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As a person with no diagnosis of any type, I too feel confused by people only having ‘a few’ interests and hobbies. If my time were not so finite, and I had the financial means, I’d be pursuing a lot of random things

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And best of all, they’re not even satanists. They just call themselves an edgy name

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Eh, I switched to Spotify last year (++, of course) and there’s a lot to be said in favour of the Spotify algorithm when it comes to music recommendations, as opposed to YouTube.

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Which is precisely something anyone outside the US (or other countries without a functional social healthcare system) don’t understand. Nobody outside those places is as worried about their healthcare costs dragging them into debt. Which makes sense, considering there’s no reason why an ambulance should cost between 5 and 10 thousand dollars, or a drug having to cost 5000 times the production price, when it’s initial development was funded by US taxpayers.

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Because we’re the last of the old guard? I’m gen z, and honestly I still prefer emoticons, probably because I grew used to them before emoji

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I disagree. You can both admit that the company makes one damn fine chicken sandwich and still not buy it because they support slave labour. Them supporting slave labour doesn’t make it a bad chicken sandwich, just as them making a damn good chicken sandwich doesn’t stop them from supporting slave labour. It’s the method that’s important, not the reason itself.

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Lawsuits for what? They never promised any customer that they would immediately deliver a working end product. As far as I can make out, they offer early access to an in-development product, with your purchase going toward funding development. It’s more akin to a donation with strings (access to the product).

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I mean, it’s the half-assed draft that was announced a long time back, but still, better than nothing

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They actually introduced pretty much that exact thing back in 2008, the Order of Parental Glory. Have more children to fuel the machine, please

I think in the eyes of the Government it makes a lot of sense to act the way they do, it’s a great casus belli that has been dropped into their lap to ‘finally’ wipe out Gaza.

I’d say it’s because the person you’re replying to rightfully sees it as a slippery slope. If you say this fake image that didn’t directly harm anyone is illegal, what’s to stop you from saying some other fake image that’s much more in line with social tastes is also illegal? Ie an artwork made of human shit, for example. Most people would be repulsed by that. But it doesn’t change the fact that it could be art. As long as it doesn’t concretely harm someone, it’s hard to equate it to said harm.

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That’s what humans do, though. Maybe not probability directly, but we all know that some words should be put in a certain order. We still operate within standard norms that apply to aparte group of people. LLM’s just go about it in a different way, but they achieve the same general result. If I’m drawing a human, that means there’s a ‘hand’ here, and a ‘head’ there. ‘Head’ is a weird combination of pixels that mostly look like this, ‘hand’ looks kinda like that. All depends on how the model is structured, but tell me that’s not very similar to a simplified version of how humans operate.

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Because it’s a sign they were able to get that manufacturing technology working. It means their equipment is better than it was up until very recently, and they were able to work out the kinks (mainly optics, iirc) stopping them from using ‘7nm’ nodes. It also means that the west is loosing the semiconductor production advantage it has.

Check out Asianometry, he does good videos on semiconductor manufacture, and I believe he did a video or two on China as well.

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There’s a lot of people out there who don’t have the meaning in life they need, so I’m glad at least someone’s trying something out that seems to be working

I believe I have between 100 and 200 open tabs. That’s just on my main browser. I’ll get back to them, I swear

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It’s also cheap. Shitty suicide drones can be made for less than 1000$, why bother wasting expensive materials that don’t improve success rates?

Sounds like Musk’s taking a page out of the Russian/Ukrainian oligarch book: there’s no point in paying bills ahead of time, if you can make even more money by ignoring the bill for a couple of months

To be fair to those legislators, that amendment is fairly clear with its ‘shall not be infringed’ statement. The only way out of that issue is to pass a new amendment invalidating the old one.

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And that’s the reason why LLM generated content isn’t considered creative.

I do believe that the person using the device has a right to copyright the unique method they used to generate the content, but the content itself isn’t anything worth protecting.

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Exactly. Then it’s fine. He had his chance, he didn’t take it. Fair game

The issue arises when you look at it from a geopolitics point of view. The US (aka the West) loosing manufacturing and design dominance in the semiconductor space means that there is less bargaining power to force others to do what the US wants. In the case of China, US export embargos for cutting edge semiconductor technology was meant to cripple China's technological progress, especially in the semiconductor design/production and AI model space. (Think of whatever shenanigans US companies have been doing with AI models, and what China has already demonstrated on Western hardware.)

