2 Post – 42 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

My 2019 Jetta has a 100% digital instrument cluster. It's currently broken...just a black screen. It's neat how reliable analogue instruments are.

"Rat" insinuates that they are always there and can't get rid of them. A gym rat is someone who is always at the gym.

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Absolutely. I gave up drinking 2 years as well. I'm a better artist, musician, employee, husband, and father. Alcohol just sucks.

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This is 100% real for young people. It's sad and stupid. At least they can easily figure out who will be a crappy friend.

Alan Watts contextualizes our daily lives as the outer, "fine spray" at the edge of the big bang --still exploding. Planets "people-ing" and your daily schedule, relationships, accuisition of goods, etc. is just the complex late stage of the big bang explosion. The explosion is chaos but as time goes by order slips in and creates "complexity". This is all still an explosion.


I agree with you. I think the problem is localization. If all buttons are text they're going to need translation and word length will vary. It's doable, yes. But a series of icons takes up less space and should ideally communicate universally...it's a little better if done right. If Photoshop was a bunch of words I'd be pissed off.

Yes. It takes place in America.

Same. I used to play shows wasted as hell. Sometimes I wouldn't even remember playing that night. I was having fun and thought I sounded great! But truth is that I was sloppy and never really progressing my skills.

Why did the booger break up with her boyfriend?

He was just a fling.

Your are very ignorant of how professional work is conducted. Companies want to higher people that know how to do their job and have years of experience doing it. Some places do have entry level or junior positions where some training is expected. But in general, you will be hired for the skills you have (not because you have 'potential' and they would love to spend months teaching you).

For welding and electric work, that is often learned through an apprenticeship, which aren't easy to land either. That's how a lot of trades work. But most jobs do not just offer apprenticeships or 'free teaching'.

Also, have you ever heard of Trade School?

EDIT: If your argument was true I would just ask to be a brain surgeon and have the surgeons explain it to me.

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Ok, thanks. My instance is reddthat.com (relatively small I believe) and I don't think I see a way to create a community. I will reach out to the instance admin and see if that is currently by design.

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And the word 'aesthetic' ... please add that to the list.

I hate to burst your bubble but you have to go to trade school to learn the basics of welding, then you can grab an apprenticeship to learn how to do it professionally.

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Thank you for describing your process in such detail. I'm sorry if this is going to come off as overtly contrary; that's such an impersonal convoluted way to make an image. There are good illustrators out there that can sketch roughs and make a beautiful finished painting in a night, all right out of their head. Frank Frazetta would be laughing in his grave at AI art.

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I started using sync a week and I don't believe I've seen an ad. Also, it hasn't asked me to pay to use it. Am I missing something?

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It's common knowledge now. This is not an unpopular opinion. There's a metric shit ton of research and studies that show all the ways social media is hurting us. There's a plethora of books written about it. It is the most current topic in New Media Theory.

I have a feeling the concept of separate instances here on Lemmy with throw off a lot of non-techy people. When they can't figure out how to sign up or why they need to pick a server you've lost the huge majority of the population. Maybe it's a good thing.

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I did not check the actual website. So that explains it. Thank you.

Or as that article mentions, it is also known as a Shit Sandwich. Mostly because we don't refer to sandwiches by the bread.

College is school. Early education teaches you skills to be a competent adult ...and so we don't have a population of mouth breathers.

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Guitarpedals, noiserock

But you said your job should teach you.

I'm saying that your not going to find a job that teaches you unless it is an apprenticeship (which is not a common thing outside of trades anyways)

  • Noise rock
  • Stoner rock
  • Industrial

Also, I thought Ratchet and Clank ran at a solid 60fps.

Ok Dwight.

So what is your argument then? "Not everyone needs to know Thermodynamics". Maybe that's why that is an advanced class in highschool. Do you just not like people getting a general, well-rounded education?

It looks like an English teacher never taught you how a paragraph is formatted, Mr. I-make-a-new-line-after-each-sentence.

I don't think that is a fair comparison. Electronic musicians don't outsource song construction to an algorithm that copies all the other songs on the Internet. Even though they can use midi instruments, sequencers, and samples (which do carry a known risk of copyright violation) they're still composing or performing.

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That's a large generalization. Computers were not present in early schooling for boomers. It's important to take in account when leaps in technology occured for certain generations. Computers just get faster and smaller now. It will be a bit before we see another paradigm shift similar to what occurred in the mid 90s when home computing became a norm.

With that said, I have heard of computer literacy dropping in youth despite ubibiquitous usage of social media on phones --which obviously doesn't teach you much about how computers actually work. I'm not sure what exactly to contributes to that besides that maybe we are living in a post PC world (at least outside of working professionals in the tech industry). I work in game dev with a good amount of engineers under the age of 25 that could easily school me on low level computing architecture.

It's complex.

To sum up my opinion, I don't think age as a factor alone can be used to correlate computer literacy. We are products of our environment.

It sure does. There's a lot of research in the study of New Media that points to the superficial nature of how we connect online. We're sharing banal content to weak-ties constantly. It's not real human connection. On social media we are often just staring at everyone's highlight reel. It's unhealthy. You should read, "Alone Together" by Sherry Turkel.

But it's not all grim. If you read about Participatory Culture you'll see there's an upside to New Media technology, which is the ability to be content producers, not just consumers.

Social media often fails to connect all 7 billion of us in any real, meaningingful, human way. We're all just really busy being alone together.

I didn't know that site was still around. That was my reddit before reddit.

That's a good argument. I get this. The problem that I see is that you aren't very present in the art. The AI is 100% leading you with what it knows. AI is essentially helping you create a collage of all the styles and bits of image content on the Internet. How are we going to develope new styles? A human can use their imagination and skill to create something groundbreaking and pioneering (artists had to break ground and fill the world with this art for AI to be even able to do this). AI is just going to continue to remix remixes of remixes. It's sad to me. That's not really what art is about. I'm not saying AI art isn't useful. It's a remix machine.

I have two Jabras, low and high end. I really have no complaints. I listen to music at work and switch over to calls on Teams seamlessly. Good battery capacity. "Hear Through" at the click of a button. The bass is too high but that can be easily adjusted in the companion app.

This is How You Lose the Time War

Yes, but how is that not a legitimate explanation. There's enough Americans on lemmy to see a few posts with English title capitalization.

"Oh no! My blue check!!" It's not real and it's not a display of power like he thinks.

That happened.

Right now, a game, an album, and um.. oil painted MTG Myr Tokens?


Did you just say everything is moving away from computers? Dunce.