11 Post – 166 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

This would explain why I feel like Google results have rarely been high quality unless I'm just trying to scratch at the surface of a topic or include "reddit" at the end of my search term.

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I really hope people don't get over this just because Unity went "we're sorry we got called out for trying to screw you". Unfortunately, like with how little effect the Reddit blackout had, I fear most will just accept it because Unity is what they're already used to.

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I would also rather deal with the occasional troll or rude comment than to close off this community from the outside world. But, I recognize that it's very difficult for our four(?) admins here, because they would rather try to talk out individual cases instead of blanketting beehaw with a boatload of very specific rules. And it's a tightrope walk here when people can say (maybe just to waste time or not, but we should rather not err on the side of malice) "Why do i get punished but you allowed xyz the other day?".

I'm just going to trust them here that there was a really big income of clear-as-day bad actors. Since they do not get paid at all for their services here, I see how it's easier to defederate for the time being, seeing how they already have their hands full just trying to keep the instance up and running while working "proper jobs" and managing their own health.

So ya, for now, stay defederated. But as soon as you guys get more tools to play with, please tear down those walls again.

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I haven't played Starfield yet. That being said, I think I will enjoy most planets being rather dull (as long as you still occasionally have reason to go there). I very much love the stance of "When everything/everyone is remarkable, nothing/noone is." One of the bigger reasons (aside the gameplay usually not being quite to my liking) why I don't play MMOs anymore is, because about every MMO culminates in 80% of the people wearing "the armor of fabled legends" and being "Slayer of Demonlord and Demigod Sckholzhlak".

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OkCupid really used to be awesome. I would not have met my spouse, had I not checked it out because of the amazingly interesting and varied questionnaires.

I'm so sad that it was made shitty.

Hmm, reading the article, it sounds to me like there's still a schedule. But instead of it being based on a set time, it's more like "The busses should try to keep a 2 km distance to each other at all times" (purely imaginary/exemplary number). I'm just confused what the bus drivers are supposed to do, once the leading bus hits a traffic jam or something of the sort. Will they pull over to the side of the road and not move until the leading bus(ses) go?

As said, if the busses are super frequent (I would say 5 min and less in between each bus) then nobody really checks the timetable anyway (according to my experience with Munich's public transit system)

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My biggest thanks to your continued transparency and will to keep us informed on what's going on in the upper offices of the hive.

If Beehaw eventually moves, I'll likely follow, but I fully acknowledge how scary that "restart" could be.

My man, that's so not funky of you! If you skedaddle into this far out place called internet, you have to expect to come across new terms that are slammin and radical to some people. Instead of giving them hairy eyeballs and going "No can do", how about you say "Word, brother"? Every generation invents its own gnarly slang and that's pretty fly, actually. Like, what makes your slang groovy and theirs bogus?

That's crazy! The rules of the contest are so hard to enforce in favour of contestants, let alone the whole issue of pressuring people into installing cameras that automatically send footage to police and probably Amazon as well.

I really hope a team of VFX artists (who already has cameras installed anyway, so no additional cost for them) makes incredibly convincing footage and somehow makes it look like it was part of the raw camera capture.

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It's hard to explain more concretely than "I just like women more". In multiplayer (and actual roleplay) games (and even emojis in WhatsApp) I tend to play women as well and won't correct someone when they use "she/her".

Now that I read it here from a couple other people, I would also agree that the female options are usually more interesting and grounded in all aspects (Voice acting, looks, skills).

I don't think I'm an unhatched trans (learned that term in the comments here hah), because I really don't mind being a guy. But I also wouldn't mind if I had been born a woman?

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This seems to be largely an American phenomenon, that people sue the maker of a product for themselves failing to use the product correctly, no? Or at least I can't remember a single instance outside America where either someone sued the producer for using a product incorrectly or the producer pre-emtpively puts warnings on for ridiculous stuff to not get sued if people try these things.

Either way, good to know that cotton swabs were primarily made indeed to clean ears. I don't use them for that, but it always weirded me out when they came in those pastelle color packages with openings like tissues, perfect for a bathroom, but someone said "Yo, don't use them for your ears! They were made for swabbing grease off motor chains."

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Right? Insert a little bit of lemon juice and the polyphenol oxidase shouldn't be a problem anymore. Also, banana wouldn't be the only problem (concerning high polyphenol oxidase activity), would it? Cut up an apple and it turns brown before you can push all pieces into a juicer. Literally, I've had a couple R&D projects at the juice company I used to work for and we had this small Angel Juicer and by the time all apple pieces were in, the juice was brown (provided I didn't spritz in lemon juice at the beginning).

