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Joined 13 months ago


Fever is not 100F. A fever is defined as 100.4F. Why 100.4 when 100 is a much easier to remember and handle number? Because fever is defined in humans as 38C, and that converts to 100.4F.

14 more...

Can someone explain this to me? I don't get it.

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Ranked choice voting. A system that is FAR better than our current system, but stands as a threat to our complacent two parties, and therefore will never become a realization.

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I'm usually one to discount news stories for being dramatic and misleading, but this one is pretty rough. Unsure how she fell in the first place, but the video of her on the floor with the pointed toes is rough to watch. That's a hard one to fake, and is a clear sign of spinal trauma.

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Interestingly, he was silent for 3 weeks after being assigned to the bug, then came back to post his blog post and nothing else. I've seen this blog post a few times today, looks like his self promoting strategy is working.

Was the benefactor of finance mistake in military. It's not your money, it's the government's. They take it back. You have no defense and no rights.

Bonus is if they screw up and give you $25k extra like they did me, you can pay it back as 10% of your base income, interest free. Turned out to be a 0% interest 3 year car loan for me!

I was wondering how in the hell they got IRB approval for a placebo of "I'll just cut on you but not do surgery". Saw it was 2002, but still was surprised. Then I saw it came from VA in Texas, and all questions were answered.

Is that the nowhere king?

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This, in addition to the other comment calling it a scammer cleared it up for me. I initially read it as "doing yogas...". Guess I'm out of touch.

I don't get it. Enlighten me?

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I hate to do this, but I gotta.

What about religion? There are atheists who don't understand why people seek religion, but the basis of believing in God is not harmful to others. So why the anti-theism in so many subs here?

To take this even further, you say others have a responsibility to stop you from harming/killing your child. To extend this further, this can be taken to say that others have a responsibility to prevent aborting a healthy fetus.

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That someone was RIGHT!

Running pihole here, might be something similar. I'm also curious!

Interesting that you've assumed my stance based on my comment. I never said I was anti-abortion.

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I was wondering if it was a scammer thing. Makes sense, thanks!

I've not seen many neonates capable of surviving without external intervention. Yes, there is more involvement that an umbilical cord, but left to its own devices, a neonate will not survive.

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Agreed, a neonate can certainly survive longer than a fetus without support.

Right, I read that part. I'm not very knowledgeable on the topic, but wouldn't a top bunk have a railing?

For what it's worth, I've seen plenty of inmates who "fell from the top bunk" and they have obvious knuckle marks on their cheeks from being punched. So I'm a little suspicious of those kinds of "falls".

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Am I the only one who can't actually see the injury in the video? Whoever edited the original footage removed the most relevant part of the video and made a 2 minute video out of a 5 second clip and didn't even include the useful part of the 5 seconds. Not sure how everyone is able to state with confidence the malicious nature from this poorly edited video.

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I've been told that about sterilization as well by people. So while you present it at a theoretical argument, I've seen it as a lm real argument used in legitimate conversation.

Fair point

You also assume I'm religious.

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That actually shows it, thank you!