
3 Post – 177 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Not counting my "fancy" tea - loose leaf stuff etc. I always default to Twinings English Breakfast.

The moment you exclude any group or persons from your licence, it is, by definition, no longer open source.

Of course that doesn't sit well with some people and there are some initiatives to try to account for that, for example the Hippocratic License that allows you to customise your licence to specifically exclude groups that might use your software to cause harm or the Do No Harm license with similar goals.

Honestly, I find it hard to object to the idea. Some might argue it is a slippery slope away from the ideals of software freedom (as has been the case with some of the contraversial licenses recently like BSL and Hashicorp. I'm not a hardline idealist in the same way and if these more restrictive licenses that restrict some freedoms still produce software that might otherwise not exist then I'm happy they are around.

Would I use one? Probably not, for me, whilst I like the idea, I think the controversy generated by using a non-standard licence would become its defining feature and would put off a lot of people from contributing to the project.

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From the conversation it seems to be a similar situation to the project I'm with is in. The flatpak is essentially community maintained rather than being directly supported by the team. To become verified it needs to be done so by a representative of the maintainers of the software. To be verified it doesn't have to have a team member involved in it but this is a requirement Inkscape seem to have imposed.

For us we just aren't in a position to want to support it officially just yet, we have some major upgrades coming to our underlying tech stack that will introduce a whole bunch of stuff that will allow various XDG portals etc. to work properly with the Flatpak sandboxing model. To support it now would involve tons of workarounds which would need to be removed later.

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There is a difference between censorship and the right to not have to listen to somebody. Being banned from having a platform to speak from could count as censorship (for example being banned from Reddit). However with Lemmy those on lemmygrad are free to say whatever they want, the difference is that everyone else is just as free to not have to listen. The idea of the Lemmy instances is that they have the ability to curate content - an instance catering to an LGBT community is not going to want to have to listen to right wing evangelicals and you join up on that knowledge. If you want to have the option to hear every single voice then join an instance with that mindset or just host your own.

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I have to admit that I don't. I have done a couple of one-off donations before but I generally hope that my karma is balanced by some of the effort I put into helping out with a couple of projects.

That said, I've been utterly floored as to how generous the community has been with donating to one project I help with in particular. We added a donation platform with OpenCollective early on in the project but kind of hid the link away a little in the navbar, I thought we might get a tiny bit thrown at us every so often. When Distrotube did a video on us, one of the comments he made is that we should make the Donate button much more obvious, we did and now we have a whole bunch of super generous sponsors backing the project and making it possible. We keep the spending as open as we possibly can - it mostly goes into our backend hosting costs and website stuff and really does help it all stay alive.

The Brexit lies and their perpetrators are indelibly etched into my brain.

Somewhat self promoting for the first two of these items as I'm directly involved. Leaving out the more obvious ones (Linux distro etc.) as they will have been mentioned. I'll stick to some of the less known things I use.

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A bit of gratuitous self promotion but just to let people know if you liked Atom and are still using it or maybe you migrated to a new editor and still miss Atom, it was forked as Pulsar which is entirely community-led and is seeing a lot of active development to bring it up to date. We also have a lemmy community at !pulsaredit@lemmy.ml

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I think a lot of the flak directed towards snap would be mitigated if they made the backend open source. I know there are some efforts to produce alternative backends (although the one I knew about lol / lol-server seems to have gone dark).

Another issue is Canonical's rather strong armed and forceful approach to making people use snaps rather than the OSs native packaging system, again, not something that should be an issue in theory but when people already have a negative view of the format to start with...

Personally I don't really have an issue with Snaps. I've had more luck with them and fewer issues than Flatpaks (which I also tend to avoid like the plague) but that is probably just because I prefer to use appimages or native packages rather than having to fight the sandbox permissions and weird things it can do to apps that don't take Snaps and Flatpaks properly into account.

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It isn't quite correct. Darwin is actually an open source operating system at the heart of macOS which is based mostly on a bunch of BSD and nextstep stuff. The actual kernel is XNU, based on the Mach kernel.

I've been keeping a list of alternatives for a while now that I really like:

  • Pulsar - An actively developed fork of Atom once Microsoft killed it off. Disclosure: I'm on the Pulsar team so I'm more than a little biased here but if you want to get involved we are always after people who want to contribute and we have a very friendly and active Discord server. First thing we did was re-implement the package backend and migrate it so we were able to keep the thousands and thousands of community packages for download.

  • Lite-XL - A really lightweight and fast editor written in C and Lua that is very actively developed. I use this on some less powerful systems.

  • Lapce - Another lightweight and very fast editor written in Rust and is in the middle of moving to their own UI framework. Not that extensible at the moment but supports LSP plugins.

Then for terminal based editors I really like Helix which is vim-like but uses a selection -> action model (like Kakoune). I really like it because it requires almost no configuration.

