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Joined 1 years ago

I think the most problematic thing about this is that you give very private and intimate information of not just you but also your ex out, most definitely without their consent

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"nothing fancy" that's the issue, just some jumping won't impress her; you gotta do the real crazy shit. Friggin "wife not impressed by my cooking? I make a hard boiled egg and she isn't impressed"

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[Bla:haj] because it sounds funny

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It's that anti-capitalism gets classified as a mental sickness to simply disregard all their points without actually engaging with their arguments and how that's stupid. The "doc" is portrayed in a negative light

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Serpents hand type post

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I could imagine it being kinda useful for one specific situation: hook your phone up to a Bluetooth speaker that's a bit away from you, and you got a simple microphone that's probably not the best, but might be better than none

I wanna go on a trans field trip. Learn about trans history, do some workshops learning about practical trans stuff and legal things, and that sorta stuff. I also think being given the chance to at least try out crossdressing would be pretty good for young students, not to "make them trans" but maybe build some more understanding. Don't force them, but give them the chance to do it

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I like that the speech bubble position at "my real name is" also kinda imply that Zelda is completing his sentence, that link is his real name

It's me, I'm the thing that's lurking just outside your field of vision that you feel closing in and I'm gonna get to it when I have time, okay? Have some friggin patience

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Eh. At least part of the joke seems to be "tampons for men? How preposterous, men don't need tampons". That said, I really want tampons for transmen to be a thing

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Is [minority] why a ship crashed? That being said, the USA has ceased to be a serious country as the bottom right post said, but not for the reasons they think

Turns out that "human resources" sees humans as a resource to be used, instead of as people

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Why is everyone talking about 1TB being tiny? I have one 1TB SSD and it's the biggest storage medium in the entire house what kinda stuff do y'all save?

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Put me in the doggy cage

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I also have a horrifying amount of plugs in me

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I don't know exactly who you're talking about, so I can't really make my own opinion on them, but the way you describe it feels weird. Polyandrous visibility is important, and your comment feels like "it's fine if they do it in their own homes, but I don't want to see it in public"

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No shit Sherlock

  1. "Attacking libraries" how tho? Are they saying bad things about libraries, do they run up to the buildings with sticks or what?
  2. What do homeless people have to do with it? It's framed like that's the reason for the "attacks", as if anarchists don't like homeless people
  3. Libraries do the exact opposite of gatekeeping, that hold the gate to knowledge open to anyone who wants it, I don't think anyone ever actually said that
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Or, hear me out, : because you're doing a command, and then q for quit. Probably make it wq too, to write and quit

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Honestly feels more like AI to me. "Write an article about project management using a random movie as a source of important lessons"

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I have that shit with tech-talk. I have a crush on a fellow IT-student and I kinda hate that he actually seems interested in the shit I Infodump about because I'll just keep going forever

Can't we have both tho? Does a second flag somehow diminish the meaning of a country flag? Shouldn't a country also show off their values, especially in embassies in other countries? Tho, America doesn't value queer people so I guess it makes sense. Maybe I'm just not patriotic enough as a European, because if I heard that my country was removing pride flags I'd get quite crossed

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From what I heard there's just a toggle allowProton that's set to false, but that's wonky Info I have there. However, tim Fortnite said that Linux is like Canada

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This is talking about tieflings and they can do all three, especially the last one

I yearn!

I thought it would be poker on the television

I've been using merge, and I hate that I don't even know what rebase really does

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Don't put the pizza on the carpet

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Nice thesis, but we should gather some data :3

Well, I think you're annoying and you're the one coming into this here post with a shit opinion about a minority you're not a part of. You're not the victim here, your behaviour is unprompted

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  1. Why do you have seconds on your clock
  2. I hate the searchbar at the bottom
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You're not a real anarchist if you aren't attacking libraries /j

Is polyamory just a joke to you? It's fine to be uncomfortable with the concept, be monogamous if you like, but treating it as a joke and calling it disgusting isn't very nice

I have a rainbow flag made from cotton, and it doesn't wrinkle at all. Also, it's like 3 meters wide

There's no such thing as April fools; you're talking crazy

Really cool program. If you want to have different flags chosen randomly here's something: hyfetch -p $(shuf -e bisexual pansexual nonbinary transgender rainbow | head -n 1) Set up an alias for it if you want to, and of course put in your own flags

Just marketing

AI accountants would be pretty cool to have for small businesses tho. Like, if I wanna open up a company, it would be cool if I had a thing that could take care of taxes and all that kinda shit, not big decisions or budget allocations, but take care of all the paperwork

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Let me guess, you're also against "identity politics" because it will "confuse the kids"
