
0 Post – 79 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

So many corporate bootlickers here, damn.

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The rights holders are the record labels. As much as artists want to complain about Spotify they should direct their criticism to their record labels.

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I choose to believe your post is finely crafted satire.

Serves them right for what they did to Nokia.

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In the US it does.

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Hopefully they bring this mobster down before he manages to wreck democracy in the US.

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I hope she goes to town on the orange turd.

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I use Signal with a few of my friends. It has enough features to replace Whatsapp, but most people just don't care about their privacy enough to change what's convenient and already works for them even if they have zero privacy.

I'm from Portugal also and it's not immigration that is driving high rent prices. That's a disingenuous position. Golden visas and Airbnb have contributed MUCH more to this as well as the liberalization of rents coupled with low new housing projects.

The workers that accept low salaries are mostly seasonal workers and they don't compete with locals for decent housing and if you were honest you would mention that most of the time you have plenty of them living in the same space. Again, not occupying a lot of the housing destined for locals. I don't see locals eager to go live in Odemira in the houses occupied by seasonal workers or in Martim Moniz in degraded housing.

As an European just do it! This will spur a move from a lot of people to the fediverse.

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Portuguese here. The rental market in Portugal is completely separated from the reality of portuguese wages. As an example, minimum wage is 750€/month per 14 months. Meaning 875€/month if you count 12 months.

Rents in Lisbon for a bedroom usually start around 500€. And the situation in the other cities with somewhat decent jobs is getting as bad as in Lisbon.

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The guy probably has dementia.

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Nice. They need to keep going.

They seem less annoying now. Just wait until you have pause ads coupled with regular ads!

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So good. It's great to see that the slide from democracy was stopped in yet another country.

I'm amazed that the EU or Germany still haven't blocked Twitter for that matter.

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Yes, they were. These bastards destroyed the biggest European tech company for nothing. And Nokia had all the services required and the technical know-how to rival Google.

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This is sickening and extremely scary. The GOP at this point are authoritarian, not to say fascist. They hide behind states rights as an argument to defend states they control, but the moment they gain the levers of power you can bet they will do everything to crush the states run by democrats.

It's really a signal that the US has become a sliding democracy when the court system is so politicized. Judge nomination should never be dependent on politicians, and it should be based on merit of their career and formation to become a judge.

As it is, there is no clear separation of judicial power from political power. As for Wisconsin: hopefully the situation will change there, and the new court majority will break the current gerrymanders to make the state a democracy again.

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Not surprising. For most people smartphone reached a point where replacing every two years is pointless. My phone is also 4 years this year, still holds his battery and works flawlessly.

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Lol, they should know.

And it is open-source, and not dependent on Google who might just kill this feature in the future anyway.

No, it's not concerning that they can block it heavily fine a website that does not follow their hate speech laws. We do have severe laws against hate speech in Europe because we suffered the consequences of not reigning that in in the past.

They still have elite troops? I would say at this point "russian elite troops" are mythical creatures akin to unicorns: they don't exist.

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The moment they do this Reddit will collapse.

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No, the grid won't get greener if Trump is elected because he WILL go full dictator. And he will revert everything that is being done currently.

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They need to crack down on these monopolistic tactics. As it stands the EU is hostage of software made by corporations of other economical blocks. This leaves the EU hostage of economic competitors.

Completely agreed. If they focused on their core business they would've already been in much better shape.

That's a catastrophic number of tanks.

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This is not an issue just with tech but with many other sectors. If it has to be tackled first in tech, then so be it.

OP check this, it's the closest to what you want.

Because it is not Chinese.

Can't wait to see Republicans acting according to this standard. Or do you only hold democrats to this standard?

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There are many niche communities missing, but they will come with time and with people talking more.

China is installing more energy production than any other country. Wind, solar, coal and nuclear. They are installing everything.

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One can dream.

Can confirm. The moment he was handed the keys I closed my account.

Ancient greeks in shambles.

The more hardware the better.

Big Tech can be trusted... That they will do everything possible to be first to market to try to ensure a monopoly, including illegal use of data, lobbying to prevent regulation to be implemented and buying politicians to protect them.