
0 Post – 73 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What's wrong with this? Every OS has permissions that stop users from messing with system files.

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We always say "Zee Zee Top" - I think there's a sort of unspoken acceptance that they've earnt it. But you sometimes hear people say "Jay-Zed", normally as a bit of gentle mockery.

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I was wondering why the researchers hadn't released any pictures of this newly discovered language, but on careful re-reading I realise it was transcribed in cunieform... so to me it would be totally indistinguishable from any other Hittite tablet.

Because I want Lemmy to succeed and grow, I'm making a real effort to contribute to discussions where previously I'd have just thought things to myself and moved on. I really hope more people do the same so we can start to sustain those more niche forums.

Or, they've found a viable way to disguise donated long-range missiles so they can be used to strike back at Russia without implicating the country that provided them.

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You never wonder “why am I seeing this and how do I make it go away?”

I actually find myself wondering this a lot. Mastodon doesn't allow people to add comments to things they're reposting, so you're left guessing as to why they elected to insert something from an unfamiliar account into your timeline.

Mastodon is also short on tools for discovering interesting new posts and accounts that aren't already on your radar. In this regard I agree that it's behind the times. Threads handles this much better, giving you a classic chronological feed of people you're following plus an algorithmic feed that shows you things that are popular with people like you.

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JPEG XL provides comparable image quality to ordinary JPEG compression at around 80% of the file size. It also supports lossless encoding at smaller sizes than PNG, and can handle layers, transparency and CMYK, so in principle it could conveniently replace almost every existing raster image format.

What the hell happened in the second half of 2020?

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I'd kinda feel uncomfortable calling it an "n-turn".

I read this article from top to bottom and didn't find a clear explanation of why you should disable this feature.

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  1. Nobody
  2. Will
  3. Pay
  4. Them
  5. To
  6. Do
  7. Proper
  8. Journalism
  9. Any
  10. More

While it's true that the imbeciles in our (UK) government have tried to implicitly outlaw E2EE, there are no restrictions on VPNs here.

There are a lot more Europeans online than Americans (not to mention a few billion internet users on other continents), so when Americans post temperatures exclusively in Fahrenheit it comes across as kinda thoughtlessly parochial.

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The update was impossible to revert (though TP-Link said "Ok write to our support and we'll give you the downgrade file" no fuck you).

That doesn't sound like it was impossible, it sounds like you just didn't want to do it.

If someone told you that then I'm afraid I think they were pulling your leg. The phrase might be translated into Latin as something like "deceptio peius sceleris"... what you wrote means "[made-up word] of [made-up word] eight".

528 threads? Sounds perfect for my Chrome tabs.

Brilliant! You've made one post findable!

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It's not just preferring FOSS, though – it's as if people have to publicly perform their hatred of Microsoft.

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That would have made a lot more sense than what actually happened.

If he had admitted this to his biographer, don't you think the biographer would have written "Musk admitted...", rather than "it seemed that..."?

In the early days they did satirise current issues, but it mostly seemed to be through a lens of 31st-century technology or social conventions. Nowadays, the future setting often just feels like window dressing for a story that's really entirely about the present.

They gave the guy £10.99 in credit for a £5.99 film, so they're probably taking some sort of loss.

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I dunno who told you the Wii U was 720p-only. Mine ran at 1080p all day, every day - albeit some games used upscaling to reduce the graphical workload.

That sounds pretty useful, why did it stop?

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This is an appalling take. No, you should not allow an employer to treat you with disrespect. Normalising an abusive, exploitative model of employment where you have no choice but to "put up with shit" makes conditions worse for everyone.

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Oh jeez, that's me.

Do you both build creatures?

So glad someone's finally come up with a rebuttal.

I do this all the time. I see so many brainless, low-effort posts all over the internet that I don't want to add to the pollution with anything I'm not confident is either informative or funny.

But I also want Lemmy to grow and thrive, so here I've been making more of an effort to try to finish and post even comments I'm not so certain about. I figure that has to be better for the site than contributing nothing at all.

I like to take shrs

I don't even want to imagine a world without associate editors.

Ah, right, thanks. I didn't get it because that ain't a letter...

Yes, and the grabbed text doesn't show Musk admitting to anything.

I've found the Mastodon experience much more isolating than Twitter or Threads, because it intentionally does a lot less to help you find interesting posts and like-minded posters.

Octal refers to base eight. If we followed the convention it would be the eighth-final.

No one has a problem with complaints about Windows, it's the "just install Linux lol" mentality that invites mockery.

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That was my immediate guess, but Covid blew up in March, and the Reddit graph doesn't go crazy until a few months later. It is hard to see what else could possibly explain it though; I wouldn't be surprised if there's just an error in the axis labelling or something.

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Google doesn't track everything. The browser determines your interests locally; the only information shared with Google (and advertisers) is which broad topics you've recently shown an interest in.

They gave him regular Amazon credit, so he can spend it on physical goods if he likes.

Um, what language is that?

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