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Joined 1 years ago

Not to be pedantic, but an impressive pharmaceutical industry is not the same as leading cancer research. Still impressive. Not the same. Again, I get your point, but no need to exaggerate realities.

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While I get the point you’re trying to make, it’s just incredibly wrong about cuba. Carry on for the rest.

Source: I do lots of cancer related research.

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Fine. It’s not even a concession to say that people are a mix of nature and nurture. But people assume that saying there exists such bell curve for intelligence is the same thing as saying that people’s worth is on a bell curve, and no one is suggesting that (or at least I’m not).

It’s ok to say that there exists natural differences between people.

This is stupid. Noting that there is a bell curve of some innate talent we label intelligence is like noting there’s a bell curve on a person’s height.

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This is only true of GnRH related medications. Use of hormones as well as more effects. Just to be clear.


Just to note- Hamas was elected to govern in 2007. They are the elected governing body of Gaza. This is to say there are two governments at war.

I would also ask, as to responsibility: if Hamas fires a rocket from behind a human shield, and the innocent is killed as a result of return fire- wouldn’t Hamas be responsible for the war crime? Aren’t they responsible for the innocent life due to their purposeful choice to involve the innocent from the beginning?

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Arterial, tiny bubbles cause strokes. Venous, giant bubbles cause air emboli.

Sometimes there’s connections that shouldn’t be there that can cause venous bubbles to cross over and be a problem.

Your body has the miraculous ability to identify ANYTHING that isn’t itself: viruses, fungi, bacteria, even lots of nearly-self things like cancer.

It’s likely not a solvable problem.

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Don’t be an ass. Your claim was I was spreading misinformation because hamas never said that 500 people died, and was a product of western media. This isn’t what your article argues, rather that dead might have been mistranslated from injured. The core thrust of my argument remains the same- data supplied by Hamas is suspect, at best.

Again, if you’re able, explain your argument.

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You can’t articulate your argument. That’s on you, bud.

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A loss for words is still a loss.

It’s a shame, really. Not that the herd here will care- but I have always been a liberal. For 20 years I’ve voted democratic and pushed for understanding. But things are changing- have changed. We’ve polarized to the point of absurdism, arguing that one atrocity is ok and the other is not solely on the parties involved. We’ve bathed so much in the incestuous pond of cable media and internet misinformation that anything that isn’t exactly “party line” is dismissed and derided.

Currently, the line is perceived power is ultimate evil- that everyone with it is by definition a victimizer everyone without is by definition a victim. In this paradigm, the Jews, ironically, are the colonialists and can do no good, while Hamas can do no wrong. Reality is rarely so black and white.

This is no justification of Netanyahu administration. But equivocating here is wrong. Hamas started the war with capturing, raping, and murdering innocents, and wants to avoid repercussions by hiding behind their own civilians. We should be able to denounce evil where it lies- with those who caused the war. Want to end the war? Call for Hamas to surrender.

No joke, we used to visit every year growing up. Then a lot of years past and I had kids of my own I took last year- it’s disheartening.

Having read the supplied article, the author has no information except that kills might be mistranslated. Not to get into the weeds, but it doesn’t dispute the source, nor does it offer more credible information.

And as a rule of thumb- a single dude publishing a substack doesn’t deserve more credibility than a long time news source. Not that the article supplies and information that might be argued- the whole point is that he didn’t get any information.

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Not sure what you mean?

I read the article and it didn’t say what you said it says.

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This is not a one sided situation. Hamas is diverting fuel from hospitals to store for their war needs. If Hamas didn’t take civilian fuel the hospitals wouldn’t be out of it. This makes them at least partially responsible, no?

Your response is nothing but theatrics and exaggeration. The US worse than North Korea, where no free will or choice exists? Or how about china, with ongoing Uyghur concentration camps? Or nazi Germany and the holocaust?

