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IT-Nerd, Systemadministrator und Rollenspiel-Fan. Teilzeit Retrogame-Streamer

I use Arch by the way 😂

Man findet mich auch auf Mastodon unter: @darkmetatron@rollenspiel.social

I played the game 40+h without any mods and had a lot of fun. It is very much enjoyable without mods. Can mods make the game better? Yes, sure Are the mods needed to have fun with the game? Absolutely not.

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Saving user preferences in the local user part of the registry is kind of what the registry is meant to be for (besides others).

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Team Rocket could make lots of money as a ransomware group

Open Source Drivers for Nvidia Cards are still very early and very limited. The best way to go forward would most likely be to solve whatever conflict exists on your system with the proprietary drivers and then to use those. Or to get a AMD graphics card.

Literally in the first Pokemon game on the good old Gameboy there is the system where the Pokemon are send to and stored on "someone's pc". There is no post box system but just a PC where you can send (and retrieve) your Pokemon from anywhere on the continent in a split second, a speed not possible with the postal system.

For me it reads as typical boilerplate text, that can be seen in responses from so many companies.

Not really better then ChatGPT but at least there are humans involved in that mindless task.

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It is from the show but it was part of every single trailer, not much to spoil in that regard.

There is a DLC where you go up into space, due to this Fallout already had left the United States once.

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Having Aphantasia doesn't mean that a person has no imagination, he just has no inner eye, no way to see the imagination in his mind.

I know that because I have lots of imagination but have Aphantasia. World building for roleplay and stories is where I am really good, as long as I don't have to do anything with a visual component like drawing

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To be honest the guns come relatively late in the tech tree of the game, bows and crossbows are used most of the time.

Starfield is a game about a humanity in the early stages of interstellar travel and colonization, a game without living alien civilizationals. A hard science fiction game with deep roots in realistic science (with the exception of the grav drive and the temples/powers/unity).

It would be utterly unrealistic and unimmersive to have all planets full of interesting landmarks, structures or the like. Sure it could host relics/remains of other civilisations or stuff like that, but that would change the game on a fundamental level and would break the story of the game.

I love that space and most planets are utterly boring in Starfield, because that is the truth about space, it is huge, boring and mostly dead.

But I can understand everyone who thinks that this makes Starfield a boring game, there are lots of games out there that I think are boring (GTA 5 for example) which are loved by huge crowds of people.

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My Steam Deck is a "Baba is me" machine right now, most of the time. It is a neat little puzzle game to play while sitting on the couch.

It "kind of" was with the Super Gameboy allowing for Gameboy games to run on the SNES. Buy yeah, more like a sideways compatibility

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Yeah, Minecraft updates break mods all the time but there it is just something the community accepts as normal and lives with. The huge update rage is something I only see with Bethesda game modding.

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I don't fear sexual content, on the contrary, but often it is added in a very bad and inopportune manner. There is a time for sex and that is not in the middle of a bloody battlefield or in a cave while outside a mob prepares to kill the witch inside.

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Nowadays web browser are so much more then that, with tools like webasm, web usb, web bluetooth, gamepad API, web gpu and all that we are far away from the slow platforms with limited controls of the ol' days.

The list of modern API is almost endless https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API

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Satan/Lucifer is not the opposite of God but a opposing force to the creation and will of God. Lucifer is kind of the oldest teenager with a bad case of "I hate my creator" temper tantrum ever.

In that way Lucifer itself is already the antichrist, he is just missing a corporal manifestation on earth.

Well and Lucifer is, a lot like the named angels, Jesus and all the saints, a great loophole for monotheistic Christian religion around the first commandment.

edit notes: Corrected german written Luzifer to Lucifer

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I have no issues with the sex cards as such, but in the game the sex scene are often at the stranges and dumbest times. It breaks the tone and pacing of the story all the time, if they cut those it will make the game a lot better, in my opinion.

