8 Post – 47 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

If I can't share a Curly Wurly it's not a revolution

Maybe if all the employees presented a united front. Like a sort of joint group of just the employees. Together in a union of sorts.

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My first election out of high school I voted for a right wing candidate because that's what my Dad voted for, but also because I was entrenched in Christian ideaology and patriarchal propoganda.

After that I started paying a bit more attention to politics and slowly moved to the left with a few leaps along the way. Nowadays I find the Labor party of Aus to be about as conservative as I can stand. I can barely hide my disgust with anything to the right of them.

Real life experience can be far more radicalising than any immature ideas you inherent in high school.

Edit: My major leaps were: Having an employer illegally underpay me, seeing my friends lose 'stable' jobs in 2008, having a close friend come out as gay, leaving the church, volunteering with unhoused people, living in the UK, living in a rental controlled by a landlord with over 100 properties, and doing disaster relief work.

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Solidarity ✊

Great show of solidarity.

Does that mean we're going to start holding CEOs accountable?

Jesus, I did not see that ending coming

Every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every superstar, every supreme leader, every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

— Carl Sagan

I love this shit. They're always so wrong but such fun designs. I wish I could find pictures of the old PS3 and Xbox 720 concepts that people were paying back in the day.

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Fuck yeah 🏳️‍⚧️

It seems like it's an issue with manufacturing consistency/quality. The report said some cars were getting literally half their advertised range on daily commutes. That's not an amount that could be accounted for by driving styles.

The original Reuters report linked below:

I've run into multiple websites like this in the last 6 months. It sucks.

The more realistic death is a buyout, merger and dismantling. That's how the vast majority of publicly traded companies die. Bought my a larger organisation looking for a deal on your IP, userbase or reputation who then sells off all physical assets, offshores all talent and outsources all capabilities. They retain the brand equity which then gets rinsed through a range of products that are smaller and smaller before quietly being shelved. See GEs dismantling of RCA, the death of GE itself, and every company EA has ever bought.

Not even marketers love to market.

Shame that the concerns of the right are mostly just disguised misogyny, racism and classism.

When the weather hits 40⁰ around here I might head to the cinema. They're usually really well temperature controlled, dark and allows you to get out of the sun when it's at its height. Nights when it doesn't cool down are harder.

You could also use Pixelfed

Great show of solidarity.

I enjoy it in that I find it helps me disconnect from work. Not even consciously, I just find after running for 40 minutes any lingering mental hangover from my office job are gone. It's similar to what happens when doing volunteering or community work.

That's not stonetoss is it?

Superhuman patience.

I totally could have gone down that route if I were younger. I spent a good amount of time reading conspiracy theories online before YouTube existed.

Aussie rule

"I love Hitler" – (Kan)Ye, December 1, 2022

I spent nearly every dollar I had saved to live in London, and don't think I'd ever seen such visible displays of wealth disparity once I got there. I got a good paying job but often struggled to save and pay all my bills.

I got to live through the Brexit debate while living behind a chip shop in a poorer, multicultural neighbourhood and heard all the bullshit about immigration being directed at brown people while I worked there as an immigrant myself but because I was white I was largely accepted.

I learned a new level of contempt for the pointless wealth of the monarchy and had to deal with a boss who was plainly bad at his job but because he had an OBE everyone around me worshipped him like he could do no wrong.

I also worked for some very large companies and realised they aren't anything special, just willing to exploit more people.

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... can I pick MacArthur to wail on the Nazis?

The issue was later found to be from sunlight streaming into the spacecraft through a tiny gap.

This would be so frustrating. The problem solving process would be a nightmare.

Anyone from Australia knows we already fucked the shit out that country. It's now mostly just a big hole where a pyramid scheme used to be.

Corruption, incompetence and a musical - The Guardian

Ok that was good


A lot of words but not many sources here. So here's a few:

Marx defined socialism as: "...Socialized man, the associated producers, regulate their interchange with nature rationally, bring it under their common control, instead of being ruled by it as by some blind power; they accomplish their task with the least expenditure of energy and under conditions most adequate to their human nature and most worthy of it. But it always remains a realm of necessity. Beyond it begins that development of human power, which is its own end, the true realm of freedom, which, however, can flourish only upon that realm of necessity as its basis."

— Capital III, translated by Ernest Untermann, Charles H. Kerr & Co., Chicago 1909, p. 954

To understand Marx's definitions you have to realise he was writing mostly in response to the Paris Commune uprising and therefore saw 'communism' as the practical application of a theory of socialism. However, the terms and their meaning were radically reshaped by Lenin, Mao and Stalin.

— The Paris Commune: First Proletarian Dictatorship, Revolution, Vol. 3, No. 6, March 1978.

In March 1918 the Bolshevik Party was renamed the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik) in order to distinguish it from Social Democratic parties in Russia and Europe and to separate the followers of Lenin from those affiliated with the nonrevolutionary Socialist International.

Yep. It's tough to feel like you're directionless and lacking purpose. I get it. I felt this way about my job. Personally I found solace in volunteering and doing things that helped people.

I'd actually add the new DnD movie to the list.

Yep the walled garden approach. But I guess my point is the bigger the garden the easier it is to find and the harder it is to exit.

Does WinRAR count?

Anyone wanting to get some Sonic Adventure vibes should check out Spark The Electric Jester 3 on steam.

Seeing the collective conservation efforts of multiple successive governments to eliminate all non-native predators from New Zealand by 2050 is really inspiring.

Smaller brands, those with fewer customers, also have lower repurchase rates. iPhone being such a large brand has a high repurchase rate. For most people who own an iPhone simply buying another iPhone is the most convenient option.

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I was shocked by how much I enjoyed APESHIT by the Carter, it also helped me discover Formation by Beyonce. I don't really enjoy her other songs but those two are rad.