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Eco. It's incredibly fun.

The premise is that the planet starts about (with default settings) thirty days away from beibg destroyed by a meteor. You and the other couple dozen or hundred people on the server have the obvious goal of stopping that meteor. But nobody actually makes you do it and since you all start with stone tools and wheelbarrows, none of you even have the means to do it in the beginning.

The idea is that you band together with other like-minded players and form a settlement and each of you specializes into a different set of professions (for example, I am a shipwright and logger mainly but also have a small pottery workshop going). In time, you find new ressources or ways to utilise already discovered ressources to eventually build cars, boats, larger settlements and stuff. While that is happening, you can (and probably want to) set some rules for what is allowed and forbidden in your settlements radius (you widen that radius by increasing culture, mostly via decorative items). The rules you set (and players actually have to vote for and come to agreements with) almost always follow a simple "If x then y (else z)" programming logic and can be incredibly creative. Once voted for, those rules are law and can't be broken by the subset of people affected by that rule. Seriously, one town on my current server basically gutted themselves accidentally by miswording a law. They intended a specific player to be forbidden of doing anything in their town but the wording was "If {name} is resident then prevent ". But since, yes, that player on the server was a resident of something (another town or their own homestead, doesn't matter), so condition true, every citizen in town was banned from doing anything meaningful, since it wasn't worded as "prevent {name} from doing xyz".

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Mostly same for me. The only thing I still use reddit for, are those weirdly specific Google searches when I need to troubleshoot a tech or game issue. Append "reddit" to almost any of your web searches and the results are usually much more helpful than what you get on official forums (especially the official Microsoft support page, fuck that :c) or the crap that Google throws on the first results page.

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I especially enjoy the 1979 citation there

"Nobody wants to work anymore." - disgusted businessman

So Audacity is fine to use (again)?

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Reading the entire article, it seems that they still want to tread very carefully with this whole AI ordeal. Valve isn't just opening the floodgates, as the title would make it seem.

While yes, a healthy dose of skepticism is good to have, I think if I had to trust someone to navigate AI in gaming in the gamers' favour, I would pick Valve. Or maybe I'm overestimating Gabe's involvement in the happenings of the legal department's section that is currently responsible for AI stuff.

EDIT: Shame on me, , I think I had already seen the PMG video about the Steam Marketplace and its lootboxes and the gambling sites. But because I neither play these titles nor participate in the marketplace, I forgot that these serious issues exist. And the documentary concerning actually working at Valve rocked my stance back and forth. On one hand, I love the concept, but there are big problems here as well.

Once more, a genuine thank you for pointing me at these two video documentaries, even if I had already seen one of them.

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I never understood the sentiment of many Apple fans around me who bark "Apple products can't be hacked or infected with viruses!"

Nonetheless, I hope that a security patch will soon be available for those affected.

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That's a curious project and I hope they succeed. But I have to wonder. On their "Why pay for search engines" page, they state the following:

Our proposed price is dictated by the fact that search itself has a non-zero cost. In fact, it costs us about $1 to process 80 searches (wherever in the world you search from). So a user searching 8 times a day would perform about 240 searches a month, costing us $3 in search cost. But an average Kagi user is actually searching about 30 times a day. At USD $10/month, the price does not even cover our cost for average use.

So, will they dial the price back up or do they currently just hope that most people pay for the "unlimited searches per month" plan but use it less than an average user would?

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I have to say that learning how to pick out the actual download button from all the other "download" buttons is one of the most crucial steps in making yourself resistant to online scams.

Really, yeah, people today use computers on more than an hourly basis. But that doesn't automatically make someone more technologically literate. It's no longer a hard requirement to understand how a computer (I'm lumping smartphones, PCs, Macs, etc.) works in order to do useful operations with it.

Thank you, I'm sure that in the next days my father and his friends will post those type of memes ("If globe is warming, how snow cold now?") in the WhatsApp group chat

The initial prologue cutscene in Okami. It's about fifteen minutes and unskippable. But, the lore being delivered by textbox, you can't just do something else because you have to press a button to advance the text.

I love that game dearly. If I had to pick one game as my most favourite of favourites, this would be it. But please, let me skip the first fifteen minutes once I, iunno, progressed beyond the tutorial.

Thanks for the post. I'm happy that it's being worked on, but I have no expectations. Not even the expectation that it gets released.

