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Joined 1 years ago

Weird christian shame shit aside, here's a nice security concern to top it off:

“A US Congressman is allowing a 3rd Party tech company to scan ALL of his electronic devices daily and then uploading reports to his son about what he’s watching or not watching….,” Receipt Maven wrote. “I mean, who else is accessing that data?”

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Magical room with free power and Internet... I'm making it into a server room!

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Ublock origin on firefox. Never forced an update, never did any fiddling with block lists. Never got a single warning or notification, still works perfectly. Huh.

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My nerdy dad liked to tell us to "watch out for orcs!" dropping us off places. I carried on the tradition, and even though he passed a couple years ago I get to enjoy his joke since my SO and I say it to each other all the time, or variations of it. If its a water related destination I like to evolve it to "watch out for orcas!"

We've been playing Baldurs Gate 3 lately so its been "watch out for mind flayers!" a couple times, but the point is just a silly reference to something we love, just to add some goofy fantasy to an otherwise normal day. I like to imagine Orcs popping up irl in goofy ways when I hear it, like one charging the car while I wait for the atm thinking its some great metal beast. Or taking all yhe ground beef at the grocery store for a "great feast!" Plus one box of twinkies. Dumb shit like that :)

I really hope they release Steam OS for everyone soon. I'd love to install it on my laptop, currently running ChimeraOS which is functionally very similar, but would love to have the stuff like tdp control working in the overlays too without needing third party tools or workarounds.

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No tips, but our complex likes to offer like $100 off rent if you refer a friend to live there. Its kinda annoying when you get a pretty red and green christmasy flyer with "a gift for you!" On the top, then goes on to explain "we'll give you a pittance if you do our advertising for us"

Maybe just fix our dryer instead you fuckin dumbshits. I'd not recommend this complex to my worst enemy at this point.

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Just don't do an insurrection and you won't be barred from office based on the insurrection clause. I get some conspiracy theorists will try to paint everything as an insurrection now but if were at the point where that shit would fly I'm not sure whats stopping them from doing it already.

We've been begging the dems to stop playing fucking nice with these idiots for years. I'm all for consequences for actions. Jan 6 was definitely an attempt at subverting our elections. Trump definitely participated in it and encouraged it. To not enforce the constitution would open the doors for worse.

Voting is the bare fucking minimum. You want more change you have to do more. Help candidates you like by volunteering your time, vote in primaries especially, and your local elections. A city council member might end up mayor, might end up senator, might end up presidential hopeful. Push for ranked choice voting, write your reps and tell them that is what you want.

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Hail Stan

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Begun, the bot wars have...

The difference would be the phrasing and specifics. "Magically switch trans people to the assigned sex at birth that they desire to be?" Works for some. "Magically make trans people's bodies align with their specific and nuanced gender identity" is less of an issue. The problem you run into with the first is some are not interested in surgeries or are non binary so a full surprise sex swap would not be what some trans people want.

I still think consent is important though, even if the way the magic works is basically "they get what they want". As much as it is hard to imagine, there are also trans people who do not want to transition at all due to having family or friends who would cut them off (I think that's a pretty awful and tragic situation to be in, but imagine the trans woman who magically changes to the shock and anger of her deeply religious family or SO, who then ostracize or reject her, or even react violently). You aren't likely to be murdered for recovering from cancer, but in some places magically shifting assigned sex might come with some pretty awful, bigoted strings attached

I worked at a gas station for a while, at the time I was deeply depressed and suicidal. My boss had to deal with me vanishing from being hospitalized over a suicide attempt and he didn't fire me, or reprimand me, he got me a get well soon card, and told me to let him know when I was up to come back.

I eventually left and ended up on disability, but even when I quit he was understanding, wished me the best, and told me if I was ever looking for work again to apply there.

Good fucking guy, really did his best to make our lives easier, and make sure we were doing ok.

It doesn't though. I disagree with Biden but he's not actively trying to take away my rights. Its a lesser of two evils situation, and acting like its not is either naive or malicious.

I want ranked choice voting so it isnt always this lesser of two evils bullshit, but that's not the reality.

If you don't vote biden, that's your choice, but that isn't some brave silent protest. That's giving up. What are you doing to change things? Right now. I voted in my local elections just recently. We lost every vote, but I did it anyways. I'll be voting in any primaries I can, and for any election I'm able. When I'm financially able I'll be donating to candidates who I personally support.

Unless you want a full on revolution, work around the bullshit system we have to make it better. Realistically, I don't think there is the public will for a real revolution.

This is harsh and I mean it to be. If you don't vote you are doing nothing. If you aren't campaigning or helping somebody else do so, you're doing nothing. If you are simply whining on the Internet about how both candidates are shit and you give up, then you've given up. Don't pull this "enlightened" both sides are equally shit idiocy. Its simply not true.

