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Joined 1 years ago

On mobile: because of addon support (aka because of ad-block) On desktop: Open Source, "It's not chrome", it feels snappier than alternatives, it has good Linux/Wayland support, customizability and the biggest reason - habit. I started using Firefox when there was no Chrome.

Rowan Atkinson. I'm unable to watch Mr Bean or Blackadder with a straight face. Everything he does is comedy gold.

Also the one and only Robin Williams, may he rest in peace. Watched his stand up program and spilled my drink multiple times

  • The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages
  • Monkey Island 3
  • The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  • Minecraft
  • Mass Effect 3
  • Left 4 Dead 2
  • Baldurs Gate 3
  • Pokemon Silver
  • Terraria
  • Spider-Man 2 (the one for PS5)

Out of those probably Terraria and Minecraft take up ranks 1 and 2, just because i START playing them again every few years

Polonium - autotiling for KDE 5.27. Ever since KDE Plasma broke Bismuth on wayland, i've been running with bare Plasma. Polonium is the first project to work (mostly) as Bismuth used to, although it's just one developer working on it as far as i understood and it still has a bunch of bugs. But really looks promising.

Also, KDE 6 (which will break everything again probably) :D

I watched "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" a total of 6 times in cinema (and the extended edition countless times on DVD since then) and still think very fondly of the experience. Just experiencing the awe when the beacons were lit and the camera flew through the mountains and the mind blowing moment when the Riders of Rohan appear on the horizon.

When the extended edition came out on dvd, i watched the whole trilogy at least once a year

His story about the rubber ducks is awesome

I second Walter Moers. His books seem to be written by a maniac, but its the work of a genius

Mid 2022, when i swapped my nvidia card to an AMD one. Instantly switched to Wayland (KDE Plasma) and stayed there.

2009 i started studying computer science. Having windows on my Laptop wasnt helpful when compiling c, that was my first encounter with Linux (especially Ubuntu). Was running Xubuntu most of the time because i didnt like Unity.

Stopped using Linux after finishing my degree, since Linux wasnt useful for gaming or my work.

Skip forward to 2020. Hadnt really used Linux for anything for years, then windows 11 was announced. Didnt like where this was going and tested out Manjaro, since gaming on linux was supposed to be "okay".

Didnt like Manjaro and tried out EndeavourOS. All games that mattered at the time ran good. Switched to AMD graphics, deleted windows completly from my drive and use Linux exclusivly for private usage.

Also installed EndeavourOS on my work laptop and use a Windows VM if needed.

I dont want to go back to using windows for daily stuff ever

Nothing else matters - Metallica

This Song opened my mind for the World of Metal and guitars. I started to learn how to play guitar shortly after hearing it the first time

1 more...

I was sad that he wasn't mentioned yet. I cant think of books where the characters are so relatable as in Butchers works.

I have read through the Dresden Files multiple times, each time being emotionally hooked on whata happening.

Codex Alera is one of the greatest fantasy book series ever in my opinion

Sir Elton John called it "the best fucking piece of music i ever Heard"

That counts as something :D