
1 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I can't believe this POS got away with lying about the developer of Apollo threatening to blackmail them. Why aren't these interviewers asking about that?

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He's trying to pit us against each other in hopes that we crumble.

If Lemmy/Kbin keep growing at this rate, I don't even care. I won't need reddit anymore.

What exactly does this mean? Like, I'm familiar with open source software, but I'm not super familiar with the x86 bootloader stuff, so I'm not sure what benefits we get from this.

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I have been lurking on the GitHub, and it seems quite a few people want the ability to port your account from one server to another. It was initially dismissed and the request was closed, but people made good points, like what happens if a server shuts down? Folks on that server just lose all their history? Those comments got lots of thumbs up reactions, and the request got reopened.

Hopefully at some point we can get that feature and making the wrong early choice will matter less.

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Exceptions: if you live somewhere where you'll die in 4 minutes in a car with no AC.

Sent from Texas, where it is currently 88 degrees in the middle of the night.

I saw another post saying they vowed not to do that. I haven't read the interview, but I wonder how what he said could be interpreted in opposite ways by two different people.

What a fucking liar.

Only bad teachers have ever said that. But I doubt they do now that everyone has a calculator on their phone.

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you can't even tap on a post/comment reply in your inbox to go to that comment's permalink and view the context.

You can, but only in the latest version. It takes multiple taps, though.

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Good. People are supposed to be inconvenienced.

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Has that been confirmed yet? I saw one person saying it was happening, but the comments below proved they were wrong, and then they scratched out their comment and apologized for spreading false info.

It doesn't matter if you care. What matters is that the people being referred to care how they are being referred. It's literally 0 extra effort for you to use the pronouns they prefer. Just use the pronouns that they want. It doesn't inconvenience you at all.

I just tried it with the official app. It does have a banner by default if you download an image. The banner says what sub it's from on the left, and it says "Reddit" and has the logo on the right. You can turn the banner off in the settings. But the banner also doesn't cover up any part of the image itself, so you could also crop it out.

I actually don't hate this implementation. Having a Reddit logo cover the content would be dumb, but this post could also be rage bait, since I haven't seen this happen personally.

Edit: I want to clarify that the first time I downloaded an image it told me there was going to be a banner, and that I could turn it off in the settings.

This seems to be one of the most common questions. To me that means that this should be a priority to fix if it is affecting so many people.

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After a few days, I gave up and just installed from GitHub. I had to delete the old version, because I guess they have different certificates. But all I had to do was sign in again, and everything was back.

I have noticed this so much today. I pretty much lived in r/hockey for the past 5 years. They had a vote and decided to black out for the 48 hour protest. Once it was clear that the vote was in favor of blacking out (and that the championship deciding game could be played during the blackout), people started pleading to move the blackout to after the championship was decided, which completely defeats the purpose of the protest.

Well, during the blackout, the championship was decided. Now that it's open again, everyone is again flipping out about how pointless the protests were, and how we ruined their experience of watching the championship game.

Last Christmas. It's the Christmas one night stand song. And it just repeats the same thing a thousand times. Turn that shit off.

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No OP but number goes up equals dopamine rush. Same reason I played RuneScape for so long.

I got as far as downloading the code for the Android app. Baby steps.

I think you replied to the wrong comment.

The instructions didn't tell me I needed to. I don't know how someone is supposed to know that. I would have expected the instructions to at very least tell me I needed to make that and what the file name should be. But I did eventually figure it out. I had to search their github page to find the example one, then modify it for https

Has that been confirmed yet? I saw one person saying it was happening, but the comments below proved they were wrong, and then they scratched out their comment and apologized for spreading false info.

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I posed this over a week ago as a test, and nothing seemed to happen.

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Oh, I got it. Thank you!

The latest version is 0.34, and even though it was released almost a week ago, it still isn't on Google Play AFAIK. Google Play has a vetting process that takes time. It's to make sure people aren't putting malware on their store. I ended up uninstalling from Google Play and installed from GitHub. It's less safe, as someone could theoretically sneak malware into the codebase, but I guess I like to live dangerously.

It seems that there isn't a clear consensus on that. But for me personally, I loved every Halo game Bungie made, and I have hated every game since 343 took over. I even hated the changes 343 made to Reach after they took over.

Halo 5 had fun multiplayer, but the story was the absolute worst. I still haven't played Halo Infinite's story, tbh. But I do feel like Infinite's multiplayer is trending in the right direction now that Forge maps hit the community and we have more than 5 maps.

I really hope Microsoft is working on this. Either a way to use gamepass with Steam, or (more likely) a game pass launcher/storefront for Linux. They seem to be playing nice with the Steam Deck so far (e.g. getting Halo TMCC multiplayer to work on the stema deck), so I'm hoping it's just a matter of time.

Thanks for the reply! This seems like a great option. I am going to look more closely at this over the weekend. I want to make sure I understand what it is doing before I run it and potentially mess up some other configuration I have on my server (have done this in the recent past.......)

"Dormammu, I've come to bargain."

It only started taking more than one day recently. My conspiracy theory is that it is so we have to watch the news for three days instead, which makes them a ton of money.

Leeloo Dallas Multiclass

It's not even just books for me. I can watch a movie a second time it's like watching a whole new movie. Like I completely missed half the plot and most of the details. I can also watch 100 episodes of a TV show and realize that I don't know the main character's best friend's name (the best friends who had 30 focus episodes and appeared in 86 of the 100 episodes).

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I was reading that the Phantom Liberty DLC is going to improve the base game as well. Would you recommend waiting until Phantom Liberty releases to play the base game, or just play it now?

Thanks for having us! I'm excited to try this out. I am only just trying to figure out how all of this works.

I have subscribed to several communities now, but when I go to the main page, I still see the generic content that was there before I logged in. How do I view a feed of just the communities I have subscribed to (analogous to the front page on reddit)

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I am. It gives me the warning and crashes a lot, but it works a little.

What exactly do you mean by your Tears of the Kingdom comment? That game was constantly dropping frames. Any time you used ultrahand or fuse, the game would drop to <15 fps. I still really enjoyed the game despite that, but the performance was really poor and inconsistent. Breath of the Wild had similar issues, but it felt less severe. Or maybe I'm misremembering, since it has been 6 years since I played BotW on the switch.