
0 Post – 22 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Um actthually mac is so oPtimized so 1gb mac = 12.3gb windows 🤓

STFU it physically has less ram than a potato while costing the price of a nasa rocket

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It comes with bing search pre configured for you so you don't have to look for the settings, we also hid them so you don't accidentally switch to duckduckgo because we believe Linux users shall experience the full potential of our services even out abroad on another OS

Next update will show text lyrics in free version. If you want to play the audio you better have premium

Dond redeem dond redeem DOND REDEEM

he forgot to commit and push license.txt

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oh it doesn't work? You definitely need to run

chkdsk c: /f

Wait this doesn't work either? Then download our utterly useless software that will only run chkdsk while showing you ads and has a paywall after you click "apply" because it's a fake "free" app that does nothing targeted to your grandma and step uncle

Instructions unclear the sink is on fire

For anyone wondering how to get the same feature on your device (not only mic-camera)

  • Go to developer settings (after enabling it)
  • Quick settings developer tiles
  • (enable) sensors off
  • Open your quick settings
  • (for Samsung) you will find the tile in the 1st row 1st position
  • (for aosp) you may need to add the sensors tile
  • now turn this tile on
  • now your camera, mic, gyroscope, etc... are off and apps will think that there's an error with the camera or some privacy policy rule being applied

⚪ Note: this does not turn off GPS, Bluetooth, wifi, or mobile networks

EDIT: forgot to mention (as comments said)

🔴 Warning: core system services can override this setting...

a phone call will have the mic working while app calls (Whatsapp..etc) will be muted

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Kali has become so stereotypical in my region to the point where it has become cringe therefore I can't click the thumbnail which has Kali logo stamped on it

No hate for Kali itself, just the npc's in my region

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Bypassing takes a click if you download the reg files (there's an install version and an upgrade version)

Or more clicks if you have to do it manually

My CPU is from 2013 running win11 perfectly fine and fast

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I'm waiting for the update that makes the UI UX actually nice

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By the way the poor ms employee probably doesn't know what any of them mean they were just generated by ms devs in the other MS building 63 floors below ground where they use infrared light to grow new developers in the bill gates sacred soil

"if you have a problem then don't have a problem"

Thank you

But in any case, we shouldn't expect not-ms-office to act exactly as ms-office

Very smart bot, almost seems like a human

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That's how blueberry is made Freeze some of this add some structure, let it set, then put it on trees

I stole this comment

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If you mean the speed is meh, I'm here to say that it's exactly as fast as win10 for me which is as fast as a cluttered heavy Linux system

Which is still fast for my CPU even tho it's 10yo

Customization is great however most people barely open any of the menus even tho they contain treasures

In any case, the current UI is not bad by any means

Someone who thinks a lot has nothing to think about other than thinking

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Even if they don't know 99% of the tools shipped with Kali, it's still nice that they got pulled onto the Linux wagon as a "cool" wagon

Is this matehmathics