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Joined 1 years ago

I feel like your strawman missed the point. No one claimed all men or women are the same, and literally no one said "Women have differing tastes. Men on the other hand all like the same." (or even tried to make that point)...

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I believe you did misunderstand the post.

The post is commenting that both men and women characters in comics are drawn for men. The male characters are aimed at the broad average male power fantasy, not a broad average sexualization that would appeal to women (the way the female characters are drawn for the broad average appeal of men).

When the woman in this comic strip draws Batman in a way that is sexually attractive to her (which is a similar broad strokes "catch as many women as possible" approach comics already use for men), the man in the comic became uncomfortable seeing it. The point is that if they drew male characters in comics with the same approach that they draw female characters, then generally men would feel as uncomfortable by it as women generally feel now.

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Wild, you are like from the alternate universe where Linux is dominant and nerds play around in windows. Are things better where you are from? :P

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I thought this was going to be about the programming language. :/ I blame XKCD

You can't plagiarize mechanics because you cannot copyright mechanics... And you don't want to live in a world where you can. Imagine if the first company to make a first person shooter game copyrighted it... Or if Nintendo owned the rights to all 2d side scrolling games... Gaming would have never grown to what it is today.

Hell, even board games would have been crippled by this kind of copyright.

paypal's business model is basically theft. They regularly "freeze" accounts of people that have money to be taken, refuse to unfreeze them, and then when it eventually turns into a class-action lawsuit they settle for pennies on the dollar (that mostly goes to attorneys anyway). When it happened to me over 10 years ago, I was doing remote tech support and getting paid via paypal. Had a business account that was like 10 years of use. Then one day they froze the account and told me there was "suspicious activity".

When I appealed and asked what suspicious activity they found, they simply said that there was money in the account and there wasn't before... Then they asked for, specifically, ebay transaction IDs and UPS or Fedex tracking numbers for the products sold on ebay. I explained to them again that I was not selling on ebay and was doing remote tech support. The person on the other end of the phone just said "ok, well, then your appeal is denied. Your account is staying frozen" and hung up.

I ended up just refunding all the transactions that were recent enough I could (because that was the only thing I could do with the account) and sent those customers a note explaining briefly what happened and that I would rather have done the work for free than have done it so paypal can steal the money...

Eventually got tacked onto a class action and got a low double digit payout almost a decade after losing a few thousand...

Earthbound is fantastic. Also, Chrono Trigger has several different endings and secret things to accomplish along the way, so it is good for more than one play-through. Finally, I remember stumbling into a game decades ago around the same time I first discovered Chrono Trigger called Seiken Densetsu. I remember having a copy in English and really liking it.

The wikipedia page linked in the OP says it wasn't even built until 1939 :(

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This is really and truly terrible all around. Firstly, its a link to a website talking about a post on Lemmy... Why the hell is this just not a post? Why do we need an external website for this terrible excuse for "an article"? Secondly, the writing is terribly done with poorly reasoned arguments and a lot of just plain wrong information. It is yet another example of someone that tried switching to Linux once, sucked at it, and decided that everyone here in the Linux communities must just be lying about having no issues using linux and they should come here to the Linux communites to tell us to stop and we can't do what we already do every damn day. Jesus, it seems like half of the posts in any Linux community on Lemmy is people that don't use Linux telling everyone how bad Linux is and how great windows is... wtf guys.

I'd bet it is a typo stating ddr5, not on the CPU model. 8GB sticks of ddr5 are rare enough to find as singles, and 4gb sticks basically don't exist - makes more sense if it is a DDR3 system. Plus, the GT 730 is basically only barely a graphics card, a lot of them are Fermi based chips (like gt 400 series from 2010)... They are dirt cheap video output for a machine that otherwise wouldn't have any video out, but they get packaged by less than honest companies/people with other old hardware and marketed as "gaming computers" all the time unfortunately.

Ubuntu is not the limiting factor to this machine gaming, unfortunately. It is going to be choking itself on basically any games from the last 10 years :(

The problem is we've already kinda seen what that brings to the industry through mobile gaming, and it's been universally terribly not just for mobile but for the entire gaming industry.

I dunno, maybe this would be different, but to me it is just another test-bed of innovating new ways to dick down the consumers that will eventually spread to the rest of the world again.