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Forgejo itself is hosted on Codeberg, dogfooding itself
Foot terminal emulator
Tenacity Audacity fork
xmobar status bar written in (and configured in) Haskell
Redox Unix-like OS written in Rust
RISC OS Open the original ARM OS, still seeing active development

Entirely accidental. I'm not a developer and at most I had dabbled with a Linux in the past but nothing beyond a couple of VirtualBox VMs, I just didn't see or have a need for it.

Around late 2020 the note taking app Evernote changed a bunch of stuff. I had been using Evernote for years and suddenly they updated to a new feature-poor app and placed a bunch of restrictions on the free accounts. That prompted me to look at "free" (free as in money, not as in freedom) alternatives. I stumbled upon Joplin and really liked it. I noticed a few things I thought could be improved as well as a few bugs so I joined and started hanging around on the forums. At some point I realised I could probably fix one of these small issues myself (without any programming knowledge beyond some SQL) and, with some help and encouragement from some of the maintainers, was able to build the app from source, fix the issue and create a PR. I then got more involved with the community and started to improve the documentation.

That is when the open source bug bit me. I installed Linux as it just seemed (and was) easier than doing this kind of thing on Windows. I was invited to the Joplin team, got involved with Google Summer of Code as a mentor for Joplin and otherwise really got into it.

Then it all stepped up massively last year when GitHub announced they were killing off the Atom text editor. Whilst looking for alternatives I got involved with atom-community which then split off to create a fork of Atom, Pulsar which was a mad rush to get everything together. Not only save what we could of Atom (the package repository wasn't open source) but also to keep momentum going and make sure that those people using Atom still had somewhere to go and try to gather some sort of community whilst it was still somewhat relevant.

And yeah, otherwise now almost exclusively use open source stuff and try to get involved with the communities of other open source projects.

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Just gonna go with the original

Bob. Always Bob.

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I think they mean "watch out" as in "keep an eye out for" rather than "be careful of".

On a different note I love that you have Pulsar on there :), I'm one of the team working on it so its always nice to see it mentioned in places.

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From wikipedia:

The number 76 in the company name is a reference to 1776, the year the American Revolution took place. Richell explained that the company hoped to spark an "open source revolution", giving consumers a choice to not use proprietary software.

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Battleborne - I found it enjoyable but because it was superficially similar to Overwatch it absolutely bombed.

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Going to throw in Open source is not about you as a relevant related read.

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For me the analogy doesn't completely work. It isn't necessarily just about the monopoly but also the ideology. Steam's existance doesn't really come into conflict with the purpose it serves where with GitHub you have a proprietary closed source system acting as the hub of the open source community which just doesn't sit quite right with me.

Totally agree, GitHub offers an awful lot of good stuff that is really attractive and great to create a thriving community around your project that simply isn't offered by others (not their fault, not many have the same resources that Microsoft can throw at things) hence why I'm asking what kind of thing bar a GitHub catastrophic "event" could entice people away.

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Pandoc. I'm not even sure there is a decent alternative.

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I find it very weird and it feels very nationalist/right-wing. In other countries the USA does not bring the concept of "freedom" to mind and, whilst it may be fine to Americans, doesn't really make me want to get involved with them as a potential international customer.

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"Try not to be a dick" is probably the most base but somehow most meaningful phrase I've ever heard and I try to live by it. Sure there is a lot more to me and things go a lot deeper but I feel if everyone at least attempted to adhere to it then who knows what things might be like.

As one of the Pulsar team, thanks for the support! Always nice to see it being recommended on these kinds of threads.

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Common pipistrelle. It is a story I love telling people. One hot summer evening I heard one of my cats making weird noises, found her hunting something which was trying to get away. Thought it was a mouse but then it flew... I managed to remove said cat from the situation and came face to face with the little bat which was baring its teeth and squeaking at me but looked absolutely knackered with a couple of teeth marks where the cat had caught it.

I found a box and trapped the poor thing under it and then realised that I now had an injured bat in a box and no idea what to do... So had a quick google of "what to do with injured bat". I found the website for the UK bat conversation group who have a handy page on "Help I've found a bat" and tells you exactly what to do (basically make a little box for the bat and phone the national bat helpline).

As it was late I had to keep the little bat overnight and call the helpline again in the morning to get a bat rescuer volunteer to pick up the bat. Unfortunately when I did call they were all busy and the one who could get to me was going in completely the opposite direction. However I found out the nearest bat hospital was only about 10 miles down the road in a village not far from me. So I headed out on a stupidly hot (ok yes, hot for UK standards) day armed with my bat-in-a-box.

When I got there it was literally somebody's (rather nice) house and they had converted a bunch of rooms downstairs to be dedicated to bat care. I got to see them examine the bat and put it in its new temporary home whilst they give it antibiotics (apparently being bitten by a cat with no antibiotics is nearly a certain death sentence). Then after being told some bat info and given a bat rescue pack I was sent on my way home with my story of my little bat friend.

Here is a terrible picture of the bat:

And of the culprit:

It kind of went a bit unmaintained and any news on it was a bit silent.


