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Joined 1 years ago

If not friend, why friend-shaped? :(

Correct me if I'm wrong (I've never left a Steam review before), but isn't the way Steam reviews work is that you either leave a thumbs up or a thumbs down? There doesn't seem to be any rating scale. The "score" displayed on this page is presumably based on the ratio between positive and negative reviews, and the only thing it tells you is that about 90% of players aren't convinced that whatever the game has to offer earnes it a recommendation, not that they all thought it deserved a 1 out of 10.

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Disco Elysium was full of such moments for me. Here's one:

You spend a lot of time in the game basically talking to yourself and your inner voices, and one of these voices is volition. If you put enough points into it, it'll chime in when you're having an identity crisis or struggling to keep yourself together and it'll try to cheer you up and keep you going. At the end of Day 1 in the game you, an amnesiac cop, stand on a balcony in an impoverished district reflecting on the day's events and trying to make sense of the reality you've woken up into with barely any of your memories intact. If you pass a volition check, it'll say the following line:

"No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive."

This line in combination with the somewhat retro Euro setting, the faint lighting, and the sombre-yet-somewhat-upbeat music was very powerful. The image it painted was quite relatable for me. I just sat there for a minute staring at the scene and soaking it all in. Even though this is a predominantly text-based game with barely any cinematics/animations, I felt a level of immersion I had rarely, if ever, experienced before.

Oh, look at that. Someone actually made a volition compilation. 😀 This video will give you a better idea of what I'm describing: Minor spoilers alert!

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This one stuck with me and resurfaces in my mind every now and then, particularly nowadays:

"We've arranged a global civilization in which the most crucial elements profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster." ~ Carl Sagan

On the other hand...

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Adding to what you said about interest rates: We're at the end of a long period of cheap borrowing (very low interest rates) during which overvalued assets were used as collateral to secure loans for investments. These propped-up assets are beginning to drop to their true (intrinsic) values. In other words, speculation and irresponsible practices were propping up a house of cards that's starting to collapse, and now investors are scrambling to cash in or cut losses wherever they can. So they're deciding that time has run out for online platforms that promised to grow but still haven't hit their numbers/monetization goals.

tl;dr: Infinite money glitch got patched (because it was wreaking all sorts of financial havoc) and now investors need to end life-support for risky/unprofitable investments.

Edge is so invasive now that people have developed tools to remove it, for example And you still have to run them after any update that ends up reinstalling Edge! It's like removing malware, but it's even worse because this gets reinstalled by updates from the same legitimate authority that provides your security updates. This recently got me so mad that I decided to quit the games that don't run on Linux and replace Windows with Linux on my gaming PC.

It's a shame I can't avoid Microsoft at work as well.

Some had hilarious protections where the game would screw the player if detected

I will never forget that one day one of my high school friends called me after I'd hooked him up with a pirated version of Crysis and yelled into the phone: "WHY IS MY GUN FIRING CHICKENS?! I CAN'T KILL ANYTHING!"

It's worth noting that the definition of M1 changed in 2020, which accounts for the significant jump in that year.

Further reading:

Edit: Linked article also has the complete graph going all the way to 2023, which shows that spike dropping again within one year.


Another measure of the money supply adds these savings deposits and checkable money funds to M1: It’s known as, you guessed it, M2. From the graph, we see that the growth rate of M2 has remained relatively stable since May 2020. This suggests that the rapid acceleration in M1 since May 2020 is mainly from money moving out of the non-M1 components of M2 into M1, rather than reflecting any acceleration in the demand for transaction balances.

Edit: Quoted wrong paragraph(s) in TL;DR

An electric toothbrush.

It drives me mad when I use PCs of friends and relatives and I see AdBlock Plus installed, but they still get ads and they never seem to stop and wonder why this "ad blocker" is not working! I do however enjoy their facial expressions when I install uBlock Origin for them and start refreshing pages.

I run Koreader on a Kobo Libra 2. I just connect to my OPDS catalogue on my Calibre-Web instance. It's not exactly a sync setup; it just gives me access to my library whenever I need to download something, and that covers my needs. There are several other sync options; check out Koreader's features here:

If you like it and decide you want to it, go through the list of supported devices and see what sort of sync capabilities are available for them (support for Kobo devices seems to be the best/have the most options).

Among other things: Cooking. They're really helpful in those situations where I have a bunch of ingredients lying around in my pantry but I lack concrete recipes that can make a proper meal out of them.

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"I don't intend to live beyond 60 anyway."

I wish they would carry on the momentum and also finally support hardware keyboard shortcuts. This is the one thing that's killing Android tablets for me (I'm not willing to use a Chromium-based browser):

Issue is being tracked here:

Here's an actual CD:

Am I the only one bothered by that slanted hyphen?

Yes. It's even extreme in some places. For example, more than half of Australian households reported in a 2022 survey that they never accessed the internet from a desktop PC that year (source; also, paywall warning). In Hungary, desktop ownership dropped from 47.5% in 2014 to 39.2% 2019. It's safe to assume the downwards trend has continued into 2023.

Japan dropped from 81.7% in 2013 to 69% in 2022 (this is for PC ownership in general and doesn't differentiate between desktops and laptops) and Germany dropped from 64.5% (desktops) in 2006 to 42.9% in 2022.