This is not to say the US is blameless- it’s to say that there are degrees of evil- and founding your organization on the death of someone else puts you at bottom of the barrel, by default.

It’s an interesting article, but it’s not an exhaustive look at the situation. Look buddy- the article is from the point of an American, and proscribes American actions that should be taken. While that is interesting, it doesn’t touch nearly at all on what the current parties should do (vis a vis Hamas and Israel) and it doesn’t apply ANY scrutiny to Hamas or suggest any actions they should take.

It’s not that it’s not an insightful piece, but it’s POV is limited, and can’t be applied generally.

I’m not justifying either- I’m just saying that Hamas is the responsible party

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I’m just saying. Hamas is a terrorist organization known for lying. They have a clear reason to do so here, and the evidence suggests they are in fact lying. This isn’t to justify a war, it’s to say that they are misleading here.

Hamas has Jewish eradication as part of its founding charter. I’m not sure this qualifies a one sided fight.

Fundamentally it comes down to who is more at fault for the death of a human shield, the one who is using the human shield or the one who is attacking.

Clearly Hamas is more at fault. If you want peace tell Hamas to surrender and return the hostages.

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A nice quote from the FUCKING CHARTER of Hamas “ The time will not come until Muslims will fight the Jews (and kill them); until the Jews hide behind rocks and trees, which will cry: 0 Muslim! there is a Jew hiding behind me, come on and kill him! “

The organization is designed around genocide. You play with the idea that everyone is equally bad- that because the U.S. has done terrible things then all terrible things are equal. But Hamas was founded with the goal of eliminating a population. It’s not a fucking resistance movement fighting for survival- it’s a terrorist organization intended to wipe out another population.

How you equivocate the two is beyond me. If the Declaration of Independence had a line describing the death of Mexico or Canada then sure. But only one group has specifically called for the elimination of the a population- and that’s Hamas of the Jews.

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Broski- you are trusting one guy over a credible news organization. And you cite “silent lunch”.

Isnt this scraping the bottom?? Do you have any credible sources?

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Hamas put their headquarters there…

Not to say it’s not true- but I’d wait a few days till we have more info before saying it absolutely did happen- see the hospital or church bombings for example.

It’s naive to say that kindness is going to stop violence from a group who in their founding charter call for the death of the opposing group. Hanas isn’t a good faith group and no amount of kindness will change that.

Any solution that will be durable requires that Hanna’s is not a part of it.

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Hamas put their headquarters there.

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Like the 500 dead in the self inflicted hospital parking lot? Come on.

Hamas is a motivated and non-credible source for details.

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On the night of the explosion, the Hamas-run Gazan health ministry put the toll at 500 or more dead, which it later changed to “hundreds.”


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You can feel about it however you’d like, but the term provider was purposely used to justify different care without patients being aware.

It’s not a matter of a 30 year PA vs a resident, experience certainly matters. But I take issue when you claim medical knowledge because you’re a “provider”, and especially because you work in a pediatric hospital. The role of a pediatric endocrinologist and an ortho PA almost don’t overlap, and the background schooling almost don’t either.

That’s not to say I’m particularly qualified either (it’s outside my specialty) but you infer that you’re qualified to comment when you and I both know, frankly, you’re not.

Y’all are bonkers if you equivocate the US and hamas. Legit they kidnapped, raped, murdered, than paraded the dead body of a young woman through the streets. This is the same group y’all go to for info?? Nuts man….

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Who knows? I sure don’t. But I don’t believe 500 people died in a parking lot and I don’t take numbers from a motivated party at face value.

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The AMA literally says the opposite:


The only people pushing “provider” are administrators who would prefer to muddy the waters with regards to who providers care, and the midlevels who benefit.

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That’s the point- 500 people didn’t die, it’s a made up number to grab headlines.

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Hamas put their headquarters in the hospital. That’s on hamas bro.

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Hamas put their headquarters in the hospital


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refers to self as provider

Definitely not a doctor.

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