Semiconductors are integral to modern weapon systems. If you've been keeping up with the news, you'll remember that even Russian missiles have been found to contain western-made electronics. AKA Russia has been buying US technology and adding it into their own weapon systems, rather than designing, producing and using their own. That makes Russia reliant on having a stable source of US components, be it imported legally or in spite of sanctions. The same goes for China. The fear is that China will eventually be able to manufacture weapon electronics comparable to US designs. Stealing the designs from US sources isn't particularly difficult, its always been the manufacture of said components that caused issues for China. Seemingly, that gap has been closing.

In short it's basically the issue of the West having made China the factory of the world, them having learned/being able to steal designs, and them now having the ability to produce almost anything. That makes them a strategic threat to US interests.

Anything that makes someone less reliant on you is a net negative if you wish to remain 'in charge'.

By doing controlled burns. You basically light an area on fire while it is safe to do so, and that burns up the dry material in that area. Ergo- less combustible material in times of drought.

Also, it helps clear old trees so that new trees can grow. (Additionally redwoods require fire to sprout, iirc)

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Almost everything you said, with the exception of AI CSAM and suicide prevention, can hardly be considered a serious issue.

What’s wrong with searching for how to make a bomb? If you have the wish to research it, you can probably make a bomb just by going to a public library and reading enough. The knowledge is out there anyway

I hate the fact that you’re probably right about that reason.

To be fair, it’s a fairly normal civilian construction contract. As a capitalist, you go/do the things that make money. If that includes building bridges in an active war zone, it doesn’t matter as long as the bill gets footed.

There’s nothing technically stopping you from building an android smartphone just the way you like. In fact, there’s extreme modding folks that do things like already. What we really lack is a future-proofed connector standard for component connectivity that just works.

The HU is a great band, change my mind.

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Well, his role as a symbol is more likely to resonate with people than ‘random fuck dead, more at 11’. From what I understand, most semi-intelligent people in Russia know how fucked it is anyway, it probably helps to appeal to that.

Just as there’s apparently still thousands of new-in-box lend-lease M1928 submachine-guns in storage. I’d wager a lot of large countries have similar stockpiles, especially places like Russia that can absolutely afford to just dump shit in random places.

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Except that you can’t deny that Arab countries have consistently, and for a long time, been both directly invested in the destruction of Israel, and in ensuring that Palestinians believe they too have a chance of ‘winning’.

The only objective difference between the ‘win’ condition of Palestine, the complete eradication of Israel, and the inverse desire by Israel to completely remove Palestine is that Israel actually possesses the funding and has a sufficient excuse to see it through.

Unless you keep that in mind, I see no possibility of solving the conflict in a lasting way.

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Half-foreign. That’s enough to generate a higher interest in her compared to full ‘locals’

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Probably should be mentioned too that there’s the very clever idea of simply repurposing existing coal power plants to run nuclear fuel. The main ‘expense’ of nuclear power plants, as I understand, is the general equipment itself, not the nuclear core. Those can be built much quicker than building an entire plant from scratch.

It's more of a weapon system and AI-model issue. Think of Russians using missiles filled with Chinese-manufacturered electronics rather than US ones. Now US sanctions are less effective (even in the face of all the smuggling that happens anyway).

In the same way, think of China training militarily useful AI models on hardware they no longer need the US to supply. Things like models for more effectively deadly biological or chemical compounds. Or even targeting and decision making algorithms. In a war, they would be able make their own hardware to support such efforts, rather than being reliant on the US.

Ultimately, it doesn't matter in times of peace, or if we were all able to get along with each other. But seeing as everyone is trying to have an advantage on all other potential enemies, this presents a problem.

The short hand answer I’d try to give people is ‘it’s statistics’. Based on training data, there’s a certain chance of certain words being in proximity of each other. There’s no reasoning behind placement, other than whatever pattern is discernible from known situation.

I’ve turned to adding a ZWSP (no width Unicode) between the : and ) parts of the character, that works pretty well. It’s a bit of a hassle, of course

If anything, a lot of the stuff I used to use Reddit for is still only available on Reddit.

On the plus side though, I no longer scroll Reddit, and only use it when I need to get some information on a topic

Wouldn’t that lead to the same argument as originally brought against photography, though?

A photographer is effectively negotiating with the sun, the sky and everything else to hopefully get the result they are looking for on their device.

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Maybe reach out to the smaller artists, then? I’m sure most of them aren’t opposed to sending you a file if you pay

Cereal, mostly. Or other ‘breakfasty’ carbs. On the weekend I might “spice it up” with bacon and eggs and a glass of orange juice.

EDIT: also, wanted to add that consuming a bunch of fat tends to make you less hungry. So that’s normal. It should in fact be condusive to making you eat less, so long as you don’t eat way too many calories in fat.

It was still a bad post, at least based on how it reads to the average unknowing person.

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