2 Post – 298 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm not using brave and I don't like it.

You don't like the fact that your not using brave?

I use Google Keep (I know, I know). I can share any link to the app and then I can access it from whatever device I'm on. You can also notes, which can come in handy for random things.

Woohoo! One step closer to killing the tyranny of X11! He's almost dead already, just those pesky Nvidia users... (Or rather that pesky graphics card company)

Not sure about paid models, but Claude Sonnet 3.5 is so good it's not even funny. I've had arguments with it, where it was right in the end, and it never even considered that I was right (because I wasn't; I ended up looking it up afterwards). I've never seen that with any other model

I learned to never settle. If you don't like the default workflow of Gnome, try some extensions, or even a different DE. Same with Package Managers. If you don't like the syntax, make an alias. Don't just "deal with it". Windows has brainwashed people into thinking that there is only one way to do a thing.

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Good. We need everyone to defederate with Threads

No offense, but why Java?

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Kinda meant it as a joke, but that's actually super cool

My coworkers had a hard time picking resturaunts, so I started recommending McDonald's for work parties, and then everyone else started chiming in with actually good ideas.

For anyone wondering, here is the difference between uMatrix and uBlock Origin:

IMHO, anti-virus on windows is actually important. Yes, it takes up a lot of CPU, but there are so many viruses that target windows.

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If only fitness apis were actually that easy

We get in a fight at a tripple crossroads. He dies. Then I go back to his kingdom and marry his wife. Little did I know she was my mother and he was my father...


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Especially if Win12 is cloud-based, like the rumors say, I could see a potential influx of Linux users

Suyu, as in "Sue you"?

Someone please tell me how to do this on Wayland. "c/unixporn, here I come!"

There's even a portable version if you don't have admin rights on the device

I think you should go with OpenSuse

Voyager is nice. It does look a little weird on android, but it's kind of a nice look, imho

Honestly, it's kinda sad that LTT is so popular when more than half of his videos are endorsements for products he doesn't even care about

Oh boy, here we go again...

What! Mindustry is open source!? Makes me love it even more

Looks like Arch has systemd v254.5-1 rn

Man, gotta love apt sometimes

Not sure about the other ones, but I use Btrfs because of subvolumes and backups.

Subvolumes are like special folders inside of your partition that mount separately. Ex. In my btrfs partition, I have a @home partition that is mounted to /home

This makes it easier to choose what you are backing up, because you can say, "just copy everything in @home to the backup location"

If I got any of that wrong, feel free to correct me!

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Heck no am I installing EA's proprietary rootkit! There're literally viruses that have less power than that

Gnome won't break. If you don't want them calling you up in the middle of a work day saying, "why did the bar at the bottom of the screen disappear!?" or "Berny, my screen turned black!", install Gnome

cough cough snap cough

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IMHO, that doesn't sound any less ominous

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do_the_thing() {
  git commit -am "$(date)"
  git push

You even have to pay for the full version, just like Windows!

Most updates are OTA. They don't give you a choice

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Well that's because any support for it is unofficial. NTFS is made for Windows

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At one point I had the coolest Ventoy USB; CyberRe, LABEL=hakr. But then I got a new computer and apparently the ssd was /dev/nvme0n1 instead of /dev/sda. While I was installing Arch, When I created a new GPT partition on /dev/sda, it wiped my beautiful Ventoy 😢

One time I was creating custom Arch Install media, and I thought I had mounted the USB drive's partitions, but I had actually mounted my own system's partitions. When I ran pacstrap, it actually ran on my own system, but, by some miracle, didn't completely nuke it.

This is the best gruvbox rice I've seen

Firefox's extensions actually let developers do stuff, so we have tons of tab groups extensions. My favorite is Simple Tab Groups. But if you dont like that one, you can swap it out for a different one! DO YOU GET THAT KIND OF CUSTOMIZATION IN EDGE?

Does "plays on linux" mean native , or just 'works fine with WINE (edit: or proton, apparently)'?

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Literal mental pain rn