The Cuuuuube

7 Post – 495 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Six sided devops engineer and baseball fan

I am also, but this is my primary and more active account. The account is for ecology and stuff

Sure thing. Just remember its better to do things you want to do rather than waiting for things to be perfect. Lord knows its something I need reminded of sometimes

Kinda seems like that's everyone who has a hangup on this' REAL hangup, doesn't it

  1. No better time than the present
  2. Yes there are ways of acquiring the latest packages even on Debian stable. Usually I end up compiling that stuff myself
  3. If you're at all unsure if you want to deal with Debian not pushing the latest and greatest updates you do have options such as running Debian Testing or MX Linux (which itself is based on Debian Testing)
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How is this not relevant to open source ideology?

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I think the argument would be that if money is freedom of speech then so should surveillance capitalism

It used to be more browsable and less infested with every top ad being ad spam and whale crunching, but ad spam and whale crunching apps make google the most money

I wasn't joking. That shit hurts me deep. It shows a lack of understanding of my struggles that I really don't try to hide. I forget things, always. They're not lies. They're not things that don't matter to me. Its everything all the time

Nothing wounds me more than people saying if I cared I'd remember

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Okay but does seeing the blender after the honeymoon period fill you with guilt about your lack of discipline to stick to something?

Power and benefit, also sometimes referred to with the term "capital"

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Which is a form of capital. Our politicians use that power for monetary profit. That shits just intrinsic to building an entire system with capitalism at it's heart like we been doing since the late 60s

I feel for the guy. Had health issues and needed money fast. I kinda don't blame him. Like I get its disappointing and I also won't blame people being mad at him, but I'm more mad at the overall system of how things get funding

We're British imperialists at the end if the day. We traveled across the seas to a new continent and destroyed it for... So little benefit

People miss that Adam Smith in his writing was arguing in favor of small enterprise and in favor of the government busting up monopolies

SAFe SCRUM is a fucking scam. Anyone who proposes it as a solution to a problem is out of touch and doesn't recognize a waterfall when they see one

No, its the asshole CEOs very specifically who will survive the climate catastrophe and any other societal systemic failures. They've insulated themselves from consequences by hoarding material wealth, and when they can't do that, fiat wealth to represent material wealth. In 2008, we even bailed them out "oh that last thing you tried didn't work? Here. Here's a bunch of money we took from society as a whole. Enjoy your golden parachutes. You'll need them later"

As a populace we need to start showing up in the streets and obstructing these fuckers wealth streams however we can

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That falls under the subheading "however we can"

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Also that wasn't me trying to be a dick. I realized I might have come across as a dick there. I just meant to be supporting your idea

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Comment sections

Their packages are consistently named differently than their Ubuntu/Debian counterpart

I agree with all your points, but this one has way more to do with Debian being a bunch of weirdos about how packages are packaged. Its really more of a Debian demerit than anything since sometimes their packaging practices can be somewhat hostile to projects not directly associated with Debian, especially since the Debian community can have a certain "Our way is the only right way" attitude. That said, the Debian packaging standards can make it easier as a developer to experiment with creating a software package to interact with an existing package. Like there's a reason to do it that I can support and I wish Debian packagers would more often say "we package things like this so people can experiment" instead of "Everyone else does packaging wrong and our way is the only way"

Its not a good noob distro. Its a test bed development distro. There are going to be things in Fedora that are broken on account of those things being in development. I believe there's a rolling release now which improves the lack of long term releases, but for a long time trying to auto upgrade between point releases was a fast track to the very worst time of your life.

Then there's the question of whether or not its association with Redhat and IBM makes it a safe choice long term given that they've gone full hostile. I just don't see the benefit to going with Fedora as a noob instead of something designed for noobs like LMDE

Blink has a younger code base that's easier to build on. Gecko has been around since the early 90s and has some ancient evils lurking deep within. At least that was the reasoning a while ago. As Mozilla has been putting a heavy emphasis on code correctness for the last few years, that may no longer be the case. Then again, momentum is a big deal, and I still see people saying the don't want to try Firefox because its memory inefficient even though they fixed that bug almost a decade ago now and its less resource hungry and faster than chrome now

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Cool. Using slave labor to train tools to strip the best parts of humanity away from us so that AI can do creative activities like poetry and art while we're more and more stuck in a gig economy.

Cool cool cool cool.

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Those are all SaaS providers with meeting software available. If someone was using Jitsi, it was specifically to not use a login with any of those providers. They're actively deciding not to continue operation with this. Its like when OnlyFans declares they wouldn't allow adult content going forward

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I enjoyed reading this tweet

So lemme get this straight. Elon Musk is accusing the Anti Defamation League of Defamation, not because their accusation that hate speech has a platform on twitter is false, since be knows exactly who let the hate speakers onto the platform as the "free speech absolutist", but because they pointed it out?

