
0 Post – 96 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who, in the blue applesauce fuck, is still playing d4? Am I missing something? Did it get significantly reworked? I played a few weeks and put it down, like I thought most others did. Should I check it out again?

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Here's the thing, though, and I honestly don't know where I stand myself, but better rpg, chrono or earthbound? Your comment made me ask myself.

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And for the rest of my days, upon needing a sharp object, "I require a cutting tool."


Guys, I figured it out. Remember when, seemingly from out of nowhere, Russell brand was like, I TOTALLY NEVER DID NO SHIT LIKE...!



"If they were killing 300 white women a year, you don't think they'd have the 82nd Airborne down here?"

As a country and species, we need to be open and honest and start facing these issues directly. I agree with this mother's sentiment.

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You know what I like most about that license plate. They spent more money... to the state... to show their disdain... for the state. It's impressively myopic.

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Ohhhhh boy, I get to nerd out. OK, super short story; reading and chatting about The Expanse book series got me pointed towards the work of Alastair Reynolds. The early parts of his universes arch aren't really relevant for your purposes, but in the latter books, how humanity survives on lifeless rocks, is exactly what you're looking for. Plus, he's a astrophysicist doctor, iirc, and it is quite quite good hard Sci Fi.

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Sooooooo, space elevator?

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I'm gonna need them to go simpler. Why not just gooder or lesser worst?

And, also keeps him from danger in the ensuing massacre with the colonial marines. Ripley real.

I mean, sure, but what are we gonna do, vote for Kang?

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Can we get THIS fucking comment on the front page please? Outstanding work, friend! Sincere thanks!

Your efforts to keep it all above board are appreciated, truly.

Agree, but dammit all if I didn't come here to just dap you for the final turn of phrase. Haven't heard that in ages, well done.

Water wet, more at 11.

But seriously, it's game of the year. Thoughts?

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Someone's hopeful for Doom.

Yes, thanks to all for contributing and assisting. I am grateful for the clarification and leg work. Folks say reddit had this, and lemmy has less, so every time I see it, I make sure to appreciate it.

Seeing names pop up here that I know are just trolls. It's actually kinda a bummer. Like the Santa maggot guy. Quite certain they are not here to be helpful, so why glorify them? That said, we know Picard is legit so three cheers to them.

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You're coming after my Rimworld?! BITCH IS YOU CRAZY?!

Not to get too personal here mate, but fuck that and fuck her. She's dead, you're still here, and I believe in you. You got this!

Excellent take. Well said. Thanks for sharing!

I hate the state so much I paid it more money just to show everyone on my trucks license plate how much I hate the state. Merp.

No friend, no, I'm sorry, but the whole world just wouldn't work if that were actually the case. Humanity is inherently altruistic. The issue is that people struggle to be that and survive. We just have to ramp down the me:first and push more for society. EU is starting to make those in-roads, so stay positive!

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I heard this picture.

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113 times a second, it reaches out.

If you don't go for round 3, imma be disappointed.

I will take time out of my day and thank you. Fucking SMORT! Get'em girls!

Way too broad a brush, mate.

And her furs are Mongolian...

Damn I guess that anger management class didn't do shit.


I wish to both damn and bless you. Well done.

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This was at the bottom, and I had left the thread before I realized what I glimpsed. My god friend, well done.

I'm seeing a lot of wrong answers, and as a native speaker, I must interject.

How. Do. Ken.

How do, Ken?

Thank you.

I don't mean to interrupt here, but you two should exchange numbers. This is some non Bonnie coffee here, and I am quite enthralled. Well played you two.

Don't you go being all succinctly accurate now. Ain't nobody got time for that.

I see ya down here, bud, and I liked the cut of your jib.


Would it be crass to suggest I think I know his ideological alignment?

Fellow noncom here. Hug mate. Big fucking hug. I know EXACTLY what you're saying here.