
4 Post – 67 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

We have 3 (three. Three!!) redundant monitoring and alerting systems and have yet to detect the issues routinely found by our customers. Its not because we didn't detect them, it's because we have so many false positives we stopped looking (but still run the monitors).


This is a classic feedback problem: you use a microphone to amplify your voice, but If the mic picks up the amplified sound it creates audio feedback + a sharply increasing wail.

I can't imagine what LLM feed back 'sounds like', but a guarantee you it ain't pretty.

Ahh the Midnight Mellon Mounter


Shoes, with the Aglets of the laces resting upon them.

Well now I feel like an ass - this is what I'd tell my parents.

And yeah, that fixed it. I'm tempted to delete this whole embarrassing post, but I will leave it for the edification of others and to memorialize my shame.

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Give Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents a look. Wilkerson's got well researched links between India's caste system, U.S. Slavery, and the German Nazis. I was really surprised to learn that the Nazis researched national policies to find out how to best institute 'purity'. They ended up modeling theirs after the United States.

Fascims might not look the same every where, but it shares more than was obvious to me...


Education, specifically primary and secondary education for girls, is highly effective at reducing poverty. It deserves be highly prioritized for investment.


I'm starting in on sketches of what I want my mask to look like when finished.

Good lord I hope they find them in time...

I think Judaism is pretty interesting. No hell to speak of. Strong community focus. Traditions seem not-evil. Seems to foster a sense of curiosity and knowledge seeking. At least among those I know.

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You don't understand the depths of my shame.

I was in OS support for 5 years. I supported DOS 5.

I work with software Dev teams all day long, including designing highly available services.

And I do after hours tech support for elders (my folks) and house mates (my fam).

If anybody knows to reboot...

5th woman ever to win Nobel for physics

Park tool has good, informative videos: park tool

Saint Sheldon Brown is one of the best, original sources for internet cycling knowledge.

So... How is Lemmy set for SEO?

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Check out this book: Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong About the World — and Why Things Are Better Than You Think https://g.co/kgs/NrQSP4

You're not wrong - shit's fucked up. But that's not all - there is tremendous progress in the world, and significant change coming down the pike.

Why bother? Shape the change towards what's good, and be kind like the good dude above said.

Glasses. My only super power is astigmatism - the contacts for it are horrible.

I went to get lasic - the dude said: you'll need reading glasses, and maybe you'll see a boarder. What?!? No thanks - if I need glasses sometimes it's far better for me to use them all the time. That way I don't lose them.

I do wish I could use sunglasses more easily, but...

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Hypothetical: dashcam god eye view.

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Assuming these are cable actuated disc brakes: check the cable tension. You did be able to adjust tension by using a Barrell adjuster on your brake lever. This looks like a knob between the lever body and the cable housing. Rotating it should increase (or decrease) tension.

Can you describe 'loose' more precisely? Do you mean you can pull the lever too close to the bar. Or something else?

What did you do to adjust it that fixed it?

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The training program was 2x per week. For resistance training, they ran a set of machine based training, increasing resistance over time.

"3 sets of 10 repetitions as the main RT program on the following 6 weight-stack machines: leg curl, leg extension, arm curl, rowing, shoulder press, and chest press."

As an old dude, over been wondering what I can do to made my skin tougher.

Cold fusion.

Yes, several times. Surprisingly: my shortest surgery (10 min to remove a device) resulted in about 10 days of serious depression. A shrink says this happens about 10 percent of the time. I wish I'd known this in advance, I'd have opted out. I will be more cautious in the future.

"Lost" seems a bit too much - how about unmanaged?

Tentatively raises hand...

Back in the day, this job was a contract test position, or if you were lucky a technical trainer.

I am in a similar position, and really wishing I could go back to my technical training gig. My ideal would be contracting fall-to-spring, summers off - working in climate. Feels like there's got to be some seasonal work in an industry growing so fast...

Good Bot.

Don't mind if I do! (Wearing my vintage utilikilt this very moment)

Lose yourself to Dance

IMHO - go get it looked at: nothing is more important than stopping. Especially on an e-bike.

If I read it right: the government is paying for commercial (phone) location data. There are 3 issues:

  • creepy: the government shouldn't have this
  • costly: they are buying it with our tax dollars
  • comprehensive (?): They are getting everything (money can buy)?

If the government were to require this (like via a search warrant) rather than pay for it it would go through a mountain of legal oversight. It seems like the interpretation is: commercially available = publically available.

I guess what I would want to know next is: who gets access to this?

Good questions. I own priorities, my team owns operation. Fixing this is on our list of priorities, not high enough to get the amount of attention needed to really fix it.

Oh God - I never even considered that there was an audio book...


Start with Sutree. It's laugh out loud funny in places, and doesn't have any of the existencial dread of The Road or exquisite horror of Blood Meridian.

The Border Trilogy next, then No Country.

I've read Blood Meridian 3 times - waiting to get my book club hooked for the 4th. It's... Amazing.

I don't think I'll read The Road again.

37 school girls killed - they couldn't get in to the student housing, so they threw in fire bombs then killed the ones who ran out.


Sorry - not trying to be pedantic, but say more about how you adjusted the caliper! Did you turn a knob on the brake caliper body (big red dial on the spoke side - at least on my old mechanicals)? Or did you tighten the cable tension at the brake itself? Or did you tighten the bolts that attach the caliper to the bike?

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The likely cause is that the cable is slipping, probably where it connects to the caliper. This is more likely if you loosened then re-tightened that bolt, less likely if you did not.

Loosen the cable fixing bolt on the caliper. Make sure the brake lever is free (not depressed). Carefully follow the cable housing from the lever all the way to the caliper - is it seating correctly in any cable stops? If so:

  1. Pull the cable so that it is tight
  2. Tighten the cable fixing bolt tightly (you may need a friend to help maintain cable tension while you tighten the bolt).
  3. Wrap some tape around the cable just below the fixing bolt, as a marker.

How does it feel after that? Carefully try it out on a ride. Check the tape - is it squished/has it moved? (Probably not).

Ride for a few more days (carefully! Brakes are the most important thing on a bike!). How do the brakes feel?

If they are getting looser, but the tape has not moved that means the cable itself is not slipping, something else is changing.

I would avoid loosening the bolts that connect the caliper to the fork - if you do, make damn sure they get tightened again

Other things to check are:

  • How much wear do the pads have? Take them out and measure them. (If you have been dragging the rotors with the pads, you could be wearing them down. Seems unlikely). To measure, stack them on a flat surface and measure the height.
  • Are the adjuster knobs on the caliper moving? Mark then with a sharpie then take a picture, check if they are in the same place when things feel loose again (this is possible, but rare).
  • Are the calipers themselves in reasonable shape? (A cracker caliper could do this. I've never heard of that, but I'm not a bike mechanic, so... Maybe?)

Last time: brakes are the most important thing - if they don't work, go get them fixed by a pro before you ride.

Look up mechanical brake adjustment on Park Tools YouTube for videos.

Good luck, keep the rubber side down.

Alotta lotta justification on that mail...