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Joined 11 months ago

I mean i enjoyed palworld quite a lot. Id consider it a good game. Generally player counts come from either enjoyable gameplay or brain manipulation tactics like dailies/FOMO - palworld doesnt really have the latter from what I see. It checks lots of boxes for enjoyable gameplay - rpg elements, open world with exploration. meaningful collection, creativity options via base building, and some level of tactics/strategy in teambuilding and combat.

I dont blame her tbh. I have onedrive completely disabled on my personal pc, but on my work laptop Windows defaults everything to onedrive and names the onedrive folders identically to your local ones.

They probably assumed people would know which state they're talking about. Classic Maine character syndrome.

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"While another ended up spending nearly a week in jail because he initially couldn’t afford to hire an attorney."

Regardless of context, this sentence is so dystopian and fucked up.

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This is true even today. Ads are shady af and even the top link on Google is often a literal scam/virus. Ie for years if you looked up the most popular game client for runescape - runelite - the very first link was a fake version that stole your login info. They paid Google and Google said 'not my problem'. Not to even mention ads on other sites like Facebook. Even in the cases where an ad isnt a blatant scam or virus, ads are inherently dishonest by design and there is no consequence for using them to lie about your product.

and literally any other developer

Ever hear of FromSoft?

Its easy to miss entire zones and dozens of bosses in a playthrough. You can kill an npc or make a dialogue choice and miss their entire questline in Elden Ring/dark souls. They intentionally hide these things so you could never even know you're missing huge chunks of content.

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That would almost certainly be a better method than superdelegates and corporations/lobbyists/PACs influencing the election. The election is a year out and we already know with certainty who our two choices will be, and at least one of them would never be an option for most people.

Um what about Jan 1 1970?

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The article literally says they sell your data to advertising partners. You're paying a monthly subscription to give away your personal data for something as basic as a fucking printer. If HP doesn't die my hope in humanity will be gone.

Imagine your thermostat sold your data so companies could solicit you with coats to buy, or your fridge sold the data of what food you have so shitty brands can beg you to buy their low quality trash because they spent half their budget on advertising.

I'm preaching to the choir but god I hate the ever growing data broker/aggressive targeted advertising trend.

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Elon better watch out! Four more of those and they might get a formal warning! A few of those in human trials and that could lead to a write up. Five of those and they'll be looking at the possibility of a flat fine of an amount limited by the state!

To take your last point even further, others have a responsibility to prevent you from sterilizing yourself. To take it even further, they have a responsibility to force you to reproduce as long as you have the potential.

A fetus is not a child.

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Just use notepad++?

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Most of the games id be willing to pay $60 for are indie games that are <$20.

Hollow knight comes to mind. Diablo does not.

It did what ark failed to do for years and polished the shit off

Not sure I'd really consider it boycotting if their product is garbage anyways

Darkwood is terrifying especially with perma death on. Less emphasis on jump scares, more on terrifying environments and suspense.

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Yeah I mean I thought divinity combat was fun. I could make massive plays to freeze everyone, create all sorts of elemental clouds and surfaces, group enemies up with teleports, etc. Some combos were definitely OP but that's what makes it fun + you could ramp up difficulty with mods and such. You could also cast spells for fun or teleport just to get around the map without having to long rest. Baldur's gate is much slower paced and playing with the elements like that seems way less viable.

To be fair, most of the content is written by AI's, so it's AI training AI

No this is completely different. The h is always silent in "hour". It is not silent in "history"/"historic". You can say "an 'istoric moment" if you insist but you'd better also say 'istory or 'istoric in other contexts otherwise you're just being inconsistent.

Gamers can understand this. Casinos understand this. But how do you articulate the difference to a court or actually legislate against it? FOMO is usually used in a predatory way, like with daily rewards. Paid random lootboxes are definitely predatory, but other rng systems can be genuinely fun. Not an easy problem to solve without stepping on toes.

