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Joined 12 months ago

Atlanta as well. The frustrating thing is that Atlanta has MARTA, but the state refuses to fund it and MARTA's answer for everything is to divert funds away from rail to bus lines. But then the degraded rail service means more people drive than ride trains, thereby increasing gridlock, which causes bus service to suffer. So then MARTA diverts funds away from rail to bus lines...

But definitely jump for the one over $100, if you can. I have a Toto C5 and it's pure fucking luxury. Heated seat, heated water, drying fan, user profiles, the whole nine yards.

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Not sure how it can be too much money, it's literally free to use. There are ads, but there aren't many and not obtrusive at all. I haven't really noticed them. I'll probably buy the pro version just to throw some money at the developer. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind just using the free version.

Yeah, we comment in places where we see issues, leave tasks, and just mark the PR as "needs work." I ain't touching code in a branch that's not owned by me.

The amount of time it takes for our US kettle to reach temperature is ridiculous. My wife and I have a kettle that I only really use when I make us a pot of tea. It takes about 5 minutes to bring a liter of water to a boil and it doesn't get much better with less water. If I'm just making one cup, I'm just gonna put it in the microwave.

I've seriously considered getting a 220V outlet installed just for a proper kettle. We like our hot beverages, so I kinda think it would be worth it.

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My favorite YouTube channel, hands down, would have to be Sampson Boat Co. It is chronicling the ongoing efforts by a young shipwright to rebuild and restore a 112 year old wooden sailing yacht named Tally Ho. Episodes come weekly/biweekly, the cinematography is fantastic, and the people involved in the project are extremely skilled. As a woodworking hobbyist myself, it's magical seeing the things they're capable of doing. And also, wooden boat building is infinitely more complex than I ever would have imagined...

I would highly recommend watching the playlist with the episodes in chronological order.

Could've used one of these yesterday. My father-in-law needed help mounting a TV and we couldn't find a stud to save our lives. We eventually discovered that the wall had deep studs due to ½ inch chipboard in addition to the ¾ inch drywall. We literally start randomly hammering nails into the wall to find the studs, which led us to that discovery.

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My wife and I are moving to Central America next year. Once we get there, we're going to be building a partially off-grid house: electricity from solar panels with on-grid fallback, water from a spring on the property, and solar water heating. We're hoping we'll be able to grow most of our own veggies and compost whatever we possibly can.

Unfortunately, we'll need a gas-powered vehicle due to rough terrain and a severe lack of EV charging capabilities in the area. That being said, we don't drive very often at all here in the US and I expect we'll drive even less once we're down there.

App fill is a pretty useful feature of most third-party password managers. When I open an app on my phone, it will recognize which login(s) are associated with it and autofill.

Also, the ability to create and store secure notes has proved invaluable. I don't want to store things like safe combinations in plain text in my Google Drive.

I'm that dude on my team when it comes to SQL. Everyone on my team (in my whole company, it seems) follows zero formatting standards when writing SQL code. Nothing qualified, no indentation, no query hints or anything to optimize. People just get their sprocs and views into a state of "good enough" and just hit submit.

So they absolutely can arrest you for being in their presence; the minor caveat is that you have to be ordered to stop first, so you have some warning.

In practice, there won't be warnings. They'll say, out of the blue, "I told you to move away," and then arrest everyone in the vicinity.

Also, how does this bill treat cops approaching you? For example, even if the cops do give warning, what if they continuously walk towards the person warned? I think this law is ripe for abuse by cops, who famously love to abuse.

He took over Tucker Carlson's time slot, so you'll probably hear a lot more of his word vomit make it into headlines in the future. Fortunately, he seems like an idiot; unfortunately, the Fox News viewership is too dumb to notice.

Android is, or at least started as, a Linux kernel. I'm not sure where it sits relative to Linux today.

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Just watch that narrative spin around the moment one of them gets elected.

This is what I'm most concerned about with moving away from Gmail. I have literally everything associated with my Google email address and, since almost every website uses email as credentials, it means I'll have to create new accounts for everything. If I move to a new email, I'm worried if they go belly-up or just flat out close my account then I'll lose access to everything.

I'll have to look into using an alias, that would clear up a lot of my concerns.

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I think I was literally using that exact same stud finder. We were getting very sketchy hits on where the studs were located, so we started probing and found the issue.