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Joined 1 years ago

I don't get what your point is.

Should flathub remove the warning or proprietory software?

And why do you think snapstore would be any better in that regard?

my current guess is: this problem will mostly fix itself

youtube-ads are ridiculous. I wouldn't consume these as they are now. If I'm forced to use that site without sponsorblock and adblock, I'm tending to just never watching anything there.

So if NewPipe/Sponsorblock (and of course NewPipe+Sponsorblock) are gone, then I won't use that shit anymore and don't feel any pain.

Same as with reddit. The last weeks I visited when pointed to reddit by some search enigne, but not out of "I could browse it for fun". I didn't miss anything. Twitter? Not even trying to visit that shithole anymore, since most links are unreadable anyways.

If platforms are closing down, they will lose my interactions. More free time for me!

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my current guess is: this problem will mostly fix itself

youtube-ads are ridiculous. I wouldn't consume these as they are now. If I'm forced to use that site without sponsorblock and adblock, I'm tending to just never watching anything there.

So if NewPipe/Sponsorblock (and of course NewPipe+Sponsorblock) are gone, then I won't use that shit anymore and don't feel any pain.

Same as with reddit. The last weeks I visited when pointed to reddit by some search enigne, but not out of "I could browse it for fun". I didn't miss anything. Twitter? Not even trying to visit that shithole anymore, since most links are unreadable anyways.

If platforms are closing down, they will lose my interactions. More free time for me!

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ah… that brought back memories to when I wrote my own sudoku-generator

wanted to know how that one does it's things

Q="$(qqwing --generate 1 --difficulty $LEVEL --symmetry $SYMMETRY --csv --solution|tail -1|sed 's/./0/g')"


QQwing is software for generating and solving Sudoku puzzles.

so it doesn't do the fun parts? sad.

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nice idea - but improbable

it's much easier to take just about any girly voice and call hundreds of people instead of taking the time to make a single convincing call. Someone will "recognize" that voice.

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that's some age old struggle

idk how people still justify that clusterfuck, but it's that way since forever. I remember vividly how we were annoyed by such shit with some "cross platform" gui toolkits (or browsers) back when debian woody still was relevant.

This won't be solved in this decade. or the next.

I AM a European.

I've never heard any German claim that this should be a good country by any means.

"We've kinda got some industry" - "yeah, but china got more"

"We're relatively good at healtcare and social security" - "have you ever even heard about nordic countries?"

"Uh, freedom of religion?" - "france does it better"

"We're claimed to be exact and punctual?" - "No, that's the swiss."

"Beer and Bread?" - "That's more like the polish?"

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nah, not a catastrophe

like a dozen crashs, a whole lot of ridiculous wasted energy and way too loud - but not a single catastrophe.

It's as viable as tiny fixed wing planes for commuting. So really stupid. But it can be kinda safe-ish if done somewhat right (it won't obviously, because it has to be "cheap"ish).

It's nice. For me.

I wouldn't recommend it to anyone though. People who know how to handle the issues (i.e. how to replace the stock OS - it sucks, but /e/OS is okay) don't need my recommendation.

For most people it's just a pretty expensive mid-range-specced phone.

tell me again… how old is ext2 now?

age of the initial version might not be the best metric

the title already is about "improving kidnapping scam"

so yes, that "kidnapping scam" seems to be a thing

and scams generally work best if done low effort

fun fact: most of the time you don't want to waste time on less-guilible people, so making your scam less obvious isn't that usefull.

don't think so

they might use that for more closed down "content" like special paid-for youtube videos or to "secure" some enterprise-google-apps-access.

And that'll never be available on the very last client out there - that's kinda important for things like web search. Google is really afraid of people starting to move away from google for that.

Arató András István aka "Harold".

alternatively: just another generic show staring Gordon Ramsay

well, at least australia can always claim that their war against birds wasn't the most stupid of it's kind.

You will find new ones you like or you will watch less.

Both is fine and you will survive.

And if less people consume content on YouTube, less creators will upload their stuff ONLY there.

so… fat>ntfs?

that's not how this works

yes, but that only means it'll get closer and closer to c.

German nationalism died with Hitler

Oh, how I wish this to be even remotely true!

so you claim that portuguese run around, claiming theirs is the best country?

How about the austrians? Irish? Scotts? Danish? Polish? Czech? Croats?

Note: I wouldn't ask about Netherlands or nordic countries (because imho IF they'd claim that, then they just might kinda have a good point) or the swiss (they can claim similar, I just wouldn't follow their reasoning in the slightest).

Well, and there's the English too…

But still: what is a good example in your opinion?

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It's somewhat funny how Lenovo seems to be the only company that currently tries to be actually innovating.

And it's not even "trying really hard", but just reintroducing ideas that were around previously.

But still! That thing and the dual-screen-thingy (with bluetooth-keyboard) are somewhat new and this is better than what other vendors do.

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well, they panic while bad stuff happens…

but act? most people always only react, never act.

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but maybe in some years?

I didn't buy anything from them, after they shut down some of my wii-games multiplayer-stuff right after I bought the discs new from a store

good for me, I guess?


and I've got a client for Android, one for Linux and one for "everywhere I can ssh from"

it just works.

(and I can even forward articles with a single click)

default debian config isn't enabling sudo for created users

(and that's a good choice imo)

but you can of course use "su -" and just switch to root propperly

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back in the days I had my Linux-PC run as a bluetooth-sink, that'd work for directly connecting some chromecast to the pc

but if you'd have some audio-out on your TV (or whatever station between your chromecast and tv) then you could connect your line-in on your PC to that (and have a much preferable cable connection)

Popeye will be mad!

just bite it!

so then I'll be finally able to buy a Ryzen NUC PN53? :D

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sounds like Parahumans/Worm to me


abusive parents don't (necessarily) see themself as evil.

I'd even guess most will say they do it all FOR their child, not against. (doesn't have to be the truth)

yeah, that secondary screen (Zenbook Duo) between keyboard and display was nice too - thought about buying that, but then I really had no use for a rather large notebook.

but that's now some years old and nothing new came after it - so that's one new concept against like a dozen from lenovo?

Yeah, I'm totally seeing why using qqwing was easier, better and more robust.

It's the all-around-better way to do that and the developers of that thing probably already spend more time thinking about those problems than we'll ever do.

But… fun? :-D

I know.

but since there's that field in the install wizard, asking you for that password, I'd guess most people will provide one.m?

A company that has a long history of products literally catching fire/melting is not a company any reasonable person would call okayish.

do they though?

I mean all big companies have such cases - a bit more if they are cheap (and yes, asus mostly does cheap) - but mostly it's "more products sold equals more fire".

Just look at the tons of samsung fires! They even got some of their smartphones completely banned on flights. (btw: I'm not a fan of either)

well, I did buy a couple Asus products back in the days - all were in the "okayish" department (broad strokes okay, but some horrible descisions in the details)

that's better than what you get from most cheap hardware vendors

you shouldn't compare their consumer notebooks to the more expensive lines of business vendors (although those are now crap too)

And it's not "Samsung bad" by far.

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They believe they are top dogs but, by US standards, they are impoverished.


No, they are not.

Median wealth is way better. and that doesn't even take into account that you can get way better housing/healtcare/whatever for less money.

What are you even talking about?


didn't have enough time during the last half a decade to learn yet another thing

might be better fit than my current debian setup - but how would I ever know, since my current thing is good enough?

rss2email combined with any mail client

(best to use some dedicated mail account though)


only works as long as you don't look at details