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Joined 11 months ago

The bucket

Its not easy to search for communitys ....

Shoking who would have thought that on a monkey attack beach you could be actually attacked by some monkeys ... 🐒

Ahhhhhhhhhhh it hurts my heart cant take it all dam you.... u need to heat the car first and THEN I said THEN through the spaghetti in ... 😉 from Italy 🇮🇹

🤔mhh that's interesting how does it work in details ... Did u have to always connect from India then ? What else could I apply this trick for ... ?

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Witch burning pole on the day stripper pole on the night ... Double function double price ...

Because they would like to appreciate it at the extreme level of goodness and cut like that gets cold faster...


Ec Emm this side is the best one ....

++++++++[< +++++++++>-]<. ++++[<+++++++>-]<+. +++++++.. +++.

++++++[<+++++++>-]<++. ------------. ++++++[<+++++++++>-]<+. <. +++. ------. --------.


Or just a bad lock

If the door is made of cardboard as most us's one are u better get the cheapest one it won't make a difference.... look at an European door if u don't now what I mean...

Yeah that was pure sadism lol

Thanks man now an Ai will learn from it and prepare countermeasures!!!!

I Will host a petition to force people to put TLDRs on top of the comment ....

Maybe not yet ... I bet they will soon catch up ... Btw in italian Ammazzo means to kill can u see some similarities... 😉

As an Italian I will fall for that ... We hate France

Hey I had a lot of problem with invidious how can u mitigate the long loading times and what about the front page ... it changes content maybe once a day yeah I know I probably consume too much yt but it's pretty annoying to search for content manually...

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A knife is way better and u probably already have one

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Defenetly a serious car comunity without fuck ahead ... Like /carporn And tuning related subs...

I use stealth from fdroid from time to time its a front end with no advertising... Worth trying it out

Thanks I will definitely give it a shot I'm tired of yt policies (eventhow thanks to various addblock its normal for now ... )

Painfully ghet out from the side and park horizontally behind him ...

Lmao probably 😂

I see you man they forced us to watch it when I was 5 or 6 at school, since it lasted longer than an hour I have never seen the end ... I had nightmares for years I still can't see that movie I'm 21 and I fear nothing except that ducking movie ...

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Man I think the unbelievable part stays in the fact that that horse fucking flyies ...

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Wait wait what am I missing here ? Do unicorn fly ?

Obviously I'm vegan so it's not that wired I start a conversation with btw

That's shouldn't be right 🥁

Explaining my own joke ... the driver is driving on the wrong side

Thanks man appreciate some support I was starting to think I'm the only one to acknowledge the usefulness of this skill

Yeh here we go fine... do you think that a 8.63 to 7.96 billion dollars salary in advertising is a fair salary for basically just hosting some content ?

Yeah so why did u run ?

We don't enforce our ideas it's just that our old ancestors tryed everything and hardly found the best way to do it ... we are just highly suggest it 😉 btw we would love everyone else to highly suggest a working economic politic

Someone blow my mind with it and since then my life wasn't colplete without it... just listen me out .... You are in a rush maybe your train is leaving or something like that ... So you run right ... Yeah and if u encounter a pair of stairs climbing up you still rush by skipping steps right ... And if the stairs are going down ? Yeah you might jump the last steps but you ain't gonna gain much especially if the stairs are long or wiredly segmented ... And if I told you it's possible to descend 2 steps with a single step ? You climb stairs in a pair why not descend them in a pair too ...

It isn't that hard to learn you might slip some time while learning but I have never fell ... It's all a game of weight transfer ... Just move your weight a little back and move the leg a bit forward... Btw I found it easier with a heavy backpack too...

I was in Milan rushing for the underground train and a man in a blue suit passed me whit ease on the stairs ... Now I'm ready ... I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for revenge !!!

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Man how low have we fallen ... Don't mind paying someone to not do something he shouldn't be doing in the first place ... YouTubers dont start to make videos as a job but for passions someone found a way to monetize other ones free time and passions and only when it comes clear he was making so much money he agreed to pay the creators in the most horrible way catching everything vane excuse to not pay them at all ...

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