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Joined 1 years ago

A rubber ducky is cheaper and not made by stealing other's work. Also cuter.

The crazy thing here is that she wasn't even traveling to Dubai. It was a layover! And all she wanted was help putting on some sort of medical device they made her remove. The whole thing was basically an extortion scheme.

Kitchen scale. Baking is much better with weight measurements instead of volume. Also useful for calculating calories.

Headlamp. Having light where you don't need to hold a phone or a flashlight is great.

Digital meat thermometer. No more guessing.

USB charging hub. Charge many devices at once.

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Parasocial relationships and extremely niche content. Many girls will do specific roleplays. You want a girl to fart on a cake while calling you James Baxter? Someone will. Hell, someone probably specializes in it.

Why? Palestinians aren't synonymous with Hamas.

I'm just curious if we could collect demo data on the raters and have that train the generation algorithm. Could we find regional, statistically significant differences in aesthetic preferences? Would we be able to trace the cultural influence of different groups by their preferences?

Do some groups prefer specific shapes/sizes/colors? What's the most predictive feature of perceived attractiveness across different groups?

I dunno, sounds like some interesting research into the visual aspect of attraction and also implicit biases.

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God I hate "screen time" discourse. Not all activity that happens on a screen is of equivalent value.

Large Language Models and other affiliated algorithms are not AI and no amount of marketing will convince me otherwise. As a result I refuse to call them AI when talking to people about them.

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Wow, that last bit was a one sentence cyberpunk story.

There's ample historical precedent. I say let them fight.

With all the historical windows bloat that's not surprising lol

Have you heard Anamanaguchi?

What does this have to do with socialism anyway?

It is for a child, chill.

The Republican party can stop denying women the right to control their bodies, stop denying science, stop censoring history, and stop othering anyone but Christian Cis Het White people any time they feel like it.

But they won't, because that's their entire political identity. I ought to know; I was one of them for 20 some odd years.

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Thinking about doing this for my parents is giving me an anxiety attack, thanks OP.

If by "fight by our side" you mean sell us out to the Kremlin or the CCP, sure.

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Oooh, I think I can explain this. Conservatism demands adherence to a an extremely homogeneous model of living. They've constructed this giant house of cards that relies on it. Accepting deviations from these norms calls into question a variety of foundational conservative beliefs. They effectively can't question the status quo else everything falls apart.

The only option for them is to make LGBTQ people an unacceptable, dangerous other. Because if queer folk are normal people who just want to be allowed to exist, if there is no sweeping gay agenda, if maybe they read their holy book wrong ... they've been behaving like assholes, for decades, for no good reason.

Their core identities would take an unacceptably heavy blow, so they have no choice but to double down. Well, that's the case for the ones that care about internal consistency.

Some of them just want an excuse to be cruel to a group too small to fight back.

Well there might be a dungeon involved but the only dragons you'll find are tattoos.

Hey, I have a mostly white kitchen and I like it. I built the thing from Ikea parts and it was a ton of work and it took me like a couple months.

So maybe we decouple our criticism of wealth inequality from our hot takes on interior design, hmmm?

Well when you hoover up companies left and right...

And nothing of value was lost.


Wew lad but can you ever tell this is .ml.

So, thought experiment for you. What do you need to overthrow a government and oust a bunch of rich assholes from power? Well, you need power of your own, right? You need loyal comrades.

And say you actually manage it. Chances are it was tough. Some didn't make it. But now you're sitting on all this wealth and power. Are you just going to give it back? To who? What if someone abuses it?

You're the one who did the work. You're the one with a vision for the future. And now you have these loyal comrades and surely they deserve something for their sacrifices and hard work?

And so it goes.

Anyway, it's less about Communism as a set of ideas and more about what power does to revolutionaries and how that mixes with the local culture.

Or the CIA made it all up because Mao and Stalin et al did nothing wrong. 🙄

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Journaling is very helpful for organizing your thoughts and subjecting them to conscious review. It can be harder to get a handle on them if they are unconscious and just bouncing around in your mind.

It may well be that nothing much about your life needs to change, or you may feel a need to take control of the situation by doing something for the victims or a cause to support. Either way, the process of documenting and organizing your thoughts in writing is extremely helpful.

I found a job that doesn't ask me for 50 hours a week and they go to bed at a reasonable hour. But don't ask me what I'm not spending enough time doing, like working out. Or how much we spend on takeout (way, WAY too much). And on top of that I have pretty great family support.

Basically, it's hard even under ideal conditions with some less than great compromises.

Nope, they really don't. You may have to engineer a cooling station.

A trap for the unwary.


Maybe Who's are really into saturnalia?

Horror? That was a dark comedy I thought.

That's not what DRM is and pirating has always involved extra steps.

I imagine it'll be pretty ballpark after they bargain it down. You start higher than you need to in these negotiations.

Santa has world class ICE at the North Pole. And cooling is very cheap there, so he gets a lot of extra performance out of his hardware.

I think your next task is to start modding Skyrim so you can have the ultimate experience of spending more time setting something up only to spend a fraction of that time actually using it. XD

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And the German language! Mark Twain has a whole essay about it.

“Every noun has a gender, and there is no sense or system in the distribution; so the gender of each must be learned separately and by heart. There is no other way. To do this one has to have a memory like a memorandum-book. In German, a young lady has no sex, while a turnip has. Think what overwrought reverence that shows for the turnip, and what callous disrespect for the girl. See how it looks in print -- I translate this from a conversation in one of the best of the German Sunday-school books:

Gretchen: "Wilhelm, where is the turnip?"

Wilhelm: "She has gone to the kitchen."

Gretchen: "Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?"

Wilhelm. "It has gone to the opera.”

I have a black and white laser but am considering color for crafting purposes. But the B/W laser has done well for years and rarely needs toner.

Veganism may be more than a diet, but it certainly involves a diet. This would be your place to discuss the dietary component.

Doubtless there are other communities that could house the philosophical component. If not, you could spin up a Lemmy instance just for Vegans.

The point is, most people are not vegans and not even all vegans share your view, so expecting them to cater your very specific perspective is less than realistic. Your ideological purity is not this website's priority. Nor should it be, assuming the goal is to create a vibrant community.


Corporate consumer brands are crap now. If you want quality you have to buy from craftsman with janky websites they built in 1995 or sometimes on Etsy. There are still tailors and leather workers and so on doing their thing, but you won't find them on Amazon.