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Joined 3 months ago

Ah, I wasn't aware of that. Good, fuck 'em.

Former President Donald Trump has sued the co-founders of Truth Social, alleging they mismanaged the social media platform early on and should therefore lose their stock in the company, which recently went public.

If mismanagement is enough to prevent someone from owning stock, Trump should not own a single share of anything.

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The character of Switch was originally meant to be male in the real world and female in the Matrix. Warner Brothers put a stop to that.

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Seize that fucker and turn it into low-income housing.

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I wouldn't put it past Elon to track this guy down via the plate number then remotely disable his car.

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Not ruinous enough if they're still on the air.

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Or... you know... not be a criminal.

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The Sixth Sense, if you can go into it blind. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out a movie's plot twist, but this one caught me completely by surprise. Then when you watch it again you pick up on all the dropped hints.

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I’m sure the cost is already much higher than they could afford.

That's what insurance is supposed to be for, assuming they had it. Getting the insurance company to actually pay out, that's a different story entirely.

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Oh, they're not thinking of it.

Mr. Burns Trump, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular ?

To serve his country...

When has he ever done anything to even hint that he serves anything but himself?

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Yeah, the length of the warranty is not the issue.

More likely they're looking to exploit it directly, rather than sell it to a third party.

"No bungee jumping".

Better yet, put him in Epstein's cell.

Merlin is the go-to custom firmware for Asus routers.

Johnson, who is second in line for the presidency, called the court system “corrupt.”

Takes one to know one.

Sentencing is part of the trial. Until that's done the trial is not over.

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I've got some bad news for you...

After 3, Wonderlands, and New Tales I can't say I'm particularly excited.

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Le. Coli, in French.

If they did make it a series there would need to be a 10-minute-long fight in an alley in every episode.

"Seditionist Treason Airport" has a certain ring to it.

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I love Cabin in the Woods, but it arguably falls under horror.

Says the company that took three years to implement a shopping cart for their shitty store.

Cyndi Lauper's Girls Just Want to Have Fun was originally Robert Hazard's Girls Just Want to Have Fun

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I notice you didn't say four or more upvotes...

Super Nintendo was not backward compatible.

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There's an addon for Firefox called SingleFile which lets you save a page as an HTML file but also includes all images, formatting, etc. It might be available for other browsers, but I'm not sure.

American beer is like sex in a canoe. It's fucking close to water.

Worst Animorphs book ever.

From the article.

What do you mean? It's blue, right?

(It's a joke. Don't worry, I get the original meaning, I'm old.)

Oof. You'd think a lawyer would know the correct spelling of that phrase.

Except Trump and his sycophants have convinced their base that the trial is illegitimate and meant just to persecute him. Anyone who believes that (and there are a lot who do) will only want to vote for him more.

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"hu.ma.ne" ... cuz meaningless dots are cool?

They bought the ma.ne domain, then created a hu subdomain, so it's actually a web address, which is kind of cool. But then it just redirects to humane.com, so... yeah.

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Or a polling place.

As specified in the article, season 4 is scheduled to release in January 2025.

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I have six 14TB drives in my NAS from serverpartdeals. Never had a problem with any of them.

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