
1 Post – 35 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

If you want to support Linux devs and continued development, I would buy from System76, Tuxedo Computers, or even Framework.

If you're going to buy used then yeah the Thinkpad is fine.

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I disagree, I think protesting during working hours is kind of the point, same as a union protest during working hours. It affects the corps bottom line, the only thing they care about.

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Stop talking to the type of people that care about what phone you have.

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This is my recommended gaming distro, its actually works from my experience unlike the 3 different arch based distros I tried.

We already have a social credit score, we started it in the 80s. Its called credit

Right, there's plenty of people also not getting paid anything for their work. This "You shouldn't care about money" feels like a straw man argument to OP's argument which I think could also be said as "OSS isn't sustainable unless everyone is paid a sustainable amount".

It's just all around frustrating. It has that same energy as "You criticize the system yet you're a part of it" example. For example, I wont be able to show this thread to my landlord when rent is due saying, "You shouldn't care about money, I'm an OSS dev so I dont"

So in closing, I guess I wish everyone had a UBI to be sustainable and then yeah OSS itself could be sustainable as a hobby project.

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Sometimes it might not be days later but weeks or months that I finally remember. At least it feels that way, I'm a bad judge of the passage of time.

It will never stop because X is a terrible name and means nothing without "formerly known as twitter"

Here's a link to the original video https://youtu.be/0-7PSmYYHF0

Yeah I switched in 2020, but finally deleted my Windows partition a couple months ago. Never going back now.

And anymore, I feel like niche windows software is gonna be harder to run than almost all the games. The only games that don't work are the annoying anticheat ones.

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That's what I do. Funnily though, I can't remember which device is hosting the auto update client to update ddns. As long as it's still updated right? Lol

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Dota's free to play at least. But yes, in games I paid 60 or more for, no battle pass please.

Thanks for the link on SearXNG never heard of that before.

I found a thinkpad with a radeon GPU for only 200 which was nice.

Titanfall 2 is less than 5 dollars right now. Link. You can also use a community mod client to play on private servers fixing pretty much all the issues playing multiplayer.

winehq.org runs most everything now. What can't you get to run?

It depends on the person and their experience obviously, but for me, trying Linux back in 2020 felt like when I was new to computers in general and was poking around and learning Windows XP for the first time. It was fun seeing all the different settings options and features that were new to me.

Strike and unionize

I also liked Harvards course. I got to like chapter 8 then I switched to start learning Rust because I liked it more than Python.

Ones of the reasons I like Pop, they install a recovery partition with a copy of the install USB, finally they have a 'factory reset' that reinstalls the OS while keeping the users home folders.

I just installed TrueNAS on a desktop with a lot of SATA slots. https://www.truenas.com/

Just dual boot at first, you don't have to wipe the windows partition. That way if/when you find a save file you need to copy over, you can go looking for it on your still existing Windows drive

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If you go with Python and prefer a video tutorial I used this free course. It might be too basic and beginner level for you however. https://learning.edx.org/course/course-v1:HarvardX+CS50P+Python/home

I just got back from a vacation where Brotato filled that role.

Not only that, they support the right to repair and offer replacement parts on ALL of S76's laptops

Do you think this is something the EU will say is anti-competitive or something? I don't think current late-state capitalism America will do anything.

Were you running Wayland by any chance?

Rust and a bit of Python

It's worth it.

Oh, can you tell me how to disable all the tracking then? https://youtu.be/IT4vDfA\_4NI?si=9kY3yD5yceifSyq8

Its really not a good OS anymore.

Understandable, have a nice day.

The auto update client, it's halfway down this page on how to automatically update your hostname/IP.


It's because the Top is judged by the amount of boosts, not the favorites or upvotes.

Yeah, how else can I shoot artillery strikes out of the air when the government comes for me? /s

Jeez I only "owned" it for like a year before buying it. Why did you hold out so long?

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