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Joined 1 years ago


That reminds me of the Action Lab video on a 4D ball.

This is hilarious! The mods are being compensated for their time with shiny gold stars!

This would be fine for small independent forums that don't really make a profit, but for spezzit? More fool them.

Never mind that, Windows 10 did an update a couple of days ago, and now my dual boot screen has gone. I literally can't start my Linux Mint anymore, it boots straight to Windows :(

There is a way to get it back with the command line, but my computer nerd days are over.

I'm assuming that command needs to be edited to whatever my setup is, I have no idea.

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Same. I stopped visiting after the boycott started. A couple of days before rif went down, I popped back in to say bye to my friends on there and that was it.

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Yes, whatsapp has my real name and phone number on their servers without my consent because several people I know have my details saved in their phone contacts, and when someone signs up to WhatsApp, they give my personal contact information to WhatsApp because the person signing up to WhatsApp consented to give it, not me. Tbf it's the same for all messenger apps these days. I miss MSN Messenger.

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Why should there be a cut-off age? JM Pescado was playing and modding Sims 2 in his 80s wasn't he?

I installed signal a few weeks ago just to see if it was any good and it does also take your contacts' details (I got the popup asking for access).

There was a post on the mildlyinfuriating sub where someone had tiktok installed but hadn't loaded it in like a month or something, but it had used a full 2GB of data. Tiktok does more than load videos.

I do that. I have with classic editor enabled and the raw html plugin. Use a classic layout like twenty twelve if you don't want the fancy effects. Look for a host that has softaculous or something similar to automate the installation. My host charges about £60 pa with unlimited bandwidth.

You can also use for free but it has Gutenberg, which I absolutely cannot bear. Some people like it though. It's also less customisable.

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Anything creative, as a lot of people have suggested. It's highly satisfying to see a finished product you crafted yourself. And they really make you get in the zone and hyperfocus.

Scrapbooking is a good one. Sift through your photos, find some that bring back good memories and get them printed. Invest in a small spiral bound scrapbook, some acid-free coloured paper and decorations (you can get these from poundshops/dollar stores). Look at other people's scrapbooks online and shamelessly copy their designs until you can come up with your own.

Maybe you could even make some for the people you care about. Added bonus of being able to go over good memories with them. Maybe you can bring a smile to both of your faces.

Another cute one is making models out of greyboard (the grey cardboard on the back of refill pads).

Best of luck, I hope you feel better soon!

Hello there!

I haven't logged into my spezzit account either, but I did have to click on a search result that seemed to have the answer to what size screw the cooler master q300l case uses. Except no one had answered, so I compromised my principles for nothing.

My nephew has moss growing out of his bike saddle.

I'm sorry to say I tried this and it worked.

I also got a person to leave by writing VY Canis Majoris. I'm not sure how they interpreted that.

Yeah. I tried the vegan cheeses because you have to have cheese on pizza right? (Violife is the only decent tasting one I've found here that doesn't contain carageenan). Then I tried making pizza without cheese and it's just as good. So now I have cheeseless pizza. The flavour comes from the veg.

Yeah the infamous block editor. As an old skool hand-coder, I can't stand it. You have to manually enable classic editing each time on otherwise it defaults to the Gutenberg editor. I heard it's improved somewhat recently, but when I first used it it was the biggest load of crap, worse than the beep beep boop one, which was at least useable. It was both dumbed down and unintuitive at the same time.

At least on a .org installation, classic editor disables Gutenberg completely.


I did consider it, but most of my posts are in a private sub anyway. I guess I'm holding on to the slim hope that one day spez will feck off and someone sane will be put in charge. I do miss that sub, a lot of cool people there. Unfortunately I don't think a single one signed up to lemmy, but I tried.

Reddit is dead for me once Rif stops working next month anyway, but I've stayed off since the 12th. I'll check in towards the end of the month to say my goodbyes to a small, private sub I'm in, explain why and where I'm going, and download/backup anything I'd like to save. Then that's it.

Screw spez. As long as he's in charge, I'm not going back.

Thanks. It was actually F12, I managed to catch it for the split second it showed; for some reason it doesn't always show the commands when I switch it on.

This is what I got.

I selected Ubuntu and I got my choice back again. I hope i don't have to do this every time I boot though.

Thank you for being so patient with me.

Hang on, I think I get joke!

Hic haec hoc

Same. The official app was so clunky and always crashing. I saw a recommendation for rif and never looked back. Without rif, I wouldn't have even bothered to sign up for reddit.

I logged back into rif on Wednesday for the first and last time since the boycott, to say goodbye to my friends in a private sub and put a "screw you spez" message as my flair on the biggest public sub I post in. Unfortunately I was the only one in the private sub not willing to put up with spez's crap, so they won't be recreating it on another platform. Thank you, spez, for taking that away from me.

My Linux is on a separate hard drive.

I have no idea how to do this, but I'll keep looking for a tutorial. Luckily I only use my Linux for storing my music. I wish I could have got my art software to work on Linux, they just don't seem to want to cooperate. My WiFi adaptor also only wants to work about half the time, too.

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I found an old picture of what my boot screen used to look like. If I wanted to do it via bcedit, what would my command line be? Sorry for being so clueless, I'm just really scared I'll brick my PC completely.

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It enables a local vpn on your device. Yes, it's in the ddg browser, but it's blocking it from the actual apps.

Cool! I hope to be able to locally host one some day. I joined your comm, but it says the feed is empty. I'm not sure if that's the case or lemmy being janky lol

Edit: yep, lemmy being janky.

Some links

Flow describes an intense and focused concentration on what one is doing in the present moment, a merger of action and awareness, a loss of reflective self-consciousness. In a sense, when someone is in a state of flow, the mind enters a meditative autonomous trance, which can distort their perception of time, as they become solely absorbed in their present action.

Most of us have experienced flow at some point when we have been so absorbed in a physical or creative activity that all our sensations and thoughts have felt reduced to a compressed euphoric singularity, and our actions have felt dissociated and involuntary.

Professor Mihály Csíkszentmihályi, the psychologist who named the concept, said in a 2004 TED Talk that: “When you are really involved in this completely engaging process... [you don’t] have enough attention left over to monitor how [your] body feels, or [your] problems at home… [Your] body disappears – [your] identity disappears from [your] consciousness.”

Mate, just put it to sleep.

Marcus Chown's book is a good primer on quantum theory, but it will make your head spin.

(you'll understand the dad joke after you've read the book)

That's surprisingly nice! There's also comic neue, which is a nicer version of comic sans.

I enabled it just now and got a massive list from opening the memrise app. In total, 212 so far over 3 apps. I've been using ddg for ages, I never really gave a second thought to the optional features. Thanks to everyone who's been posting screenshots of it!


Droplets is literally a kid's app.

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I was thinking of setting up a community for this, but I'm not sure there'd be enough interest. Which bots do you use?

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