older houses burn oil for heating the house and water but even most of them have heatpumps installed. New houses usually also have heatpumps or geothermal so direct electric heating is more and more uncommon. Apartment buildings generally all have district heating and even some private homes do.

Yes it's expensive but so is everything else too. Our houses are way better insulated than in most places though so that helps a little.

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I think there are few historical examples where someone was hanged and pronounced dead but then woke up and were pardoned.

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This is the sole reason my gaming rig is now running on Ubuntu. I have never had Linux on my personal computer before but since I was forced to update the OS anyway, I thought might aswell give Linux a shot.

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"Fuck around and find out"

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Just watched a video of a guy doing no-paint dent removal on a rivian bumper after a bodyshop had quoted him 41k USD for repair. That's 4 times the value of my truck.

I think you need 1000 subscribers to be able to monetize your videos. That's not an issue for the well known youtubers but the vast majority of them don't make a penny.

Also, you watching hours of ads makes few cents for the content creator. By donating one dollar directly they've already made more than they ever would from ads.

I'm having real hard time trying to understand what kind of "misinformation and violence" is spreading on twitter, that isn't on other social media platforms such as right here. I wonder what even counts as "misinformation" at this point, as you can make quite outrageous but factual claims about both sides (Israeli government and hamas)

This is the most confusing conflict I've ever paid any significant attention to, and it feels like the more I learn, the less I understand.

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My heatpump is about 3x more efficient than electric radiator.

Consensus? This your first day on internet or what?

Really appreciate your replies dude. So many are being a bit of an jerks here, but you (and few other) have been really helpful.

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That's not why the light is red lol

Red light doesn't mess up your night vision. With a red light you can turn it off and still see as long as there's some ambient light such as moonlight. With white light you need to wait for 10 to 15 minutes for your eyes to get accustomed to the darkness.

You could get fixed price plans for around 5c/kwh. However take into account that yesterday was an anomaly. The average price for the last 28 days is 12.65c/kWh. During the summer time it was around 1 to 3c/kWh.

I got this notification today for the first time. I cleared the catche on my filter lists and it seems to have solved the issue - for now.

I already have a good set of headphones. I don't want to buy new ones or adapters, especially when I can just buy a device that they can plug straight into

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The lack of headphone jack is the sole reason I went with Samsung XCover 6Pro instead. Shame really, because I'm the kind of person who uses their device for +5 years, and prefer fixing stuff myself, but when Apple removed the headphone jack I made a decision to never buy a device without one if there's an alternative with it and I'm still sticking with that. I bought an "outdated" laptop aswell because the newer model didn't have USB-A, HDMI or a card reader. Ironically the most recent models now do.

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It's what I exclusively heat my house with

It's not difficult. I've installed several apps that way already. I just don't like blindly following instructions while having zero understanding of what I'm actually doing here. Also, in this case the instructions are unhelpful because nowhere it tells me to install curl first and because of me not having it the first command just comes back with an error.

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While not exactly a space ship, I'd say Thunderbird 2

The thing with our current hypersonic missiles is that they're only hypersonic during the transit. They don't hit the target at hypersonic speeds. Traveling at those speeds creates plasma around the missile which prevents communication with airplanes, satellites or ground based radars. You also have to be high up in the atmosphere where air is thin or otherwise your missile is going to turn into a fireball way before it reaches the target. This is what also prevents you from attaching a seeker into the front of the missile; that would melt aswell.

This is why Ukraine has shot down Russian "hypersonic missiles" with the US patriot system even though that should be impossible. It is impossible while the missile is still hypersonic but that's not when you intercept it. You wait for it to get closer and slow down first. That's why Kinzhal doesn't really count as a hypersonic weapon or if it does then so does the German V-2 from the 40's.

Well, I'm the first to admit that having to live years without internet, though probably good for my mental health, would still be quite undesireable and I'd be willing to trade a lot for that luxury.

I unfortunelately don't have a fireplace in my house. It was removed when the house was renovated in the 80's

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That's why I bought a house instead of renting. One day it will be paid off, and from that on, as long as I keep paying the property tax nobody can kick me out. They can cut my water and electrcity, but the house and the plot remains mine.

We need more of this, and less of the bland stuff