
8 Post – 33 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

what they do is lure you in with unsustainable prices and once they got established slap you with real price. Because for the real price you wouldn't find it worthy in the first place. But now that you enjoy it it's more likely you'll pay more than what you might initially do

Evil x Evil = grab popcorn and enjoy!

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is it necessary for our cars to be connected to internet? I mean if you need maps, jus use the phone with a stand.

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Android firefox is ok now. Moreover now it supports add ons too and there are some good add ons there.

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Oh great doesn't it mean Tor (the browser) was vulnerable too?

download all your facebook data to get all memories locally, then you can delete

Google: Not this time

unleashes web integrity API


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If firefox gets more popular then maybe more add ons can appear..

at least they support add ons like CHROME

Install unlock origin extreme! They now use quantum computers to break YouTube's DRM locks and allows free content!

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Yesterday I forgot to turn on the switch and played on battery without knowing for 30 minutes. Went from 100-60. The game was old enough so there weren't any performance difference so didn't notice

It's cannon

i kinda wanna know what's the mindset of those people about CCP

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Yeah I don't think that's gonna happen

do you know what makes them even more money? Making you pay, and then selling your data anyway!

You CANNOT opt out of data collection from youtube. Just pay them or they'll put an absurd amount of ads to the point it's not usable anymore.

damn they even gives ability to block topics! SOO PRIVATE!!


are you chinese?


Huh you get a mint?/We get a "good job bro!👍👍"

there could be people using Tor that wants to spread news into outer world... Or people who was in china but not anymore

But probably not in lemmy.

this is a legit usecase of game cracking

isn't switzerland the nation which has high privacy? Is it woeth moving in there?

The problem is true 5G is high frequency and very low range, requiring towers everywhere. Also realistically we don't even need these speeds on mobile devices, what it should've been is a better 4G with more reliability and better performance in crouded areas.

Englis plss

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you can, it's just harder to do. I suggest find a debloater tool, and use it. Also remove cortana thing to make it even faster. There are some tools that let's you remove all WinRT apps

I say it's ukraine's fault to try and rely on a PRIVATE infrastructure for mission critical connectivity. That enabled Elon to in turn disconnect the service whenever he wanted. Maybe not rely on a private infrastructure where it's owner has absolute control over the communication.

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Is privacy pass still alive?


Mine should have a 3070ti so ut should have no excuse for NOT running DOOM.

A 100W one should be able to power it for lighter tasks, right? Won't be gaming on the power bank.

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I don't know but trusting some random guy with critical communications doesn't look like the smartest thing.. what if elon tomorrow decides to turn off starlink access for the whole of Ukraine? All they can do is complain....