
0 Post – 19 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Toddler related as well. Wanted to slam his face into the edge of the sink until the screaming stops. It was pretty close a few times.

5 more...

Very, VERY true.

Oh absolutely. I got my first smartphone when I was 20 years or so, so you can imagine what hitting puberty was like.

I'm surprised nobody said wank yet.

1 more...

With a username like this, I'd give all my hosts and servers moon names. Like the moons of Jupiter (Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto).

7 more...

My wife has gained roughly 60 kg since I meet her many years ago, which some might see as that kind of limitation, but you know, I don't even see that when I look at her. She is smart as fuck, a great engineer, a wonderful mother, and just overall the better half of me. It's just so easy to love her, and I would never even consider leaving her for looks. We all have our imperfections, but that's not to say we're not worthy of love. Oh yeah, I'm a terrible smart ass, overweight, impatient, not a great father, and I don't communicate very well. Beats me what she sees in me.

Very true! And once you've done it for a while, you start to notice other cachers by the way they are awkwardly standing in unusual places trying to look inconspicuous.

Metube might be right for you.

As proven by the fact that dogs exist. I bet wolves were constantly itchy as well, but receiving those excellent scritches over millennia, they turned into the gentle doggos that we know today. And now I can have one of these 30kg predators in my house, trusting me with their life and sleeping on me occasionally and not mauling me with their sharp teeth, just because of the power of scritches.

2 more...

I, too, share your hatred for horses. They are arrogant fucks who think they are better then everyone else. One exception: there's these large horses with fluffy hooves and fat asses that seem to be chill and more like large dogs. You're OK.

  • I use bash, because I never had the time to learn anything else.
  • Like @jlsalvador@lemmy.ml said, I use the #!/usr/bin/env bash shebang.
  • Nope
  • Also nope
  • Nope. Shell scripts reside in Git repos on Gitlab/Gitea/Forgejo and are checked out using Ansible playbooks onto the servers as necessary.
  • For scripts? Python. Read this blog post by the great @isotopp@chaos.social. For interactive use? bash is just fine for me, though I've customized it using Starship and created some aliases to have colored/pretty output where possible.
  • Use shellcheck before running your scripts in production, err on the side of caution, set -o pipefail. There are best practices guides for Bash, use those and you'll probably be fine.
  • Be prepared to shave yaks. Take breaks, touch grass, pet a dog. Use set -x inside your Bash script or bash -x scriptname on the CLI for debugging. Remember that you can always fallback to interactive CLI to test/prepare commands before you put them into your script. Think before you type. Test. Optimize only what needs optimization. Use long options for readability. And remember: Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows your address.
  • Nope, it's absolutely not bad practice to create aliases to save you some typing in interactive shell. You shouldn't use them inside your scripts though, because they might/will not be available in other environments.

I switched to fish because it has tab completion Yeah, so does Bash, just install it.

Oh, I also "curate" a list of Linux tools that I like, that are more modern alternatives to "traditional" Linux tools or that provide information I would otherwise not easily get. I'll post i

::: spoiler Tools Debian-Packages available

  • mtr

  • iputils-tracepath

  • iproute2

  • zsh

  • httpie

  • aria2

  • icdiff

  • progress

  • diffoscope

  • atop

  • powertop

  • ntopng

  • ethtool

  • nethogs

  • vnstat

  • ss

  • glances

  • discus

  • dstat

  • logwatch

  • swatch

  • multitail

  • lynis

  • ncdu (du-clone), alias du="ncdu --color dark -rr -x --exclude .git --exclude node_modules"

  • nnn (fully-featured terminal file manager. It’s tiny, nearly 0-config and incredibly fast. https://github.com/jarun/nnn)

  • slurm

  • calcurse

  • newsbeuter

  • tig ("ncurses TUI for git. It’s great for reviewing and staging changes, viewing history and diffs.")

  • qalc -ttyrec

  • taskwarrior

  • ttytter

  • ranger

  • ipcalc

  • pandoc

  • moreutils

  • googler

  • weechat

  • pdftk

  • abcde

  • dtrx

  • tload

  • ttyload

  • cockpit

  • sar

  • ht (hte Hex Editor)

  • dhex

  • ack (grep-clone)

  • silversearcher-ag (grep-clone)

  • ripgrep ("recursively searches file trees for content in files matching a regular expression. It’s extremely fast, and respects ignore files and binary files by default.", https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep)

  • exa (statt ls) https://the.exa.website/ ("replacement for ls with sensible defaults and added features like a tree view, git integration, and optional icons.")