Dailies are probably something that could be solved with targetted legislation. Harmful to player mental health just to boost stats for investors. Some games need to limit progression, but there are loads of ways to do so other than dailies.

Subscribing gives you a 1/200 million chance of being part of one of his videos/giveaways. That'll do it.

This looks much more egregious than palworld/pokemon. Palword has very distinct gameplay from pokemon and adds many features and gameplay elements that nintendo has never done. It's much more similar to Ark if anything in terms of gameplay. The only thing it takes from pokemon is the fact that it's a creature collector game and a couple of the pals look like they were generated by ai trained on a database of creatures from other games, but even that isnt conclusive. It definitely takes inspiration from Zelda, but again thats a few gameplay elements, not the whole game.

There's a massive network of tunnels with 1000 tons of hummus underneath it.

Baldur's gate, Elden ring, Factorio, Stardew valley, Terraria, Subnautica, BotW, Hollow Knight, Project Zomboid, Kenshi, Rimworld, Risk of Rain, Ori, RDR2, Slay the Spire, Valheim.

Plenty of amazing games. If literally none of them are enjoyable, you may have depression.

It is missing too much to call it like factorio or even rimworld as you cant even set task priority or do much optimization, but it has the foundation and could certainly go that route with some major ai improvements.

I also just got a new job jan 1st. Submitted applications for a few positions, got an interview with 1 and an offer. 40% salary increase. Meanwhile my company was talking about how they couldn't offer any raises because the job market was so bad right now lmao.

You wouldn't ask your boomer parents to block ads that will likely get them to install viruses or get scammed? They are easily the demographic that would benefit the most from ublock.

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California needs to sell all their available housing ASAP, especially for Chinese real estate tycoons with dependent investors

Maybe let me disable the useless emoji feature that pops up on mouseover rather than right click, maybe make it so copying messages after a triple click doesn't copy the timestamp and sender by default but rather just the damn message contents, maybe add some of the incredibly useful features that apps like discord added years ago ie adjusting volume of specific people in a call, better noise filters, customization options beyond the extremely basic options they have right now, etc.

Abraham Lincoln.

Are you not logged in? I get the message but not in a private window

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I tried posting a negative review that mentioned a quid pro quo (offered a gift card in exchange for a 5 star review) and Amazon removed it for not being relevant to the product. So baseless 5 star reviews are allowed but not 1 star reviews.

The anime was pretty disappointing after having played the game. I feel like it could've been adapted well with a bit more creativity.

Add farming and base building and I'm in.

At least 11 but no more than 40

You're about to be mugged, when suddenly, the mugger is swept up by a tornado! "What a relief!", you think, as you float 100 feet up into the air.

They are following the teachings of supply side Jesus, who would never let an environmentalist poison our children's minds with ideas, but instead with lead, microplastics, and clean coal!

The confusion stems from the fact that laymen use force and mass interchangeably as they are always on earth and changes in altitude aren't significant enough to worry about. Standing on a European scale and seeing a measurement in kg isn't entirely accurate- it's actually measuring Newtons and implying your mass in kg from that. Standing on an American scale, however, is literally measuring your weight in lbf. However, there is also a confusing unit called lbm or pounds mass which measures the mass of a 1lbf weight object on earth. The average person will never use lbm realistically, but this is technically the unit that converts directly to kg.

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No, pounds in the traditional usage refer to lbf, or weight. If you stand on a scale, it measures the force you're exerting on the scale, which is absolutely distinct from mass because the exact same scale would show a different value on Mt Everest despite you not losing any mass. Every practical use will be measuring lbf. Ie PSI, or pounds per square inch, is clearly referring to force over an area, not mass.

1 lbm weighs 1 lbf on earth, which implies that accelerating a 1lbm object at a rate of 32.2ft/s2 requires 1lbf.

Engineers are the few types of people that actually use lbm and slugs. Sensible ones will prefer to just use metric.

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