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I preferred 1 to 2. In 2 the enemies start to get rather spongey with their life and that sucked a lot of the enjoyment out of it for me. From a character choice perspective, I also greatly preferred Lilith as the Siren.

If you can stand a bit more, the show does become a lot more than what those first few episodes imply.

Working through another playthrough of Valheim with my wife and a couple friends. Ashlands dropped somewhat recently and we've made it a habit to do a fresh server/playthrough when new content drops and we just very very recently got to where we're ready to go to the southern tip of the world and fight in some Viking purgatory hell action.

Huh. Maybe it's the communities/posts I've visited but I wouldn't agree with your assessment of an inherent negativity/hatefulness. Do you have examples we can discuss?

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It's interesting you mention Apple because while I have every expectation that you're correct at the moment, the iPod absolutely benefited from piracy. iTunes allowed you to add your own songs to your library to sync with the device, and iTunes could also be argued to have been on a similar model to Steam because you'd pay to 'own' the songs and there was no subscription giving you access to songs.

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"One of the presidents of a big country stood up and said, 'Well, sir,

Imma stop it right there. It's always possible that someone, out of a general professional attitude or decorum, used that 'sir' wording, but I'll be damned if I've heard Trump use that word in a context that doesn't sound like he's just making some bullshit up.

I mean, he pretty much always sounds like he's making some shit up, but my point stands!

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Stay safe.

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It's goofy as hell. House members and senators can get donations and contributions from people anywhere. I'm sure it could be funneled to circumvent, but I would expect laws that candidates be only allowed to get them from entities and people in their geographic constituencies would at least have some kind of positive effect.

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I don't care about right jeans making me look old because I just can't wait until baggy pants become more acceptable to wear again. Much more comfortable!

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But... It's your post taking about negativity, so you're saying your post about negativity on Lemmy is evidence of negativity on Lemmy? Or the fact the current vote count is negative?

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I know St Ives uses crushed up walnut shells and apricot pits for theirs.

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Nauru is all sorts of fucked up because of their history as a colony leading into mass extraction of their natural resource then leading to them doing a lot of shady shit to maintain their solvency. Granted this is a little bit old now so I may be out of date and I'm no geopolitical expert.

Final fantasy 6! The renditions of the victory fanfare and chocobo theme are terrific and multiple other songs are dramatic, exciting, enthralling. And there are some legit jams on the soundtrack, too. The Veldt, Magitek Factory, and Zozo all are amazing.

Other games music that are great are Tropico, Frostpunk, and RimWorld.

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Beeper Mini, I can agree the reason for existing is stupid. Not Beeper as a whole. I greatly like having a one stop shop for all of my messaging platforms. It's a straight up fucking pain in the ass to have Messages, Messenger, Whatsapp, Discord, Telegram, LinkedIn, and more all having their own specific applications with separate lists of people in them. Gaim/Pidgin/Trillian/Adium had the right idea back in the day and if it isn't done at an application level like Beeper, then I would really like it done at an OS level where all apps of a communication/chat type have their notifications and interactivity bundled. There's going to be platform exclusive features that don't have parity that wouldn't be able to be part through or presented the same, but communications are such a base level function of these devices and the generally one-application-at-a-time type of display of phones makes the balkanization of communication mediums even more annoying.

They pushed false, sensational and dubious information immediately upon launch during the Clinton years.

Well, there existed phones that were kind of what smartphones became. Blackberries and Palms get a lot of the attention as they were what executives used, but there were also PocketPC devices that were usually white label manufactured HTC devices that were branded after carriers or some other company like HP. They generally were much larger screened devices with a few buttons at the bottom. They were resistive touchscreens so using your fingers was pretty meh for responsiveness, and the UI was just not designed in a way that was pleasant to navigate. Picture a shrunk down desktop interface. I'd say the UI was the biggest shakeup that they did in the product category, followed by steadily raising the bar for hardware in a space that often would have cheap plastic components. Don't get me wrong, I think too much glass and aluminum is actually poorer than something like kevlar especially for dents and dings, but it doesn't look nearly as sexy.

