
9 Post – 197 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Tipped wages are disgusting.

Every business should pay their employees stable wages.

I have no problem with putting some extra cash down for the waiter that looks no older than me and is working at the roadhouse down the village back road for minimum wage.

If a fuckin Pret a Manger opened up in center Philly and defaults to 30% tips, wtf man, wtf.

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Eli the computer guy [...] had this show up in his dashboard: "grow your Channel's popularity and engagement by promoting your video on YouTube, running a promotion helps attract new viewers who can boost your subscriptions, views, likes, and other engagement" and the way this works is your videos will show up if you pay them. YouTube is trying to get people who make content on YouTube to pay for views now.

Isn't this kind of basic in terms of content marketing?

One entity makes content then pays another company to promote it?

What else would Luis being doing if he actually had to pay for the storage space YouTube gives him for free? Handing out CDs on the street?

Is he aware that companies like Pinterest already do this?

I can't say that the sudden huge drop in viewership isn't suspicious though.

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Just because Beehaw is defederated from this instance, that does not mean that visiting a recently compromised server will not cause your credentials to be compromised.

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So, we’ve all had a... time on Reddit lately. And I’m here to recognize it, acknowledge that our relationship has been tested, and begin the “now what?” conversation.

"I am allowed to hint towards the idea that we may have fucked up but I am not allowed to say how we may have fucked up if we did indeed fuck up which may not be the case. Could you, once again, reiterate what you think we fucked up and how we can fix the alleged fuck up? We haven't decided to do anything, aren't claiming fault, and are refusing to bring forth solutions to proposed issues."

"Now that we have that out of the way, let's chat!"

We should be sueing companies that are involved in fragrances, underwear, lingerie, wedding accoutrements, and the like for in-store displays which promote heterosexuality.

It is immoral that we show such material to our children and, frankly, I find it disgusting that my representatives have let it go on long enough.

The fact that cartoons meant for children have male characters, clearly, becoming attracted to female characters insults my sensitivities.

cough jk cough... cough kinda cough

They say that they wanted people to know that she is safe. Since her disappearance was already made public, it's possible to maintain privacy by not revealing more details in regards to the actual investigation, the missing person's listing is also public and would have been taken down anyway.

Writing is not easy, people go to college for years to learn how to do it, unless the actual skill of writing can be instilled into an LLM, they won't replace people.

The companies that try and use them to replace writers now are the companies that will feel the repercussions first: poor quality, no experienced employees, and lack of business.

An LLM will never be able to replace writers, they lack an understanding of the core concepts that are actually involved.

Besides, who is going to write things to train the AI?

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I know it probably doesn't mean much but you just told us and I'm pretty sure nobody here is going to speak negatively about you for this.

We might not be your parents but we are real people and there are more people that aren't your parents than people that are.

The idea of you going through this breaks my heart.

From the FAA:

There are approximately 167,000 aircraft in the United States and a total of 230,000 worldwide that rely on 100 low lead avgas for safe operation. It is the only remaining transportation fuel in the United States that contains the addition of TEL.

TEL meaning Tetraethyl Lead, it is used as a fuel additive in avgas to increase octane ratings (required for safe operation of engines).

Now, the post says "propeller" aircraft but this isn't exactly true.

Turbine-driven propeller aircraft (Turboprops) don't use avgas.

The unleaded fuel they're talking about is probably G100UL and that's only been around for like a couple years.

Nobody wants to use leaded fuel (unless someone inhaled too much of the emissions) and it's on the way out whether our representatives want it to or not.

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Single-use plastic bags are banned in India but thicker plastic bags that could be seen as "reusable" are not. Now all the high-end stores give out thick plastic bags instead! Do they get reused? Maybe but they definitely still get thrown away the same.

Just banning things without having first worked on providing an alternative isn't going to help anyone, the manufacturing equipment and personnel are still there, they'll just come up with something else that is similar.

I think we should, at the very least, encourage businesses to require customers to request single-use plastic items other than the containers themselves. It would also be cool if more places let you bring in your own containers as well.

What I really like is when stores offer their opened cardboard boxes to customers instead of bags. We don't always need single-use plastics for convenience/accessibility, I've been able to cut out a lot of my waste just by being mindful of what I do/don't need to use instead of grabbing the first convenient-but-wasteful-overkill thing I see.