But if it releases and is decent at conveying that special World of Darkness feeling, I'm ready to forgive quite a number of technical flaws (after all, Bloodlines 1 is littered with technical problems and still the most amazing vampire RPG).

Just tragic... the only positive thing is that this being the deadliest shooting in Czech's more recent history shows how rarely they occur.

Is it really that? Man, this sucks. I thought all these were just R&D projects coming from Google themselves and they shut it when they find out it didn't work the way they hoped.

Indeed. It could be a huge win for Nebula, in fact. At least I hope if the users on YouTube lose that a different platform wins and it won't just be a net loss for users and YT-competitors.

I knew I wasn't just imagining things. I like to listen to music on YouTube when driving to work. And sure, the internet reception there is spotty (danke, Merkel), but for a couple weeks now I've consistently had a very long "buffering" period every time the next video/song loaded up.

Well, joke's on them. I found out about NewPipe and its built-in video/audio downloader, because I complained to an acquaintance about it.

The biggest issue, I guess, is the amount and obnoxiousness of the ads. I could live quite well with seeing one ad banner per page-worth of scrolling, if it's for example off to the side in a specific "your ad here" place.

Or if the ads would be thematically related to the topic at hand. I don't want to be reminded of how much our devices listen in on us by seeing ads for diapers on a website for posting news about the Ukraine War, just because I happened to talk with my gf about how my step mom has another child now. But seeing ads for a website to buy camping tools, on a website for hiking backpacks, is fine by me.

Unfortunately those types of non-intrusive ads probably aren't what's raking in the most money.

Now they’re not really any better than Android phones in terms of apps and being able to bypass the firewall.

I don't know about the Android capabilities in China but this move makes it seem to me that IPhone has now almost become a paperweight with in-built clock, messaging/phoning and heavily restricted browser.

Incredible! It's incredible how, for so many content updates, they kept the game fresh and interesting. Andy only a single paid expansion and it's even only 9€!

I wish Motion Twin all success and can't wait to see what else they come up with. If I'm not mistaken, they're currently working on a co-op top-down slasher with cute animals getting absolutely obliterated and everything is super fast, no? I believe that one is already on my wishlist!

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A game with a truly completely fluid magic weaving system where you can casually levitate spoons around the corner and then liquify that spoon into a pool of metal and finally having a spoon-elemental emerge. Magicka comes really close, but even there you have pre-defined spells with specific effects in addition to the "3 stone 1 fire 1 arcane" stuff. I can't just magically slap on a conjured knife onto my fire elemental.

Bonus points if the magic system is gesture-based like in Arx Fatalis.

Am I missing something crucial here? Why does Dubai (or any country) need a specific conference building for that occasion when there likely are offices/buildings with the capacity already? For football, okay, you can't have a championship just on the concrete outside the city. But conferences just require seating, electricity and enough space to fit the attendants. That doesn't seem like a problem that would require a solution in Dubai.

This "Embracer" group surely seems to have a weird definition of what an embrace should be.

I would have loved to see a fresh TimeSplitters. TS2 was just the best multiplayer shooter on the PlayStation 2

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Maybe a music instrument community? I don't know if there's already a place where we can exchange our progress in learning instruments, music writing and the likes?

Just don't fall into the trap to think that receiving backlash automatically means you're in the right. Otherwise, u/spez and Putin would need to be considered heroes for their bravery of doing their thing despite protests.

So SteamDeck, Valve Index and pushing back against the short-term money maker that was NFTs until half a year or so, among other things, aren't scary enough projects when you're "just" a game developer and distributor?

That's sad, but at least they made the choice themselves.

I'll check out Shadow Gambit,though! It sounds really fun!

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You can't throw out an enormous number like that without further explanation or a source at least. The only post I found on my first Google search is from a reddit post (6 days ago) where it's said that reddit reports about 5% of its users coming from third party apps.

Does anyone remember Driver on the, I think, PS1? I mean the tutorial wasn't awful because it's irrelevant but because it's notoriously difficult to beat.

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A continual stream of revenue is great, understandably. But I would much prefer it if I could instead purchase v.1.34 of a software and get updates until major changes come. At which point I'd still have my v.1.3x with all its functions but if I wanted the new stuff (and the security patches with it) I'd need to pay for v.1.4x. Corporations (that probably much more require the security updates than hobbyists) wouldn't see much of a change and hobbyists could have a good alternative to subscriptions.

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