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Joined 12 months ago

Oh, you mean like the people you fired the week you took over, Musk? Those people? Man fucked around and found out and is using the lesson learned.

An intelligent person wouldn’t have needed the lesson, though.

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So basically, he wants kids to be mentally unstable so they keep coming back.

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Here we go! All aboard the mass unemployment train! Choo Choo!

8 more...

“Inches in 8.33 feet”

“Mm in a foot”

Fool, the scientist in me is infuriated. Good work, mate!

Honestly, the best use for AI in coding thus far is to point you in the right direction as to what to look up, not how to actually do it.

27 more...

More and more, we see direct evidence as to why Roe vs Wade was necessary.

Because rabid birthers will do anything to punish women who don’t give birth.

Sounds like a good time to make Mr Beast aware of these, he has a lot of disposable income to burn on a lawsuit or three.

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Ladies and gentlemen, a prime example of exactly why people don’t switch to Linux.

The loudest portion of the community are insufferable twats, and you know it’s bad because I’m an insufferable twat and I’m calling this one out on it.

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Okay, I have never even played Yakuza, and only really watched one video of one of the games, and I immediately got the same feeling. It’s uncanny.

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“As long as is deemed necessary,” roughly translates to, “As long as Palestinians exist as an ethnic group,”

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That’s… kinda pathetic, actually. He’s acting like a literal child. “I didn’t want the cookie anyways!”

I would laugh at the absurdity if he wasn’t in charge of a major communications network.

It’s kind of inspiring, really. A guy with the mental age of myself when I was a teenage edge-overlord can “effectively” run a massive social media website. I really can do anything! I mean, I could if I had an emeralds mine from my papa, but still!

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Yeah - we don’t care about making money for rich people when we can’t afford to both eat and pay our bills. Hell, we’re starting to not be able to do even one of those things. Pay us enough for us to live comfortably and we’ll start caring about your next fucking yacht.

He realised something much, much worse about him would be found in discovery, and pled out to keep it secret.

And even then, the medication is usually just turning on the tutorial so you can learn the controls, the difficulty doesn’t actually change.

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That’s the thing, though. Corporations are all about the short game. They don’t give two shits if a cost-saving measure now will end up costing them triple that next year. They don’t care if breaking environmental laws, disposal laws, safety laws, or even labour laws will give them fines in the billions later, so long as they can save millions now.

The corporation as a concept desperately needs to be overhauled if it’s going to survive at all. Problem is: it has massive momentum being as it is, and the entire business environment around the world is extremely hostile to that sort of change. So, effectively, the corpos are gonna push and push and push until something snaps. They just can’t conceive of another way to be.

When something does snap, people are going to die, by violence or negligence or nature saying NO. Then, maybe, we’ll be able to change things.

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Daily response that China’s still doing it, regardless of why it’s being reported.

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It’s a subpoena. Comfortable doesn’t even begin to come into play.

MFers be like “I’m an alpha male,”

Okay bro, tell me more about how you’re a glitchy, unenjoyable mess with no content nor character.

Honestly, the rabid part of the fuck cars crowd are letting perfect become the enemy of good enough for now. The sort of thing they want could never stand a chance of happening. Not anytime soon, not under this breed of capitalism where corporations have a say in the government.

EVs are good enough to slow down emissions to the point where maybe our descendants will have enough time to shift public opinion and get rid of cars entirely. Until then, cars are going to stick around, best thing to do is compromise for now, and use the time bought to have a chance of getting everything you want later.

Does he have a child anywhere he might be unaware of? Because that was a dad joke and a half, right there.

If I may, it’s almost as if…


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This is definitely a marketing thing - the discussion keeps the brand in mind.

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Putin, mate… you’ve lost several tons of military machinery to cardboard suicide drones. I think we can safely say that you and your military are a non-issue.

Classic America-centric tomfoolery.

I’m Australian, mate. If anyone were able to tell you something shifty’s going on with China, it would be us. We’re kinda the English-speaking experts on the topic.

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No, ADHD is being trapped in your own head, screaming at yourself to fucking move while your body reads on unhindered by your plans or obligations.

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Genocide, for one.

Oh, Israel leadership says they’re only going after Hamas, but they’ve also just been gunning down anyone in the streets who aren’t wearing their colours (demonstrated with a few Americans and Australians being shot), bombing hospitals, and opening up evacuation corridors only to bomb them when they get filled up. They’ve also cut off food and water and internet, so even the civilians who aren’t in the immediate line of fire are suffering and dying.

I dunno, sounds like genocide to me!

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I honestly didn’t realise this sort of thing was happening, and am incredibly disgusted now that I do know.

Facebook being like the Mission Impossible handler for child abusers. “Your next mission, should you choose to accept it,” type bullshit.

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Just in case anyone was looking for a decent way to do it...

if (((number/2) - round(number/2)) == 0) return true;

return false;

Or whatever the rounding function is in your language of choice.

EDIT: removed unnecessary else.

12 more...

Fucking billions! ONE billion would be enough to never have to work again if you live lavishly! And this irresponsible, pathetic narcissist is having a tantrum because number won’t go up. I actually want to be alone in a room with him tied to a wall and a set of supplies that would make the CIA go pale. Same with every other sociopathic manchild that’s killing us all because ”Durr, number go up,”

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Yeah, they got Al Capone for tax evasion, and they’ll get you for confessing to a crime on official government documents.

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To this day, I don’t understand how this wasn’t the end of it. I mean, logically I know people just refused to believe it because they wanted to win (or they felt the same damn way), but I just can’t comprehend being so wrapped up in the fight that this doesn’t deserve at least a bit more of a look than, “Oh, it’s something negative about my candidate. It can’t be true,”


The red circle there, as if it was even possible to not see the hippo.

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Gotta love manual labour. One of the things you don’t realise until you do it is just how much you end up spending on socks - this shit is incredibly hard on your feet and what you wear on them.

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I’m ready to beat some mfers with a spatula over these shenanigans. Big management mfers are so goddamn out of touch they couldn’t use a smartphone.

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Definitely fake. Discworld is much more sane.


I'm over here thinking: Oh, League of Legends fans are all overreacting over getting something that's probably decent at best...

My friend, let me tell you, they were not overreacting.


Ha! Goteem!

And this is why I don’t want to be famous. Being famous exposes your name to the crazies of the world, and leaves you blissfully unaware until the crazies snap.

Well, that sounds like it’s not going to be misused at all. It’s not like they have a history of bombing Palestinian civilian evacuation corridors with white phosphorus or anything. I’m certain this will work out fine!

That was sarcasm, if you couldn’t tell.

This is yet another worst part about Israel’s government being stupid bloodthirsty motherfuckers at the moment.

Sure, you get to feel better about beating on people who had nothing to do with the terrorists other than barely edging them into political power almost 20 years ago (after which Hamas did away with elections so the people who changed their minds afterwards couldn’t do shit to fix it).

Now, your kin outside your walls are suffering because people conflate them with you, and those people hate you for what appears to be your attempt at genocide.

Fucking… morons.

EDIT: Or, these people have always hated you, but hurting people of your religion/ethnic group/whatever is now seen as “okay” because of you.