Thanks for posting the link and also for taking the correction in stride and fixing the submission removing the reference to summoningsalt. None of us are perfect and I'm always glad to see people work to conduct ourselves in a dignified, honorable manner.:)

Geeze, seriously? He also got massive mileage out of denigrating Monica Lewinsky.

Hey dude, Colossal Order and Paradox gave them salmonella, how could you be so callous!

It's very small by land area, but it's 18th largest in population. That's not large, large, but it's also not a smaller state.

Agreed all on your second paragraph. Thankfully, at least, there's a step in the right direction happening, belated and incomplete though it may be.

I'm set up using Beeper for consolidation of a lot of my messaging platforms, and they support Matrix. That said, I'm not having any success in finding the listed spaces from the urls in the original post. Is there some kind of federation that needs to take place for this to be possible or, I dunno, is there some extension of Matrix that needs to be supported by Beeper for this to work?

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Excellent choice. The dubbed version, done of course by first year theater actors, would make it even worse.

They may mean crushed it like Google killed Fiber. :D

Give Trine 2 a shot. It's three players, is very easy on the eyes, and is good for keeping stress relatively low. Since all three of you like games, playing games isn't unnatural for you, but playing together is something that can potentially cause some stress between you. A game like Trine keeps that fairly low and is a good entry point that once you done with it, hopefully the experience was positive and you can move on to some other things together.

Yeah, unfortunately been a thing since the gesture navigation was implemented. Somewhat recently I've gone back to the three button navigation so I could use Nova but I'm using Pie navigation so I can have the swiping to go back and also gives me some customisability to do some additional actions while swiping.

I think even that stuff could be said to be results of stuff like Aisles working with Nixon, and Justice Lewis Powell's memoranda.

Which wouldn't have necessarily been a death knell, except by the point Microsoft had gotten their eggs into the Windows Phone basket, major platforms had already started shutting down functionality that could be accessed through third party applications so the App Store/Play Store official versions were the clearly superior ways to use the platforms.

In many cases, like with reddit even, third party applications are how many people have preferred to access these platforms, so long as the platform doesn't lock down the API to kneecap them.

He'd just need to have some acrylic flab sculpting armor like Immortan Joe.

I have two thirds of a name shared with a famous actress. It used to bug me that people would call it out all the time, and for a short period of time I even considered going by my middle name instead of my first name. Around the time I got married and people shifted the third part of the actress's name to a verb I started to warm up to it, and nowadays I mostly consider it a bit of built-in name recognition and mnemonic for people remembering my name.

The migration from Play Music wasn't great for me. There are multiple songs that for whatever reason used a random YouTube upload for the match rather than an existing official one.

My first wasn't even an actual android! I had an HTC touch pro running Haret that would reboot the phone into Android. Was so great despite the quirks and bugs since... well Windows Mobile has plenty of that going on anyway.

Honestly surprised the article phrased it that it was problems within the Republican membership and not just the entire house of representatives.

I could be wrong but I think at one point the outside sources toggle was just a one time thing and affected all applications.

Is that...a Wii U in on the far right in the thumbnail?

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To hear them tell it, government is the enemy, incompetent, and worse at anything it attempts. Unless they're in charge and levying it against their opponents, of course.

I don't know the answer to that, exactly, but I see shit loads of people with Android phones using air pods.

Fuck yeah. What's your preferred place to get from? Johnnies is the one I'm most familiar with and enjoy.

Heck yeah, this sounds fantastic. Are you able to give me any pointers in a response or DM on how to move forward with getting it all set up? My wife never had a 64 so she never got to experience the game. Ideally, we'd play it together each of us on our Steam Decks. I've bought All Stars or whatever it's called on the Switch but the prospect of us playing through the game together almost like a couch Co OP experience is extremely enticing. Obviously, you're not responsible for me figuring everything out so if there's a good forum or even video link discussing it, I'd be most appreciative.

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The Glass Menagerie. Introduction of sad, boring characters. Nothing happens. The end.