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Joined 8 months ago

They don’t even feel the need to explain themselves either. We truly need a revolution, French style, to fix this situation. It won’t happen until the grocery stores are empty

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And herein lies the danger of Billionaires. Who stops them when they want to impose their tyrannical agendas on the vulnerable. Who prevents him from buying an atomic weapon and setting it off for a meme stunt or internet points ?

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This guy falsified and misrepresented data, he should be fired and medical license revoked

As a medical professional this amount to malpractice.

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This guy has the look of someone with a rape dungeon

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How does someone come up with the value? Reddit has 300 million users and worth 6 billion, truth has 3 million and worth 3 billion?? Doesn’t make sense

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Great effort and execution. Wonderful job. We also need one to identify Koch products and halt project 2025. They want to do terrible things.

The fact white supremacists hijacked the Christian religion and is using it to effectively push their ideology is telling. I remember when they tried to take over punk music and were quickly told “ Nazi Punks Fuck Off”. Turns out punks have better morals than Christians. Hilarious.

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We need to start seeing meaningful actions against these theocrats or dark times are ahead.

Show me some evidence

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Ads are atrocious and despicable. It’s brainwashing. Our generation has been saturated. Half of the population currently puts up with it while many, like us, won’t. I just avoid them when possible and always look for new ways to block them. It’s about all we can do

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Data is data unless they can commodify it. Data is like a river that never ends. Doesn’t cost them Anything. We are subject to monopolies who charge above and beyond maintenance and massive profits while destroying competition

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Who could’ve seen this coming?

Man walks into a psychiatrist office. He tells the doctor he speaks in an unknown dialect to a “god”. Is this person committed to an insane asylum? psychiatric institution? Why or why not??

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Oh I thought there was a scientific method which calculates the value using concrete, verifiable metrics... I didn’t realize it was created out of thin air. Seems perfect for money laundering.

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It’s almost as if guns should be regulated similar to cars. Insurance, licenses, registrations etc…. The 1% is making too much money to allow it

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How long will the FBI and CIA ignore these very obvious terrorists

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Boycott Divest Sanction

Wasn’t this the desired outcome of from the attack?

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A society cannot function when the workforce is not paid at sustainable levels. The social safety nets must be funded by those who can, less you risk collapse of society.That’s when guillotines come into play. When peaceful revolution is impossible violent revolution becomes inevitable.

Everyone needs to realize white supremacists have disguised themselves as Christians to push white supremacy ideology. These are not Christians

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Do settlers qualify as “Israeli's” yet ? Time to be judged for their inhumane action? Is that still antisemitism?

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Even if they came back, they’ll never be the same

Party of small government

The 1% want to bring back slavery

When they confiscate everything from Trump I hope they turn the golf courses into public housing

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With many other countries I could agree. But America is the global reserve currency and basically the world’s police. For the theocrats pushing a takeover it wouldn’t end well. F35s and other highly technical defense system would crumble. Our soft power would evaporate overnight. Many Billionaires would wake up only to find their billions are worth a fraction. Sounds Improbable.

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Xfinity is Comcast. It’s incredible they were able to rebrand themselves.

I hope the rest of the Republican yeehawdists join him


It will be a “shock and awe” campaign visited upon the American people.

This subject does not seem to be receiving the warranted attention it deserves

It’s conflicting. I would like to see immediate lethal punishment but also want him to suffer in jail

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If they don’t, The golden goose will disappear forever

But then who will work for poverty wages picking fruits

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Doesn’t the government usually fund drug research and development?

There was a rapist from a university who also qualifies…what was his name and how did he look again ?

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Good on you for speaking out. Consider having others do the same if possible.

It should be surprising and induce anger. The conservatives want Apathy among progressives and the normalization of disgusting behavior. This is outrageous and the perpetrators should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible

There is a propaganda technique which uses phrases such as “water is wet” or “news at 11, sky is blue”. It is done to disarm outrage. You see it In nearly every single article about corruption in every way. It is so successful even the working class repeats it. Im not saying you’re a propagandist or anything. Jerry Springer had a talent for normalizing the trashiest immoral behavior, just to make himself a few bucks.

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The rich always find someway to divide the working class and they fall for it every time.

How about the trillion dollar Rockefeller family