
2 Post – 65 Comments
Joined 4 months ago

I've been using noscript for years.

Yeah, it took me about that long to get my regular websites working right too. And then i had to reinstall for unrelated reasons and all that customisation was gone.

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I can hate two things at once. You act like it's hard.

Article notes this doesn't account for VPNs.

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In case you haven't seen them, i just wanna make sure you've heard of these guys; https://notawheelchair.com/

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There's at least one for sale; https://osmc.tv/vero/

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Dude's got a chair handle in his pants.

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Evolution: spends billions of years exclusively selecting organisms that reproduce Lucidlethargy: "All these people having kids isn't natural, They must have brain parasites, it makes no sense other wise" Evolution: jackie chan what-the-huh meme

Thankfully we can still enjoy the flash games online at least. http://www.flashgamearchive.com/

Assuming you're based in the US.

Anything on usajobs.gov that you can message your resume into matching will do a good job of having good benefits, relatively low stress, and average pay.

Don't use the builder on the website; it breaks and makes your resume illegible sometimes. Do look into what a federal resume has to look like in order to work.

A lot of other veterans would agree with you. Memorial day is for the ones that didnt make it home. This dumbass mightve been better off following their footsteps if this is his usual level of thoughtfulness.

They are and it is. This was anounced two months ago, though i didnt find any articles about google paying for or directly contributing to videolan for the use of it.


You're supposed to review the generated cover letter first.

God no. X264 is way worse than x265 is way worse than av1 for quality by size.

Yes, everything made in the past 15 years can do x264, but that does not mean it is a good idea. Only do x264 if you have a specific device that needs it. Otherwise, x265 is a better choice for long term storage.

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It's open source, so you're right, it won't. I use mine as a jellyfin box.

It's not just limited to Canada, it's limited to a single ISP in Canada posting their traffic stats.

I completely agree. This is also why I find find teams and discord to be especially frustrating; they're slow out of the box on the literal best possible hardware.

Tl:dw; She's a social person and cobol is an antisocial type of job, there's nothing wrong with the cobol job industry as a whole, and it's generally an incredibly stable position to have.

That's an art choice. They wen from gritty DC realism to cute chibi art to emphasize the disparity between what they're pretending to be and what they're actually doing.

I thought it was just regular old sexism; woman getting stronk has the men with fragile egos feeling scared.

You can significantly speed this process up by putting the cache folder on an ssd, instead of the same hard drive the videos are on.

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Linus is many things, but I never saw him "shill" for anything that wasn't clearly labeled as such.

From their website;

OARS relies on honest answers from upstream projects and is purely informational.

Gotta admit, despite being bi, i still avoid most m/m stories on the amateur writing sites i follow. Shit gets weird fast.

Used latitude.

You probably didn't need them anyways.

I like / use fitotrack (on the rare days i go out for runs). It has altitude / height of my runs, as well as custom exercise setups, and local exercise data backups. I'm quite happy with it as a tool for tracking cardio.

Craft computing has been chasing this for several years now. His most recent attempt being the most successful one. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RvpAF77G8_8

They've changed their error message. Now they're just fucking with us.

I did a comparison trying to find where my personal "good enough" and techinically indistinguishable crf levels were at a little while ago. It may be worth looking into as a start. I've never really touched hdr before though.

Comparing compression levels

lmao, you don't need to take this very general statement so personally.

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They've been doing this since the russians first invaded; painful sanctions with threats of even more painful sanctions if things continue. You don't cut off everything instantly, it leaves you with nothing to negotiate with if they push even further. It also causes trust issues with other countries if you cut off someone completely for one (admittedly major) fuckup. That's how you lose allies.

Also worth noting is this quote from the treasury department (thanks botzo);

"To deny Russia the resources necessary to support its brutal war against Ukraine, Treasury is designating targets including a major cog in Russia’s financial infrastructure; more than two dozen third-country sanctions evaders in Europe, East Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East; and hundreds of entities in Russia’s military-industrial base and other key sectors."

Theyre adding sanctions for proxy countries that are being used to get around already established sanctions. Cleanup, essentially.

The vero V supports av1. As far as im aware it is the most modern player with support for most every codec (except dolby vision) out there.

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Nah. Dishwashers use about three gallons for a single wash. Im saving water when i run it with more than four dishes in it. That happens every other night.

No its not. My fingers are at the bottom. Mouse is waay different from that.

Both. How quickly a server can send a webpage with images (even if they're small) is directly proportional to the storage mediums seeks times. The worse the seek times, the less 'responsive' a website feels. Hard drives are a terrible location to keep your metadata.

The server scan will search for the files, look them up and grab metadata, and then store that metadata in the metadata location. If your metadata location is the same spot as your movie, it will cause some major thrashing, and will significantly increase the scan time for jellyfin. Essentially, it gets bogged down trying to read and write lots of tiny files on the same drive, the absolute worst case scenario for a hard drive to have.

If the movies are on a hard drive, and the metadata on an ssd (or even just a different hard drive) the pipeline will be a lot less problematic.


Unless meant, like, cumulatively. In that case it's more dependent on your choices than the tech itself.

You'll probbly want samba then. Much easier to set up, including account security.

I personally switched from samba to nfs for my linux iso collection because the overhead was causing lag on my tv box. Books won't have this issue.

I have really enjoyed my vero 4k. they came out with a new version (vero v), which I haven't used, but now has av1 support. my older model, the 4k+ version, has done everything great, with the exception of handling IR, which it did a mediocre job of managing. Linux irrecord is ass, but the vero software mitigates it by having a premade library of common remotes.

Their user forums are actually really great, their software support is also pretty good. I had help from both with setting my box up to match my TV feature set.

The vero V looks to be over budget for you, but if you end up deciding you need to spend money to get a solid product, i definitely recommend this one.

As soon as i finish buying my house im very seriously considering whitelisting my calls.

Would still do the nasty with him.