  • fzf (CLI fuzzy finder), alias preview="fzf --preview 'bat --color "always" {}'"

  • fd (simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find', https://github.com/sharkdp/fd) -entr (watch-clone)

  • csvkit (awk-clone)

  • ccze (log coloring)

  • surfraw -hexyl ("hex viewer that uses Unicode characters and colour", https://github.com/sharkdp/hexyl) -jq ("awk for JSON. It lets you transform and extract information from JSON documents", https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) -pass ("password manager that uses GPG to store the passwords", https://github.com/lunaryorn/mdcat)

  • restic ("backup tool that performs client side encryption, de-duplication and supports a variety of local and remote storage backends.", https://restic.net/)

  • mdp (Markdown Presentation on CLI) -grepcidr

  • qrencode

  • caca-utils (show images on the CLI)

  • fbi ( & fbgs) (show images in Framebuffer device)

  • fbcat (take screnshot on framebuffer device)

  • nmap

  • micro (CLI Text Editor, ab Debian 11, https://micro-editor.github.io)

  • masscan (https://github.com/robertdavidgraham/masscan)

  • socat (Nachfolger von netcat, https://www.heise.de/select/ix/2017/11/1509815804306324)

  • dc3dd (patched version of GNU dd with added features for computer forensics)

  • smem (memory reporting tool)

  • free (Show Linux server memory usage)

  • mpstat (Monitor multiprocessor usage on Linux, part of sysstat package)

  • pmap (Montor process memory usage on Linux, part of the procps)

  • monit (Process supervision)

  • oping & noping

  • saidar (Curses-basiertes Programm für die Anzeige von Live-Systemstatistiken)

  • reptyr (Tool for moving running programs between ptys)

  • gron (https://github.com/tomnomnom/gron, makes JSON greppable, kann HTTP-Requests absetzen)

  • jc (https://github.com/kellyjonbrazil/jc, CLI tool and python library that converts the output of popular command-line tools and file-types to JSON or Dictionaries. This allows piping of output to tools like jq and simplifying automation scripts.)

  • bat (cat-clone), alias cat='bat' ("alternative to the common (mis)use of cat to print a file to the terminal. It supports syntax highlighting and - git integration.", https://github.com/sharkdp/bat)

  • ioping (https://github.com/koct9i/ioping, simple disk I/0 latency measuring tool, auch für disk seek rate/iops/avg)

  • vd (Visidata, multipurpose terminal utility for exploring, cleaning, restructuring and analysing tabular data. Current supported sources are TSV, CSV, fixed-width text, JSON, SQLite, HTTP, HTML, .xls, and .xlsx)

  • pdfgrep

  • duf https://github.com/muesli/duf (combined df and du, ncurses-based)

  • nala (apt-alternate, https://gitlab.com/volian/nala, https://christitus.com/stop-using-apt/)

  • iprange

  • tldr

  • rmlint

  • nvtop (https://github.com/Syllo/nvtop, GPUs process monitoring for AMD, Intel and NVIDIA)

  • lf (lf (as in “list files”) is a terminal file manager written in Go with a heavy inspiration from ranger file manager)

no Deb pkg avail

3 more...

Nah, that can't be right, I'm pretty sure it was them sweet sweet scritches. I asked, former wolf agrees.

Rest of the list:

::: spoiler Tools pt. 2

DNS tools:

Good stuff for pentesters and security researchers:

  • contained.af
  • cryptohack.org
  • 0x00sec.org
  • hack.me
  • chall.stypr.com
  • crackmes.one
  • hackxor.net
  • tryhackme.com
  • ctftime.org
  • ctflearn.com
  • picoctf.org
### .bashrc
# https://www.linuxjournal.com/content/boost-productivity-bash-tips-and-tricks
ftext () {
        grep -iIHrn --color=always "$1" . | less -R -r
duplicatefind (){
        find -not -empty -type f -printf "%s\n" | sort -rn | uniq -d | \
                xargs -I{} -n1 find -type f -size {}c -print0 | \
                xargs -0 md5sum | sort | uniq -w32 --all-repeated=separate
generateqr (){
        # printf "$@" | curl -F-=\<- qrenco.de
        printf "$@" | qrencode -t UTF8 -o -


Ken Shirrif's Blog is incredibly great!

237216938 logging off.

I love the clock, but it doesn't seem to be part of the launcher; at least I couldn't find it after installing the launcher. Where can I find it?

EDIT: I just realized you're running GrapheneOS. Does the clock come with Graphene? Nice background pic btw!

Uuuuh, weird, I love it!

That's some proper fur, I love it!

Neither does mine, but, I keep it to test a new tool from time to time.