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Joined 1 years ago

I've lived in 4 provinces and one territory. There is a wide gamut of health care since provinces have much more say than the federal government. Alberta has been sone of the most efficient and quickest health care out of the places I've lived. Manitoba's pretty lackluster mostly in time it takes to get anything done, fairly inefficient.

Overall I think we have a pretty solid system. My first child was born via an emergency c section, the most I paid was I think $15 for the parking I believe plus another 100 ish bucks because we wanted a private room. My second was a planned c section due to pregnancy difficulties so again those pesky parking fees jumped up our cost there but didn't pay for the private room this time . Still got a private room but didn't pay anything for it.

I've been in for everything from x rays to surgery to stitches, and I love being able to walk out of the hospital with nothing more than a wave.

Is it perfect? Hell no, there's still a lot of room to improve. But hey isn't that true of everything?

Doesn't make a mess during consumption? Tell that to my 2 year old...

Final year of my college degree a friend of mine asked if he could stay with me. He had been kicked out of a couple other universities and finally begged his way into one where I was currently living.Told him I didn't want drama or partying in my place.

Guy would routinely show up stoned, started getting his parents to bug me about getting him a loan, general disruptive behavior. Lying, telling my gf (now wife) one thing then telling me something different.

Came to a head when I got a call during a night class, he had come home drunk or stoned or whatever and began telling my gf he was thinking about killing himself. Now when my wife was younger she had attempted suicide so this struck a chord with her. I of course raced home and we took him into a hospital to get him some help. He proceeded to tell the doctors something completely different and was sent home with us.

Kicked him out as soon as he found a new place to stay. Haven't seen or talked to him since.

It's all about the pentiums baby

I've lived in towns with populations from 2000 to 6500 that aren't quite the middle of nowhere but you can see it from there. I now live ina city of 750k people and I hate it. I would move back to a small town in a heartbeat.

Bean there done that


Actually do what you want to do. Don't try to please everyone else with your life choices, you're the one who has to live with them.

Night of the living dead. My brother and I rented it when I was about 7 I think. Didn't make it more than 10 minutes into that movie and I was begging him to turn it off.