Automatically do what people probably want, allow adjusting if needed

This is probably the thing that irks me the most about it. Most everything I open remembers where it was last time I opened it and just goes there. So I only have to decide once where and how big I want a window to be, generally. I don't want that to be contextually different depending on what else is open the vast majority of the time either, so I don't want to fight with my DE over where and how big a window should be.

I don't know, to each their own I suppose. Tons of people seems to like Gnome, so I don't want to hate on it... But it feels like they are making a DE for people that don't want to learn to use a computer, people that have mostly only used tablets and phones, or people that want the device to make the decisions for them... Which doesn't sound at all like the people that are switching to or already using Linux. I don't know, I have to assume I am just missing the magic something that Gnome provides to others.

Heat signature. And Minecraft

I'd recommend looking up Ventoy and getting a big thumb drive (like 64gb or so). Then you can download several different distro live images and put them all on one flash drive and try them all out in a live environment. It isn't 100% the experience you'll get running it installed on the machine, but you can get a decent feel for each distro to see what you like and what you don't without having to keep track of 5-10 different flash drives.

It’s crazy to suggest we just stop working on something because it’s good enough, because that’s not what people do.

Came here to say this, glad it's already been posted.

Also, why is it that every time someone is being critical of advancements in "realistic graphics" they always post screenshots of Lara Croft?

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My biggest hurdle is honestly that GrapheneOS only supports Pixel phones... I had one once and hated it and honestly don't know how much of that was because of google's android or the phone itself and am reluctant to buy a new pixel phone to try GrapheneOS and find out I still hate the hardware. I've had a much better "out of the box" experience with Samsung phones (and love that my current one has an sd card slot and headphone jack - but I know that's pretty much non-existent on new phones) but am finding they are so locked down and closed off by Samsung you can't really put anything else on it and have it work properly as far as I can tell.

It's time for a new phone, and I'm honestly not sure what to do... The easy route seems like getting a pixel and putting GrapheneOS on it before doing anything else, but I just don't super trust that the hardware isn't going to drive me nuts...

It would actually be 35 days, since it is inclusive of July 3rd. Maybe simple mistakes are equally simple to overlook, sometimes. :P

GPS is quite a bit different. The satellites just orbit and send the same information out. The user device doesn't have to send anything back - the "communication" is only 1-way. Also, GPS is significantly further out from the planet and involves a lot less satellites, so it is not really feasible to turn them off specifically targeting a small area or an individual target - you'd have to black out a huge chunk of the planet to reliably block "an enemy" from using it.

It's people from Hexbear... From what I've seen, you can't expect anything other than this from them. Just don't engage them.

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Looks like a taxidermy duck.

Lord, you've gone through more phones than covid has new strains. I'm still using the Galaxy s9 I got in 2018. It replaced the Pixel that I hated for being an iphone knock-off (up to including the poor longevity of the device...). I've heard the newer Pixels have gotten better, but the first couple generations really hurt and I'm not sure I could give them another chance. I'm scared to replace my current phone, actually, because it's the first smart phone since the Palm Pre (I loved that thing) that I didn't find myself hating within the first six months of ownership.

it’s not like you are looking anywhere ense when you open windows start

That's just not true, at least in my experience. I typically use the search box to open what I am looking for, and frankly would be very annoyed if I had to switch to something that takes over my entire screen to do that. I don't even have to do that on my phone, and that is my biggest complaint with Gnome is that it looks and feels like they are trying to make a mobile interface first, not a PC interface. And if I have to browse for something, I do still much prefer a small organized menu to something filling my entire screen. I'm on an ultra-wide screen, I don't want to have to physically turn my head to see the entire list. Maybe this makes sense on very small screens but that circles me back around to feeling like Gnome is meant for a tablet and not my desktop PC.

Clearly we all have different ideas and work flows that we like, and that's fine. I'm very happy there are alternatives to Gnome as I've hated it every time I've tried it; but, obviously there are a lot of people that like what they are doing. I just probably won't ever understand those people.

"now now, calm down everyone. Let's see what the Orphan-Crushing Machine really does before we start getting upset. Just because it is fully capable of (and seems exclusively designed to) crush all orphans doesn't mean it is actually going to crush ALL the orphans. Probably just a few orphans really."

There is a reason Microsoft stopped caring a long time ago that it is so easy to install and use Windows without paying for a key. You can STILL use any old windows 7 key you have to active windows 10 and 11. You can use the OS nearly in it's entirety (as far as home users are concerned) without even doing that. It is because Windows is no longer Microsoft's biggest product, the user is.