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Pinellas County’s transit agency could introduce fares on the popular SunRunner rapid bus route, which has been free to ride since its inception, sooner than planned.

The Pinellas Suncoast Transit Authority planned to charge regular fares beginning in November, at the conclusion of the downtown St. Petersburg-to-St. Pete Beach route’s first year. But the possibility that the authority’s board members could vote Wednesday to move up that timeline has little to do with the money the agency stands to make.

Wait for it...

Instead, it comes in response to pressure from Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri and residents of St. Pete Beach. They say the fare-free bus service also has proven popular among homeless people. Residents of one of the county’s wealthiest enclaves depict those riders as troublesome and potentially violent; in reality, officials said, they’re mostly getting in trouble for panhandling or sleeping on the beach.

Classic anti-homeless mentality.

If people without a home had a place to go, people would be able to ride the bus for free; they're not just designing systems to ignore the root causes, they're making homeless people an enemy.


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I've always preferred CSS preprocessing with tools like SASS over frameworks like Tailwind.

They work extremely well with JS frameworks like React since they're both pretty much just syntactic upgrades of existing systems rather than an obfuscation of systems that abuse modularity.

That being said, CSS frameworks are still wonderful, used right they can save a lot of time during early development by outsourcing the majority of design to the framework devs.

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For the short time that I have been here, your comments have been some of the most engaging and insightful that I have seen.

I'll claim responsibility for some of the headaches that you and other admins may have had (whether or not that is actually the case) and for that I am sorry.

I hope you get the opportunity to do whatever it is you need to do to get rid of what has been troubling you.

Unless this mfer is buying suits at Goodwill and is so deep in poverty that he needs to visit soup kitchens and food pantries, he can go ahead and cry a river. Tell him to build a bridge so he can get over it, I'm sure he's got the cash.

The “revolution,” in Rufo’s telling, is comprised of—wait for it—diversity programs at colleges, Black Studies departments, protests against police brutality, and corporations that tweeted pro-BLM platitudes in the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing. His evidence for dangerous revolutionary changes in our society consists of things like the appearance of the term “institutionalized racism” in the newspaper.

Idk how anyone could make it though more than a couple pages of this junk.

I simply commit to master with the message "git commit".

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I was class pres during senior year so technically I'm supposed to organize our reunions but I got the vibe that everyone was either going somewhere they didn't want to come back from or the people who stayed would've just kept in touch if they were interested in the first place.

"It was... a time." - Reddit 2023

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  1. Christopher Walken
  2. Morgan Freeman
  3. Denzel Washington
  4. Bruce Willis
  5. Bobcat Goldthwait (he's gotta do the voice tho)

Edit: bonus points if the AI is a little sassy.

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I feel like we all just need to chill out when playing video games, it isn't like anything we're doing is important, has an impact on the world around us, or is meaningful in any way.

If I, an adult, went into a laser tag arena filled with a bunch of kids that are screwing around, not really playing the game, then I get angered about this, I'm the asshole and I'm the one getting kicked out of there is a problem.

I could say to these kids "we should focus and play the game" but they're already playing the game, it would just be me that doesn't like the way that they play.

Then, the only things that me being annoyed have achieved are: I'm no longer playing the game and enjoying the time I spend, I'm making the environment hostile and toxic, and I'm probably not having a good time for the rest of the day.

Easier and less stressful to not pay attention to what others are doing if it genuinely has no real impact on your life.

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I like this but it leaves too large of a gap, wouldn't it be better to say that all pornography and erotic art requires consent from the person(s) who's likeness is intended to be represented?

Then you can say "non-consenting pornography" for fakes that are and aren't generated by AI.

Kinda weird to limit the language to AI, kinda weird that people would want to see other people naked without their consent but y'know.

  1. Are you absolutely sure that your RAM is installed according to the motherboard's instructions?

  2. Have you tried swapping the two RAM modules between the slots that they are in?

  3. Have you tried using both RAM modules independently from each other?


  1. Do both of the modules have the same specifications? Unlikely that this will cause issues (I think, I haven't tried it but, y'know, in theory) but it may.

It isn't like humans haven't been eating bugs for decades anyway. IMO they're just ignorant of the fact that they're already eating bugs inside processed food. Every bite you take could already contain some delicious bugs.

He's a survivor but it's actually John Travolta with Nicholas Cage's face and the monster is Nicholas Cage with John Travolta's face.

