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Joined 11 months ago

It's quite simple honestly, if you profit off something, you have the responsibility to make sure it's legal. We all like platforms like YouTube where you can find anything you want, but the truth is that they're currently unsustainable when forced to comply with the law.

With the advent of AI there's hope for improved systems for detecting violations, but it doesn't seem to be there yet.

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If you attack the internet archive you clearly are scum

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Data caps are reason for violent revolution

This must be the 5th repost I've seen of this. Is something going on?

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That's a staggering amount of rapes, and it's not even all of them

Like the EU does


I started blocking like a madman and my experience improved considerably

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Use Jellyfin. Stop relying on corps' services.

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Disgraceful. Humanity is having a very hard time in leaving barbarism behind.

Seems to be a Matrix client, for those, like me, who didn't know

This meme is so old, those prices have increased even more by now

Why would I want people to fear me?

It's admirable for it to still exist in any form

Europeans tend to prefer discussing local matters in their own language

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Desperate people resort to desperate measures when normal approaches fail. The ruling class forcing our countries to their bidding, against the interests of common people, are the cause for this.

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They should kill the men in their lives first

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Or maybe she knows exactly what she needs and decided to buy a ROG Laptop

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So sad these guys own the Tribes IP

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Losing everything. My family wasn't rich but it was well off, and in my young stupidity I thought we deserved to live better than others did because we worked hard (had a family business).
Turns out hard work means almost jack shit. I mean, I'm good now because I have very marketable skills and I do work hard at a job not many want to do, but it takes me around the world and I can tell you, fucking everything in life depends on luck, starting from where you are born.

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Decent game, good world building, not much content by today's standards though. Good that it doesn't waste your time with useless filler tho.

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"Are you me?"

"Reddit moment"

First they'd have to figure out how to get online on something that isn't Facebook, then they'd have to understand English

Cool he sprayed the lady in the face with the extinguisher. That's assault.

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First 20 mins according to ChatGPT:

In the YouTube video titled "The Worst Product I've Ever Reviewed... For Now," the reviewer discusses his experience with the Humane AI Pin, a new wearable computer with an AI inside designed to help users throughout their day. Despite its impressive hardware and innovative features, such as a camera, microphone, touchpad, projector with gesture control, and strong build quality, the reviewer expresses disappointment with the user experience and lack of integration with smartphones. He finds the device too expensive, with a cost of $700 plus a $24 monthly subscription, and notes that it often provides incorrect information, has poor voice recognition, and lacks essential features and apps. The reviewer also mentions that the device frequently overheats and is too heavy to be comfortably worn for extended periods. Overall, while the Humane AI Pin shows promise, its current limitations and high cost make it a significant disadvantage compared to modern smartphones.

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Getting a new phone is annoying rather than exciting

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Film studios complaining about people not paying for their movies while not paying contactors

Arr!! (stack)

Not just the beard, eyes and brows

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Yeah fuck him and fuck Epic

What in the freaking pixel fog am I looking at

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Did they attach the other half of the cutout to the frame?

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Yeah no shit. It was decided long ago that Palestine had to become Israel.

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nooo my bucket!

Use zsh and press tab

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Why should the IPO change anything at this point? It's not like it'll have any immediate effects on the website.

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Webrings? Oh boy count me in

West 'cause I don't take myself too seriously

If you must, don't buy one that costs you 1k a month, ffs

Still a limited time window for you to update the firmware before they got bricked.

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Teams should warrant crimes-against-humanity charges