And then he jumps to "they're calling me an antisemite" which feels like hanging yourself by your own rope by jumping to conclusions.

Yeah dude. Gotta tell ya. If the ADL, ACLU, or Southern Poverty Law Firm say you suck, I'm going to side with them

Edit: spelling mistakes

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This is both a violence against the LGBTQIA+ community and their allies problem and an access to guns problem. This man got big in his feelings, did something impulsive, and now a woman and himself are both dead. Easy access to guns makes escalating situations ALL THE WAY instantaneously so easy...

He's a stunted 8 year old who associates X with edginess. X factor. X Men. X Ray. X rated films. XXX. All super fucking cool

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I get that it aligns the imagery more with the whole aesthetic but I can't help but be bummed for the little outgoing bee rustler. I really liked her

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If the device is a religious artifact, just tell your followers its sacriledge to crack one open. If thst doesn't work, just admit you're a scam

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Fuck that. Presidential immunity is for the executive office of the united states to be able to bend some rules to act in the best interest of the people represented by the office. There is no way to describe undermining the constitution to subvert the best interests of the people represented by the office as being in their best interest.

It was left leaning until about 2014. Then it slowly crept farther and farther right wing. Slowly bleeding users who didn't want to deal with the fascist jerks. Slowly converting fence sitters into fascist jerks by normalizing fascism by pretending it was just asking questions, just making edgy jokes, you know the drill. Next, 2016 came. That for me was when the bottom fell out of twitter. The Russian twitter bots were everywhere. And it took twitter way too long to deal with it. I think by that point, the platform was ruined. It was never going to grow meaningfully by attracting new people. It was just going to slowly decay as people looked for their friends and favorite creators on Reddit, Discord, Youtube, or wherever else they went. But that decay would have been slow until Elon tanked it. His efforts have chased off users in droves

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Good. I'm sick of reading all over the place what fascists the Beehaw moderators are, and I'm sure it's even more exhausting for you, so I'm glad you're drawing these boundaries. I've mentioned it a few places, but there seems to be two camps on what the Fediverse should be. There's the camp that thinks the Fediverse should be a fully unmoderated peer to peer free for all, and there's the camp that thinks the Fediverse should be a distributed governance model in which users are free to choose the admins whose moderation style matches their desired moderation style.

People have a lot of rage at Beehaw for being moderated a certain way, and the questions I always find myself asking are: "Why do you want to engage with a community you do not like?" if the person seems to hate Beehaw, or "Have you considered the possibility that you like the discussions on Beehaw specifically because it's curated that way" when someone seems upset that they need a secondary account to access Beehaw because their main account is on or

I, personally, am in the second of the two camps I described at first. Hence, this is my primary account. I really like it here. I like it a lot. For this reason, I want you to keep doing what you need to keep it being what it is, and if that means you and Alyaza taking breaks, good! I can only imagine that rage is even more exhausting for you fine beefolk since you've invested more of yourselves into making this instance what it is, and you have to deal with it much more constantly.

So take some time to engage as a user. Go to some dance clubs. Go tubing on a river. Love yourself, just as a general concept.

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App support

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Bruv you are severely misremembering the movement that allowed the alt right to coalesce. No one is saying it's bad to not buy products you don't want to buy. We're saying it's seriously concerning the racism and sexist that attached itself to that movement has congealed into something permanent in our political climate

To be fair to the large number of blocked instances on the Beehaw blocklist, most of them are from a starter blocklist that's been circulated through the fediverse of "These are skinhead and child sexual abuse material instances. Block them before they even try to federate." I think the only true defederation controversy is with Lemmy.World and and that was a purely mechanical issue of "too much troll traffic all at once and no tools to surgically handle it rather than just burn down the whole thing"

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I wish we could stop deifying Richard Stallman. He had a good idea once, but the open source movement has outgrown him and his transphobic misogynistic beliefs

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Starvation wages are slavery. And yes. Our techocolonial society engages at it at many levels. No. We should not be okay with it. We should do what we can do disengage from businesses that engage in it, and we should be self forgiving of ourselves when we can't. We should always be advocating for the workers, even if sometimes that means who we're advocating for is us

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Yeah I think this is purely them doing the bare minimum to look like they want to communicate while at the same time doing nothing. See also: app developers who tried to work with Reddit that Reddit absolutely ignored.

This is a shallow PR stunt that anyone familiar with the situation will see through. Its only meant to be seen by investors who only know what's going on with Reddit from reading Forbes and Bloomberg

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America's political system being fundamentally broken. People point to George Washington's farewell address like he was some 5d chess genius seeing into the future when really he was a dying old man who had just spent eight painful years watching the country shift into bipartisan gridlock

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