Travolta & Cage Face/Off Bundle: $19.99

Yeah, near, nobody said "merged with"

Jake Gyllenhaal.

If someone were to say that he did anything crazy such as kidnapping circus clowns and tickling their feet while wearing a Bill Clinton mask and yelling "I did not have sexual relations with that woman", I would believe it.

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It isn't really about the content and more about the users and moderation practices of other instances.

If Beehaw mods don't want to have to moderate users from poorly moderated instances, the best option is to defederate.


There are a lot of options but this site will turn the JSON into XML for RSS. If you want it in JSON format you can just use Reddit


Edit: Reddit also does RSS but it is kinda gross


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Men deal with a variety of bullshit, women deal with a variety of bullshit, cis, trans, genderqueer, white, black, red, blue, we all deal with a variety of bullshit.

Did we, humans, create the variety of bullshit that individuals experience on a day-to-day basis? Sure, pretty much everything that we regularly complain about are human constructions.

Life isn't fair, cis men may be oppressed but they are by no means more oppressed than trans people. I can't think of a single piece of legislation that oppresses my ability, as a man, to be interested in and pursue a legally binding union with women.

I can count, on one hand, the number of days it has been since a representative suggested that we do not allow non-cis marriages, adoption of children by non-cis married couples, and even the last time someone said they ought to be killed!

Nobody worth worrying about has even dared suggest that we do that to cis men/women.

Bro needs to see some real oppression.

Payday 2: Terrible Performance and Optimization Part 2: Pay Overkill and Buy Another Always-Online Game


We're getting the storms where I live, just calmed down so it might pick up again soon. The tornado season has been pretty calm in Ohio this year, unless the season is just late.

NPR has some good feeds but you can use Google's RSS features for many things that may not have an official feed:


Edit: you can also convert the JSON that Lemmy's API outputs to RSS.

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This why my immediate thought but for what purposes are breast/genital surgeries allowed?

I was circumcised long before 15 years old.

This seems wasteful since I'd want to just include a summary in my posts, maybe if admins/moderators used bots to make regularly occurring posts or something but even then, most of the time the post content is written by a human.

With that in mind, people who wish to create bots can label their accounts as bots and identify themselves through the user agent when not using an account at all.

The bots don't necessarily have to post/comment, getting rid of all bots doesn't exactly seem productive.

Took advantage of the stuff a little too much when I was younger so I think I have a few more years before I'm ready to give it another go but psilocin and other substituted tryptamines are probably the reason I ended up where I am so for that I am thankful.

Can't wait to see the benefits that opening up research and medical use will bring us.

What about it? Conventions already do this.

Want to advertise at the convention? Gotta pay.

Want to have a booth for your content at the convention? Gotta pay.

Want to just go to the convention to see the advertisements and booths that companies paid to market to you? Believe it or not, gotta pay.

Steam does the same shit, pay to list your games, pay to run promotions, and players pay for the game.

IMO, YouTube is lagging behind on this one.

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Buying the government (if doing so was even possible) means they need to furnish it's debts.

Even if a company was willing to to undertake such a burden, nobody makes more money than the government, it just doesn't have much reason to hold onto any of the cash it collects.

Besides, they can just print more.

Edit: that's not to say it isn't hilarious

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I have not seen my parents in many years and I am still dealing with mental trauma that I experienced as a child.

Is the future scary for you? It's scary for me, I don't know when I will stop feeling anxious all the time or when I will stop sweating, shaking, and dissociating in social situations.

I don't regret staying around one bit, I'm a grown-ass man now, happy and married to someone I love very much but I didn't always see hope for my own happiness.

This isn't the first post I've seen from you and I want you to know that I am genuinely concerned for your well-being, you have your whole life ahead of you. I know it's probably hard to do so right now but please think of all the beauty and wonder that life has to offer, I can say with absolute certainty that I would have missed out if I went though with it all those years ago.

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It's where people that speak different languages get together and have conversations in their respective languages in order to learn the language they do not speak.

I love old tech, it feels more "natural" in a way. Curious about how people will view "nature" in a thousand years or so, perhaps finding comfort within the technology we have today.

Yeah but people used to actually have paying jobs through SL, this is closer to Steam's systems IMO (Steam also appeals more to children than SL).

This is not a defense either, only adding something else to keep in mind.