If you honestly think that the only way to change is revolution, then plan one. Nobody wants to hear you shout to the void that you won't be participating in the bare minimum of directing a democracy/republic.

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I had a similar issue with a truck and just called my apartment, they had them towed at the car owner's expense. That's usually the best option is contact whoever owns the garage or property management and they'll get the asshole towed on the asshole's dime usually.

And many non-official uploads are let stay because somebody sent them a dmca and they chose to keep the video up but let monetization pay out to the org that copyright claimed the content. So the ancient "song name (hd)" video from cheeselicker9000 isn't official but the record label likely gets paid for any ad revenue they make from it. Most labels just strike the non official stuff and upload their own nowadays though. I know when I did some youtube that was one of the options for a response, just letting the claimant take ad revenue and manage monetization.

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Does the cat on my tummy come with me? If not Cheddar says that this expirement violates the cat sitting treaty of 1669

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"why can't parents beat their children more, what a horrible tragedy"

Ok bud.

I never said I supported the shit in Gaza. I don't. I want a ceasefire. I want a free and independent Palestine. What, realistically, do you want me to do to make that happen? Voting for Trump won't help. Voting third party won't help. Not voting won't help. Enlighten me.

Or is this more "if you haven't given up too you must be complicit" bullshit? What have you done? I'll continue to do what I can to make a positive change, despite the lack of power I personally have. I'd encourage you to do the same, to pick up whatever hypothetical twig you have laying around and swing it, rather than putting down others for doing what they can, in the fucked up situation we are in. Citizens have political power as a collective, not individuals, and if you back out of that collective you're just giving up what power you do have.

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Trump will be just as bad, if not worse. He regularly praises dictators for their human rights abuses and wants to reimplement a travel ban from many middle eastern countries, and has stated he doesn't want any refugees to come from those areas, I believe specifically including Gaza.

I understand the decision you've made, but I disagree. I still feel that biden v trump means I vote biden, because trump is both worse for the US, and worse for the people suffering in Palestine. I hope Biden changes his stance and actually calls for a ceasefire, and I will continue to let my representatives know this.

You do what you gotta do, but I'll never support Trump, through direct action, or inaction.

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If you are getting the game on steam keep in mind the last update broke basically all the old mods, and it was late enough after development that they didn't really get updates. If you want to mod the game or avoid it pestering you about logging into epic use the older version you can apply in the properties of the game in steam.

Also know that if you want to play coop ymmv, its a fun game but crashes and disconnects are common, and your progress with your friend might desync if you disconnect, so you may need to juggle who is hosting.

TLDR: good game, buggy coop, mod scene is sort of complicated due to late stage patches to implement EGS stuff.

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It isnt though. Check out the phawx on YouTube, he's done extensive testing.

The truth is you can underclock the 7840u but it still is less efficient at those lower wattages. I think if I remember the data right it crosses over around 12watt tdp to being as efficient then more powerful at higher clocks, but at 10w and lower the custom apu in the deck is king. The new apu for the oled deck is even more efficient at those levels too.

The point I think they're trying to make is right now nothing can beat the performance for the power at lower tdp right now, and so they want to wait for newer and better apus so they can maintain the size and battery life a best as possible, while keeping it relatively accessible cost wise.

I own a win max 2 and I can tell you that as nice as that extra 10% performance is, I spent around $1200 and my SO spent $500ish on their deck. That's why valve isn't making a deck 2.0, to hit those higher performance benchmarks the cost raises exponentially, and it isn't worth it right now for them.

Good, keep it rolling. Vote every chance you get.

I wouldn't mind a general vote each election of "keep or dismiss" for supreme court justices. Might want it to be a higher bar than just majority rules, like how an amendment requires 2/3s, but something more like 60% feels reasonable. So if a justice is just obviously corrupt or a piece of shit they can get removed without it being a simple "every year the majority party wipes the court" affair.

Or maybe basic majority would be fine, I just worry about it becoming a revolving door that encouraged lobbying and shit. I just feel like there's no ripcord for shitty justices.

Yeah cheap is one thing, dollar store is bottom of the barrel for more cost per unit most of the time. Dollar stores are also just awful in general, awful to their workers, their customers, the communities they are in, etc.

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Lemmy doesn't tip the scales, the front page is generally whatever is newest, or more upvoted/boosted/whatever. That's what users vote on. If you disagree vote against the posts you don't like, and if that doesn't help then the simple fact is that the majority of users disagree with you or want to see that content. At which point you can either complain about it, or curate your subscribed magazines/communities accordingly. Or leave.