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I really like Fallout 3 but the ton of invisible walls and the shitty metro tunnels turn it into a game I often hate to play.

Maybe we aphantisians will get a version with mental voice narration instead of mental images, much like visual blind people have today for visual media and information.

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Kind of both in some way. New company with a few of the old people under new management.


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Sounds like something politicians would say: "Long term? That is for after the next election"

Lots of cool side quests, a main quest that is one of the best from Bethesda, exploring the universe. And yes even the power puzzles from time to time to unlock a new power. I have about 100h (hard to say as steam is not logging the time for me anymore because I use mod manager and sfse) now (started with modding after entering NG+ at about 40h and still find new fun things to do. I am in NG+2 at the moment.

Mods I use are mostly cosmetic (I love to change some posters or magazine covers when ich switch NG+) or QoL like faster animations or better UI.

I never said that it would be save, I purposely left that out. I am not a fan of Webapps and Games running in Web browsers myself, at all.

But it can be a valid option, for everyone not as paranoid as me

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That sounds more like a issue with your proton configuration then a fault of the game.

Have you tried to change the proton configuration, to force it to use the discrete GPU?

Nvidia GPUs are known to be problematic in Linux, not only with Wine/Proton

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It is not only Onlyfans whole deal, but that is how all celebrity worship works.

It looks like an issue with the premade Lutris installer/config package.

Can you try downloading the installer from GOG and install manually in Lutris via the "Install a Windows Game from an executable" (the + button on the top left) option?

There you can choose "Windows XP 32bit" as an Installer preset, this should provide the best compatibility.

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Lots of Palworld, it really is fun to grind XP, complete Towers and Dungeons or to create your perfect forced labor camps for your mindbroken pals.

In German he is written with a z, "Luzifer", and my tired German brain just took that instead of the correct English writing. Sorry for that! 🫣

The one thing that connects all those points and examples is that Nintendo has not sued anyone, non of that was ever taken to a court. Because in a lot of this cases the chance to loose was substantial bigger then zero and a ruling against them would have had major implications.

So yes, they bully, they use the tools like DMCA (and EUCD in Europe) claims and takedowns, and stern letters from their lawyers but only when the chance for winning is really high they will go to a court to sue. Why go to a court when you know that the person on the other side will cave in, not because you are right but because the costs for them to get right would be way to high.

The chance for loosing in this case is really high and the last Nintendo/Pokémon Company wants is a judge to rule that the designs are not that distinctive or "original works" at all.

Get I teleported into the game as the hero? Then I have to mine for a while, find a strange artefact, have a seizure and then fly off into space with a helpful robot.. were I will most likely die due to space pirates a I have no idea how to pilot a spaceship for real.

Well, yes and he even explains all that in the beginning of the video.

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In Germany only stuff that has a certain level of creativity (Schöpfungshöhe) can be under copyright.

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Well, that is then only another addition to my list of reasons not to read those books.

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That's true!

Comparing modern game with games from the olden days is a little bit like comparing a savery steam pump with a modern internal combustion engine. Sure the general principles are identical but the complexity of the system is a manifold of the other.

I really love retro games, i have very fond memories of the C64 and SNES, but i am not a fan of the glorification of those games. Only a small part of the old games are still fun today and lots of them have bugs. Secret of Mana on the SNES for example has a fun bug where leveling all weapons and spells to max can create a overflow error in the final fight of the game, which removes the mana hero completely from the game, rendering the last fight impossible because only the mana hero can damage the mana dragon significantly.

I don't see settlement building as a core part of Starfield, I am 160h in (NG+3) and have not touched settlement building at all. It is a feature of the game, but it is completely optional.

I can't stand Witcher 3 but played Witcher 1 not long ago and I really loved it. It is very oldcore and the controls are a b***h sometimes but it is a really great game with a great story. I hope Witcher 2 is as good too, it is on my next to play list very high.

What if the AI used is called "love"?😉