3 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I thought about that while typing it but I thought it was kinda funny so decided to leave it haha

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At the time LW and SJW had few barriers to signing up, so they had a higher rate of spam coming in and the beehaw team said they couldn't keep up with moderating it. No idea if this is still the case, but they remain federated.

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Lol there's probably so many scrapers because he made the API so expensive

Maybe I missed something, but what's wrong with guys talking about fashion for those that are interested in it? I'm not that into it myself, but I don't see why it would illicit this kind of a response?

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St. Louis's Forest Park is bigger still at 5.3 km^2

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Maybe I couldn't find it somewhere online, but is there a structured development roadmap for features you plan to implement? If not, what are the top priorities going forward? What are your long term goals with the project?

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Anyone from Germany care to comment on why this is? Y'all seem to have such a large presence on here compared to others

15 more... needs some serious work if it's really what people are going to link when others ask about it; it's really no wonder that we've mostly only amassed technical folks. I also think the default UI/UX could use a lot of work to bring it up to standards with other modern social sites. I wish that would be a priority for the devs, but I know they only have so much time to devote to things

That actually is what he calls one of his kids per a friend at SpaceX who sees him with said child

It's not that my boss cares per se, but I still think people form a subconscious image of your work ethic, and I think it's always better to be seen as a "hard worker" when it comes to promotion time

internet service providers

This is the key here, though. Twitter isn't an ISP, they're just making it more annoying when navigating from their site to elsewhere.

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Honestly, that makes it funnier to me

I think Lemmy specifically doesn't fall victim to the issue of certain news agencies and personalities being exclusive to the platform as much as Mastodon does with Twitter. You can get the same news here as long as someone is there to post it, but that's where Lemmy is a bit behind at the moment: we haven't hit that critical mass of users such that smaller communities have enough content to sustain themselves. Maybe the platform isn't ready for all those people quite yet either; I think the software has a little maturing to do before mass adoption would happen.

Is this not affecting I haven't heard anything about them yet

And my axe!

This is what I see as the true value of these "protest" messages above just "more user engagement" since it seems like more eyes on negative press does more damage than the plus of "a few more users interacted with our site for a few days"

I would like to hear this story

I'm on board with bashing project 2025, but I don't think I'd call those "4th rate universities," at least not UT Austin

Brother, these are super bizarre examples, and do not match my experience as a man whatsoever.

My past partners (and current too) absolutely would drive me to the hospital, even those with whom I just had a casual and completely financially independent relationship with. I even had an experience pretty similar to this in the past.

How does your world view account for relationships where the woman makes more money than the man?

Seems like somebody hurt you.

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Maybe one day I'll get there too, but not today

+1 for StreetComplete. I downloaded from a recommendation on Lemmy and have enjoyed contributing to OSM on my daily walks!

Are there any actual recent examples of this? Everything about lemmy is already completely open, so if they wanted to do anything, they would do it

How does VSCodium differ from the community version?

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This is real slick! Well done!

Can confirm. The hardcore cavers I know will look at you funny if you say spelunking.

Okay, then why do you think he's in prison...?

If you use LLMs in your professional work, you're crazy

Eh, we use copilot at work and it can be pretty helpful. You should always check and understand any code you commit to any project, so if you just blindly paste flawed code (like with stack overflow,) that's kind of on you for not understanding what you're doing.

Still not sure what this is supposed to do based on the site? It's some kind of all-in-one fediverse thing? Doesn't help that they reference a ton of federated services that I've never heard of in the website

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On top of that, the Lemmy user base consists mainly of left wing people and tech power users currently. Not a bad thing for me, but it does make me wonder about how effective it will be at attracting a larger user base; I personally think Lemmy needs to simplify/streamline/modernize its default UI/UX and sign up process to something more people are familiar with, but I've gotten a lot of pushback when I bring that up

I haven't heard of this. What does it mean?

Do you personally view relationships that way? Transactional? In my experience there is a whole range of people when it comes to how much money matters to them, and seeing it as black and white is really limiting your options.

I will probably get downvoted for saying it, but this post and the response here reminds me a lot of things you'd see on r/conservative in that people take an isolated hateful incident and extrapolate to say that this is the start of a civil war and we need to mount an equally forceful response. Yes this is a tragedy, unhinged, and terroristic behavior, but, as someone from a deeply red state who has some ultra-conservative family, 0 of them are even remotely close to wanting to fight and die over pride flags.

I only say this because the sentiment that "there is no other way out of this but civil war" is not anywhere close to true, in my mind, and only serves to stop coherent discussion.

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It does seem like the threshold for "active" should be just going to the site with a logged in account, or at least voting on anything

What part of Claude 3 is open source? I tried to do some googling to find something, but came up short. Got a link?

Just wanted to say that I upvoted to be especially nice to you for being nice, Janet. Have a good day!

Maybe I'm a public tracker pleb, but I've not found a way to watch James Holtzhauer's run on Jeopardy!

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Trump is a convicted rapist

This is factually inaccurate. I'll agree he is likely a rapist, but he was never convicted of rape. He was found liable for sexual abuse in a civil trial, but he was explicitly found not liable for rape in the E. Jean Carroll case.

This is in no way a defense is Trump, but those words have a specific legal meaning, and I think there are a million other ways to call Trump that are actually accurate.

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Also trying to use a site to stream media on a smart TV sucks so bad

Comment history is looking like they are serious lol

I have gone through some trauma therapy that has helped where no talk therapy has been able to. There are lots of studies showing the effectiveness too. Look up EMDR or brain spotting.

I really just have to push back on the "doing nothing at all" or "talking to a rubber duck" piece because I'd been trying that for years and trauma flashbacks don't seem just go away on their own.

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