Even African countries, which had depressingly low computer ownership to begin with, have seen a stagnation at around 7.5% (yes, it's that low) between 2015 and 2019.

These are just a few examples, but you'll see a similar trend everywhere you look. Looking at these statistics reminds me of this Apple ad:

Edit: WTH, Spain?

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One thing I need to publicly expose is my own instance of Mealie. It's a recipe manager that supports multiple users. I share it with family and friends, but also with more distant acquaintances. I don't want to have to provide and manage access to my network for each and every one of them.

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I once got a refund after 5 hours. I opened the game, left it running at the main menu, then went to make lunch and completely forgot about it. Wasted probably about 3.5 hours in the menu. When I asked for a refund, I didn't even explain that I'd left it open in the main menu; I just pointed out why I didn't like it and why I wanted a refund. The game in question was Mount and Blade, store country was Germany, and I submitted the refund request on the same day I bought it.

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I use Proton as well and it's been great, but setting up their bridge for IMAP access in a way that worked for my setup was needlessly annoying (run on a headless server and access it from other devices within the network and docker containers on said server).

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Those were last year's prices during the height of the energy crisis. I was paying 0.60€/kWh last year (new contract). I renegotiated this year and got it lowered to about 0.27€/kWh.

Run this after every update, specifically the tweak that uninstalls Edge. Makes things a lot easier. It also gives you the option to delay feature updates by two years and only install security updates on time.

Something like the Gvido E-Ink tablet for working with sheet music, but without all the proprietary bullshit and closed software.

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Fairphone allows you to unlock the bootloader and install an OS of your choice.


One thing I like about this particular layer of defense is that it gives you more insight into the activities of the software and operating systems you're using. The statistics they provide (I use Adguard Home) have proven very useful to me on several occasions .

SWAG is great for overwhelmed Nginx beginners. It comes preconfigured with reasonable defaults and also provides configs for a bunch of popular services: Both Bitwarden and Vaultwarden are on there.

Note that this setup assumes that you will run your service (Bitwarden/Vaultwarden) in a Docker container. You can make SWAG work with something that's running directly on the host, but I'd recommend not starting with that until you've fooled around with this container setup a bit and gained a better understanding of how Nginx and reverse proxies in general work.

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Came here to say this; just wanted to add that it was simultaneously the saddest game I'd ever played.

If anyone wants to achieve something similar without using Tailscale or with alternative VPN providers, the setup outlined in this LSIO guide is pretty neat:

Edit: Don't be intimidated by the word "advanced". I struggled with this a bit at first (was also adapting it to use at home instead of on a VPS that's tunneling to home) but I got it working eventually and learned a lot in the process. Willing to assist folks who want to set it up.

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That's reasonable and I agree with that. I'm just pointing out that religious clothing doesn't necessarily mean that that person will do what you fear. As Instigate points out, their words and actions are what matters and what we should be paying attention to.

That log entry is unrelated to whatever issues you're having. That's what the default docker-compose.yaml uses for health checks:

      test: wget -nv --tries=1 --spider || exit 1
      interval: 30s
      timeout: 5s
      retries: 2

The fact that it returns a 200 probably means that Invidious is properly up and running. Could you elaborate further on what you mean by "setup isn't completing"? How are you trying to connect to the web UI? Sharing your docker-compose.yaml might help us debug as well.

Edit: I just noticed that the default compose file has the port bound to localhost:

      - ""

which means you won't be able to access it from other machines inside or outside your network. You'd have to change that to - "3000:3000" to enable access for other machines.

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You took the ACTION of putting on garb that says your religion is above everything else

Incorrect assumption. A dominant religion in any given society will influence cultural and societal norms. Sometimes, perhaps even more often than not, the reason for wearing religious clothing is social conformity. That doesn't necessarily mean that the wearer is a fundamentalist or even religious at all. There are even atheists who wear religious clothing just because the community they belong to excepts them to do so and they don't want to stand out (applies to all genders). And that's just one of several possible reasons other than the one you assumed to be the only possible explanation.

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This is why I don't buy an Android device if it won't allow me to unlock the bootloader and sideload a ROM of my choice. Android OEM operating systems suck nowadays (at least the ones I've been subjected to recently: Samsung's and Xiaomi's).

Musicians need pencils and erasers to work with sheet music. The music itself is printed, but you still need to write down fingering, dynamics markings, tempo markings, highlight ideas/themes/passages, etc...

I've made several friends on IRC and gotten acquainted with a lot of people with whom I want to remain in contact. There's no point in moving to another platform, especially since, as u/ pointed out, it "just works" and there's a client for it on every platform you can think of. I have my own IRC bouncer (ZNC) set up on a server of mine. I have it tailored to my preferences, set it up to log all the conversations I care about across multiple servers, and I can connect to it from any device I own now or might own in the future - same exact experience on all of them.

::: spoiler test, spoiler test eueaouaoeuaoeuaoe :::

The syntax is a bit confusing. You need to leave the first "spoiler" untouched. You can delete the second "spoiler" to set the title, and then replace the three underscores ___ with your text:


::: spoiler my-title




Edit: Looks like most apps don't support this and this spoiler markdown only works in the browser.

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Or take it a step further: (Edit: don't even need root for this)


Ooooh, good catch. I assumed "it's been giving me the same message for over an hour" to mean that they've been monitoring the logs, not running in interactive mode. O_O

Oh no...