Also why does it shock you that news about trump is big right now? He's a presidential candidate for the country with the biggest military in the world, and he's being indicted and charged on multiple federal crimes. Its just a big fucking deal regardless of your politics. And to be clear, fuck him, and republicans, but yeah. Of course people have an opinion on this, its world changing stuff. How can you be so naive lmfao.

As for fear of paid shills, you have that everywhere. I'd argue less so on something like lemmy considering its size. its always easier to just pay facebook to boost your anti vax post than build or buy a legit forum account for some random forum, then hand craft rage bait posts and use a bot army to upvote them. And on Facebook you'd reach billions of gullible mommy advice pages. Cost benefit wise I really don't think the fediverse is worth that cost yet.

The site presents posts based on user upvotes/boosts. The bias you see is the bias of the userbase. You wanna counter it? Vote and add to discussions. You just want it magically balanced? Curate your subscribed content like hell, or use multiple different websites with different biases. Forum style sites will always lean one way or the other, because whatever gets upvoted becomes the front page and attracts like minded people when they visit.

Who are you fuckin thanos? The world isn't balanced, both sides aren't equally shitty. Obviously you disagree, so if you don't like seeing opinions you disagree with make your own instance, or leave lol. Why you still here whining when you made up your mind the moment you posted? You can do what you want but this is just silly.

"Hey guys I don't like the content on the front page"

"Ok uh, well thats what users wanted to see so... You're outvoted"

"But I don't like it"

"You can curate your communities I guess?"

"But so many people disagree with me and I don't like it, it must be site wide collusion to manipulate the content because that's way more likely than people just generally disagreeing with me"

".... Ok bud well bye"

"But wait I don't like it it challenges my preconceived notions"

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Been playing age of wonder 4 with a friend, I really like that you can build your own factions and faction leaders, though I'd def install the fair play ai mod, since the ai is a lot less annoying with it.

Also void crew, its sort of like sea of thieves in space, but very much still in early access and has some obvious issues(AA seems to not work at all for me lol). Its fun so far tho.

Voting third party is a waste until we get ranked choice voting. That's the shit system we have. Implementation of ranked choice voting enables third parties, or cooperative relationships between parties. Until then its one or the other and while they both suck one is objectively worse.

sigh I'll get the spray bottle

I live in Idaho, the Boise area is very blue, and I honestly think we could swing the state if the mormon population could be convinced to stop supporting hateful people like trump. I'm exmormon and even though I really don't like the church they generally teach tolerance and love, even if its "muttering about sins and shit under your breath" kind of love. Romney is a good example of mormons who have a breaking point with the modern GOP (so is my mother, who is mormon and votes blue) and I hope more reach it this election. It's a long shot but its never impossible.

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My favorites are ffxiv, because the music is very closely woven into the story with motifs and stuff, so it brings me back to it. Its also just pretty as fuck, they do a lot of weaving other songs and musical themes into other songs, so a lot of the time you'll be in a boss fight and recognize a theme from earlier, mixed in with the boss music. Some context is spoilers, so I won't go into it, but the Endwalker final boss has the music shifting from each previous expansions themes, morphing and shifting to fit the overarching boss theme, and its fucking glorious.

Ffxiv examples:\_iNqw?si=ZbpCcY4ysC\_C8Xti

Also, the ace combat games have the most insane music, its basically a meme that "everyone's a badass until the sky starts singing latin at you" Its this really cool mix of operatic vocals and rock/synth music and its so fucking good.

Ace combat Examples:

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Any procedure to summon cthulhu is made up, so make one up. Or if it makes you feel better I'll make one up:

Cook long pasta to aldente, then spread it all over the floor, then roll around it in while praising the noodly limbs of cthon, and asking the eldritch god to wrap you up and take you to the realm between dimensions. And I dunno, pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time to confuse yourself. Confusion and the unknown are the key when it comes to eldritch beings. Add spooky LED lights that shift from green to purple.

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So my dumb guess, nothing to back it up: I bet we see govt ID tied into accounts as a regular thing. I vaguely recall it being done already in China? I dont have a source tho. But that way you're essentially limiting that power to something the govt could do, and hopefully surround that with a lot of oversight and transparency but who am I kidding, it'll probably go dystopian.

I think a discord server can be a useful tool, but a proper doc for things is also important. Definitely sucks when I want to look something up or troubleshoot an issue and have to search through discord threads for words vaguely related to my issue and find half a conversation spaced between year old memes and 3 entirely separate issues.

Yep, nuked mine just an hour or so ago. What a shame. :/

Just say a regular prayer to the christian god but call him a shithead and see if he smites ya.

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Yep lmfao

Look Cthulhu demands sacrifice, but if you can't swing pasta maybe try pipe cleaners? You might end up with crafthulhu tho.

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