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At least for the moment I'm doing it because it is fun. The main project I'm involved with is a fork of something that was pushed to the side and killed off by the big corporation developing it. Are there other tools that do the same job? Yes. But the fact that a small community came together to save the application they liked and is having fun working on it is the only justification I need.

Some of us say anticlockwise instead

Unfortunately this means that sometimes the project maintainers get complaints and not the package maintainer. Two projects I'm involved with don't officially support Flatpak. With one of them we do want to support it eventually but things just aren't there are and we have far bigger fish to fry.
The problem is that some well meaning people have created flatpaks and published them to flathub which means every single time something breaks or doesn't work correctly they come to the actual project to complain about something we didn't even do.

I really like matcha. It is just a little go app (17MB) that is configured with a config file. You can use it to display in-terminal or, what you are meant to do, run it and it generates a markdown file as a "digest" of the feeds you configure, easy to trigger it manually or you can set up a cron job/systemd timer to do it on a schedule.

I didn't even realise what the '76' in the name was meant to be until that comment, thats really rather cheesy...

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The webbed fingers are an evolutionary advantage for paddling in the broads

Personally I think it's fine-ish given the actual number of topics being created - it seems to be easily low enough to not cause questions adhereing to the rules to be pushed down the list and buried with easier or more sensational questions. I think the danger of being a stickler to the rules is that you just drive people away or make them too intimidated to ask. Yeah it is annoying but I think it is fine to just downvote and move on as you say. Splitting the community I think would potentially do even more damage.

Now if there were significantly more topics being created per day then my answer would be different and I would absolutely encourage more active moderation and adherence to the rules.

Nope, don't like them. Nor snaps. I find the sandbox nature annoying and many developers don't actually seem to understand it correctly anyway meaning you have to use flatseal etc. Then having to deal with some apps writing config within the sandbox and some writing it outside the sandbox...

My order of preference is generally I pick the "official" supported version as opposed to any community maintained ones. Then within that:

  • Install via the language's package manager (cargo, npm, pipx, cabal etc.)
  • Appimage
  • Native package (.deb, .rpm etc.)
  • Plain binary
  • Build from source
  • Snap
  • Flatpak
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GNU Guix?

A viable alternative to the Blink and WebKit dominance to allow something other than every browser being Chromium.

Firefox's Gecko engine is rather tied into the browser meaning nearly all Gecko based browsers are just Firefox with pre-config and extensions.

I'm keeping an eye on Servo and Vox as what seem to be the most viable alternatives currently in development.

Yay, always nice to see people mention it (outside of myself just shouting it into the void :P) - we are active on Lemmy now at !pulsaredit@lemmy.ml too.

Open source hardware is a thing, there are tons of projects on places like Hackaday but it feels to me like it will never quite reach the same level of success as open source software simply because it is much harder to do.

The main exception to this is obviously 3d printing where people happily share their designs and things for people to print and "remix" (i.e. fork) under CC licences.

The problem I think is that electronics is difficult and expensive (especially for "one off" orders for things like PCBs) for the most part which is why you seem to end up with two camps.

  1. Hobbyists making their own electronics at their own cost and making stuff available. If you are lucky there might be a company willing to make batch orders of the custom parts along with the rest of the components as a DIY kit (which, depending on your soldering skill might be easy or extremely difficult with the possibility of ruining it) or they might pre-assemble the kit for you.

  2. Companies making OSH products but there is little appetite for anyone to fork it or create a competing version in such a niche space. ClockWorkPi come to mind here with some neat little hand held computers they sell but also make the plans available for. To date I don't think I've heard of anyone making a clone from scratch or forking it to make their own modified version as the cost would be so extreme compared to just ordering the original.

So yeah, I think there is appetite for open source hardware but the high costs, practical electronic skills and ease of damaging expensive parts means that I think things will stay less active in that space. I'd love to see more, for example if super cheap prototype PCBs and pre-assembled kits could be ordered at far cheaper prices than are currently possible. Or an easy and cheap "PCB printer" with associated parts picker/placer/soldering machine to make the process of prototyping a project as easy as just ordering a bunch of generic and off the shelf parts then downloading a file or two to send to the machines. I can dream can't I?

Edit: Seems desktop PCB printing may be possible for a cool $5k (https://www.voltera.io/v-one) or £11.5k (https://www.fortex.co.uk/product/sv2-pcb-printer/). Maybe we might see a revolution in this space in the not to far future like we saw with 3d printing that brought the technology to the masses.

Edit 2: Somewhat meta - a hackaday project for a pick and place machine - https://hackaday.io/project/9319-diy-pick-and-place

Are there any stats to suggest that? I don't mean in a "prove it or gtfo" kind of way but I maintain a community for the Pulsar text editor on lemmy.ml (back before it was cool /hipster) when there weren't really any other (popular) instances. We have no political ideology (as a group, not speaking for individuals within it) and it is meant to be a Fediverse alternative to our Subreddit for discussion and support. The last thing I want is for people to not have access to it because instances are blocking it or people are shying away from lemmy.ml in general.