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Joined 11 months ago

Don't let this clown go anywhere without letting him know how much everyone hates his ass.

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Tesla was built off the backs of the US taxpayer. It's so crazy to me that he's too dumb to realize being a toxic right winger is bad for business. He gets tax payer funds from the Democrats, his customers definitely skew left of center. I always thought Tesla was insanely over valued, but with all his bullshit and the major car manufacturers giving them competition now Tesla is bound to collapse...

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Hey, they had to get rid of the public option part and gut the bill to get some republican support! Ignore the fact that it was still passed entirely from a down party lines vote with zero republican support. They had to make it a shitty gutted bill for some reason. It was such an accomplishment forcing everyone to get healthcare from multi billion dollar companies with fat profit margins.

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Would this technically be the Streisand effect? Trying to cover some shit up for it national attention. The irony is always great.

So many people just make up what they want to out of anything you say.

Twitter became profitable for the first time in 2018 when it reported its first-ever net income of $1.2 billion for that year. This was followed by a second consecutive year of profitability in 2019, with total revenue of $3.4 billion and a net income of $1.4 billion, which was higher than expected by many analysts.

Twitter was making money before Elon bought it... The numbers that get thrown around now about how much money it's losing are because Elon saddled the company with the debt from his leveraged buyout. The insane yet somehow legal strategy of making the company payback the loan for it's own purchase.

That's capitalism. If you invest money you want a return. It's the entire system. Maintaining anything if not required goes against the whole ethos.

I bought some basic package God knows how long ago and check in every couple years. It's a joke how little progress they've made.

There was so much evidence. I really didn't get the amount of denial. Trumps been linked to Russia for decades in his business dealings.

Get about 8 beers deep.

Do a super weird, horrible fake cry on camera.

Now that everyone has turned of the TV, grab the prettiest female reporter. The Republicans won't care about one more rape.

I know very little about her, but the fact that she's a republican presidential candidate and referenced Thatcher in a positive way told me all I need to know.

You also need 2-6% for closing costs. People always ignore that.....

Yes, they do. Because they have a whole team of people to take care of their kids and household for them. We're talking about people who if they've ever touched a cleaning product it was likely decades ago....

Yup, i can. Its almost like I'd be joining in as a form of protest for those who can't. Weird to have solidarity and sympathy for others right?

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So, what you are saying, is that Democrats are extremely bad at getting their own party members to vote in line with what their voters want them to accomplish? Sounds about right.

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I feel like the line between prostitute and women who have sex with 69 year old guys who have money and drugs is pretty blurry. Then again, I don't really have a problem with sex work and don't think it should really be considered a stigma or insult.

Aren't you supposed to own the card to use a proxy? That's like the whole meaning of the word right, substituting for something. Not just making a fake.

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They do it all over Europe. So clearly it would never work, for insert dumbass probably racist reason here.

They were going to ignore this shitheads antics until he had the balls to try and stick the state with his bills from the lawsuit... The only reason he got impeached is he tried to push through a settlement with the state paying 3.3M dollars for his behavior.

I think a ton of the disposable vapes are THC ones being bought by travelers from states without legal pot. People not worried about being caught with a illegal device buying them... Wtf you doing?

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Vague platitudes with no action is American politics 101.

Shit coin is far superior than poop coin. All the apes have shit coin. You never lose the password to shit coin, there's always more shit coin passwords.

Unfortunately she's probably going to be around for a long time. In one of the safest republican seats in the country....

That specific district. Georgia as a whole no. That district is gerrymandered to hell and going to be an uphill battle for any Democrat.

Same boat.

The only issue I've ever had with TikTok is that it's the Chinese government spying on American citizens in a way they don't allow America to do to theirs. Not that either instance is right but you can't say something is wrong and not allowed and do it yourself.

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It's almost like a powerful political group has a lot of influence on who gets to be part of said party and wins the primaries. Or they can eat shit sandwiches and ride tricycles around the circus tent and be an unadulterated clown show. It's a good thing they never put their fingers on the scale unless the mega donors like Goldman Sachs wants someone though. Gotta keep it cash money up in the corporate housing.

YouTubers already become a steaming pile of shit, the shorts being pushed in your face constantly is just a symptom. Their algo, content and ads are just horrific. I used to surf YouTube a ton, now I only go when I'm looking for specific instructional type videos, maybe a review. Watch that and leave.

I thought the entire point of a card game was partially collecting rare/hard to get cards. Not really my thing tho.

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Just read the post. They already got double what they asked for on Kickstarter in a week. Sounds like they're selling it....

All the ag stuff "supporting farmers" has just been code for dumping money the way of huge corporate farms for decades. If it wasn't they'd put specific exemptions in these bills for large corporations getting the bulk of the money.

People need to realize what's going on here. All politicians care about for ag bills is keeping food costs stable/down. Food costs are a huge deal for inflation which has so many knock on effects for the economy. They don't care how it happens. This has just led to corporate welfare for big ag. The government basically brides them and inflates their stock value so they won't gouge us to heavily.

Big ag has gotten so good at funneling these government funds that no one can compete with them and they're now the only game in town. This is such a problem and we just seem to almost ignore it as a society. No one talks about all the reasons this is bad in political platforms, no one is making it an issue.

I'm not a vegan, but I could find some common ground with them on some farm reform. For reasons they would not enjoy.... Chicken in America tastes like shit. Factory farming and this race to the bottom in quality of every area of food in this country have led to terrible, terrible tasting food.

Produce, meat, and everything else at the grocery store gets bought and sold on looks, uniformity and shelf life. The few large companies competing in every market just try to make the biggest heaviest apple, chicken breast, watermelon etc that looks good. How it tastes doesn't even matter. You don't find out until you get home.

Most people don't really notice because all they buy is food from one of th big grocery store chains and they don't offer anything else. That food quality has declined so badly. But it's been gradual so most folks don't notice it. If we had more local farmers who cared about their product, I can guarantee we wouldn't be eating such terrible tasting food with the extremely limited varieties we do. It'd probably cost more, but maybe we wouldn't be as fat and unhealthy.

China doesn't let anyone spy on their citizens as they ban all foreign social media etc. That's the difference.

Gee, we should all just sit on our hands and piss our pants for progress. It gets more done. How did I not see this before.

People will often ignore FHA offers or take lesser conventional offers. FHA loans fall through more often and have additional requirements on the property. I've worked in mortgage for years. Took an offer for 5k less when I sold my first home to take a conventional loan offer....

Anyone who's dealt with real estate knows how much more likely the conventional offer is to close. In a seller sided market no one wants to take government loans.

Own a home, have a pretty new car, don't plan on moving anytime soon. Could come up with enough cash to pay for anything I need pretty easily and already have lots of established credit. I'm older and stable.

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It doesn't say anything about the amount of drugs. Drug trafficking simply means they moved the drugs with the yacht. It's a scary copaganda word used to make things sound worse than they are. Probably just a couple grams of coke and they happened to of moved from one states waters to another.

Big difference between a few users who did a bunch of work and the toxic goonsquad the majority of the userbase turned into.

I wouldn't put it past the hexbear crazies throwing a tantrum. They claim to be left wing... Sure seem more like fascist trumper types though. Maybe it's just that they're all incels and incels all seem about the same.

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But also, they could of passed a fucking bill when they had a majority...

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Saw an article earlier today that over 60% of borrowers are planning to boycott repayment. I still haven't setup an account since my loan got transferred to a new servicer. Seriously considering making them come garnish my wages or something. If enough people do it, the system will almost certainly collapse. I can't imagine all the servicers trying to go through the garnishment process with that many people.

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