It's weird for gaming, depending on the game, because there is SO much in the periphery of your vision, but for productivity stuff its great (its basically 2 monitors stuck together with no bezel in the middle). I actually originally bought it solely for Eve Online... With one normal monitor before, you have so much stuff on your screen that you NEED to see roaming low or null space that you don't get to see your pretty space ship hardly at all. But with ultrawide, there's room for both needed UI elements as well as pretty space views.

I still can't get used to it for first person games though, and if the game isn't well setup for ultrawide the FOV can feel pretty screwy. It looks awesome, but you run around for 10 minutes and you start to wonder why you can't see anything and then realize it is because your lunch is on the screen... (at least for me, lol)

Clunker really doesn't come close to the cars it referenced though. Not trying to defend it's use, I understand what everyone is talking about here. There really is no good replacement word though, which is frustrating. Like, that entire era of car culture came and went before many of us involved knew the word was racist (or at least before we were mature enough to care).

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Lot of people hating on Garuda here, but I have loved it. Hopefully it goes as smoothly for you as it has for me - it's been an absolute breath of fresh air. :)

I don't feel like nationalizing Starlink for the USA is best for everyone. It is a world-wide network, I feel like it would be better as something that isn't controlled by any single country (but, obviously I agree it should not be controlled by a single billionaire fuck-boy either...).

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Honestly dude you lost me when you started forcing a "ph" in the word fantasy over and over. Can't take this conversation seriously anymore. I've explained it for you, but alas I cannot understand it for you.

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Okay, but what if enough reddit hate floods them now, while the AI is still learning what a reddit post should look like, and THEN we all leave, then the "content" posted by all the bots will just be self-perpetuating reddit-hate devolving into unintelligible non-sentences with anti-reddit keywords? :P

omg i've been in this rabbit hole trying to get a friend's laptop working right for the last 2 weeks... I found the name of the thing you are talking about, where the dGPU HAS to talk to the integrated graphics to get to the laptop screen... and then promptly forgot it after getting so mad at such a stupid idea and when I went to google it again to find articles i had previously read I couldn't find it. :(

With a 27" monitor, I feel like there’s enough space

*looks at the second monitor I bought because the 49" ultrawide "wasn't enough space"...

I might be ignoring some useful features... sips tea

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Does it scare anyone else that our society seems to completely rely on there always being more people tomorrow than yesterday? It just isn't sustainable. There are too many people on this planet already, and we are seeing the effects of it worse every day...

That might make sense if they were posting pictures of PS1 era Lara Croft, but they aren't, they always use the newest examples... They would show a bigger gap in time passed if they used the dragonborn from the initial release of skyrim vs the newest remastered version.

I agree with this. Also, vast majority of distros come with an option for live environment from the install media which makes it super easy to test drive a few flavors before picking. I bought like 8 cheap 16GB usb drives and then made a not-so-short list of distributions that people were talking highly of. Boot up each one, tinker around for an hour or so, see what it comes with, how easy it is to get the desktop environment the way I like it, what hardware it sees and uses automatically, etc. I landed on Garuda for now, it's new and exciting but not so scary unfamiliar. I've tried Mint, Manjaro, Kubuntu, Zorin, Drauger, Pop!, and Debian. I wasn't a fan of Pop! personally, but honestly found a way to like all the rest pretty comfortably.

What falls into "unknown"??

I think the biggest problem with Linux is that a lot of self-proclaimed "savvy" computer users need to check their ego... It's either people that have used Linux since 2008 and want to gate-keep the community because their superiority complex is a poorly built house of cards; or it's people that have only ever used modern windows and think they are good with a computer that went and tried to install Linux and screwed it up because it didn't work exactly like windows.

Average computer users aren't comfortable installing windows and do not feel like they can fix it if something goes wrong...

In my experience with them, MSI laptops tend to run quite hot in general, your OS probably isn't going to fix it. You can try one of those laptop cooling plates, basically a mesh platform with fans, ensuring cool air is always available to the laptop intakes, but it isn't exactly a perfect solution.

Really it just needs more cooling capacity - they seem to cut razor close to the amount needed in their designs so when eventually cooling becomes less efficient either through fans getting tired/clogged or thermal paste/pads breaking down, it will not keep up.

2 pikachus climbing a house cat.

Your suggestion for what he should use instead of Signal, is Signal??