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Joined 1 years ago

We should reform the EU into a single state Dutch Protectorate to prevent this in the future

i don't understand discord's popularity at all. it's so annoying to use

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All I want is a dumb devices brand.

So sick of smart devices that don't need to be smart. The more unnecessary things something can do, the more it can break.

I wonder if we'll ever get reliable, long lived products ever again or if planned obsolescence has won forever.

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"AI tiddies up Wikipedia's references..."

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Obviously the real solution is never talking to anyone ever again, instead living as a hermit in remote mountains with your only friend being a bear that tries to eat you several times a year

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people need to take a step back and realize we have the capability to trap quasi-omnipotent quasi-demons in our personal computers

yeah they lie a lot and rarely do what you want them to, but that's just what demons do

And it's all powered by some dark crystals created with light magic that slowly poison the planet

that's some arcane bullshit

it's called executive dysfunction

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now they gotta change their name

Netflix is literally 6x more expensive while having like 6x less content too. and the content they do produce is garbage.

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"see you later"

At least game engines provide massive value. Yeah they take a cut, but more money would have ultimately been used to produce a vastly inferior inhouse engine. Yeah Unity's recent move is douchey, buy it's still miles better than any of the extortion by app stores. No one can tell me Apple's curation is worth a 30% cut. Ridiculous.

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BlackberryPi Flipper Zero with LoRa and a thermal camera (because why not) would be cool

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hear me out: tungsten chainmail blanket

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just never be around people and you won't have this issue

works great

Once the fediverse gains significant traction there will be a huge coordinated media smear campaign to associate it with extremism, CP, violent crime, terrorism etc.. The "won't anyone think of the children" attack will be leveraged to ""regulate"" the fediverse (probably by legacy social media like Meta alongside the security state), aka transform it into regular old centrally controlled social media. Upload filters, encryption back doors, know your customer laws etc.. Non-regulated decentralized social media will be attempted to be made illegal, not sure if it will succeed.

So yeah eventually any true decentralized social media will have to move completely into the "darknet".

I want a show where it's about the life of some regular girl that just so happens to be friends with both the villains and the heros

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as is tradition

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Don't worry they still got China, and black budget funded cartels and domestic terrorists. If it's really necesary, Sahel and Haiti too.

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the color scheme of that icon physically hurts to look at

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Fixed it for you: Tell Congress: Don't Allow Patents

It's about trust. In a low trust society people show no regard for the society as a whole and will only act in their own interest.

There are various reasons why people loose any sense of belonging to a society, but the outcomes are always the same and you will see what you are describing.

I wanna say today it's mainly caused by inequality and cronyism that's been skyrocketing over the last 50 years.

Inequality at the levels we're at destroys society from multiple angles, from making life completely unaffordable, to making dating harder to making different demographics blame each other for all the problems.

If you don't feel your investment into the society is reciprocated, then you feel no need to follow any of its rules or make any sacrifices for it.

the aliens watching me for entertainment: oh no, he has installed gentoo and qubes, he is too far gone

This entire theory only exists because schools failed to properly teach the concept of leverage...

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My hair is going white, which means I now have exciting new opportinities in the GILF market

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I think social media designed like "Reddit" is just THE logical way to structure social media. That's why I think there is just an inherent demand for a platform like Reddit. Because of the network effect, social media platforms strongly tend to centralize. More users > more content > more users > more content > ... it is a self-reinforcing cycle favoring centralization. So that is the reason why reddit is popular, it was "the first", it is big. The only reason why people would ever leave is if Reddit themselves screw themselves over. Luckily for us, they do all the time.

Where Reddit really fails is how powerful admins and mods are, and regularly abusing that power. To fix this, you need to change the incentive structure so that power goes to the users themselves. Lemmy is already better at this because of its federated structure.

But I would go a step further and make communities work more like git. Anyone can fork any communities, meaning they create a new copy of a community but under their management. If enough people switch over to that fork, they get to keep the name of the sub.

That way mods and admins are incentivized to act in the best interest of users at all time, because if they don't, they are easily deposed.

As a bonus it would also result in making new communities from two groups who shouldn't have been together in the first place. Essentially creating more and more specialized communities more closely matching the wants of the users.

This is different to Lemmy or Reddit where you would have to create a new sub, with zero content to depose a mod/split the community.

You essentially make the process to switch out mods as low cost as possible for users. Thereby massively increasing competition, increasing quality and user satisfaction.

Ideally this would all be built on top of some base data storage layer like IPFS or something, so you don't have to literally copy over all the content any time you fork a community, but you just copy the references to where the content is stored.

Also hosting should be as simple as possible, ideally on some decentralized hosting service, like some of these crypto solutions.

This would basically remove all barriers to creating and maintining your own communities, except for hosting cost and moderation.

If you had to design the perfect social media platform, I think that would be it.

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thanks I'll pick the racist robot doctor over not having healthcare

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the writers are so lazy, they could have just given him another interesting arc, but they are clearly to incompetent for that

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kind of dumb they could get huge market share

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"pansexual" apparently means she's sexually attracted to frying bodily fluids in a pan

it would be nice if accounts existed seperately from instances somehow.

like a seperate identity service for the fediverse in general. Ideally with an option to use different aliases on different instances, instransparently to the instances, but with some way to carry over "reputation" from other instances.

free walnuts, not sure what you're complaining about. you should be grateful

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Source: https://github.com/redecentralize/alternative-internet#networking

Freifunk is a non-commercial initiative for free decentralised wireless mesh networks. Technically Freifunk firmwares are based on OpenWRT and OLSR or B.A.T.M.A.N. Funkfeuer is, just like Freifunk, a non commercial initiative for free wireless mesh networks.

Funkfeuer is based in Austria and uses OpenWRT as the firmware for the Routers. IPOP (IP-over-P2P) is an open-source user-centric software virtual network allowing end users to define and create their own virtual private networks.

LibreMesh includes the development of several tools used for deploying libre/free mesh networks. The firmware (the main piece) allows simple deployment of auto-configurable, yet versatile, multi-radio mesh networks. LibreVPN is a virtual mesh network using tinc plus configuration scripts that even let you build your own mesh VPN. It's also IPv6 enabled.

Loki net is a privacy network which will allow users to transact and communicate privately over the internet, providing a suite of tools to help maintain the maximum amount of anonymity possible while browsing, transacting and communicating online. Netsukuku is an ad-hoc network system designed to handle massive numbers of nodes with minimal consumption of CPU and memory resources. It can be used to build a world-wide distributed, fault-tolerant, anonymous, and censorship-immune network, fully independent from the Internet.

NYC Mesh aims to create a free, resilient, stand-alone communication system that serves both for daily use and also for emergencies—be it power outages or internet disruption—running software that helps our community with hyperlocal maps and events.

OpenNIC Project is an alternative DNS provider that is open and democratic.

PJON is an open-source network protocol able to connect devices using most physical layers and media, such as wires (PJDL, Ethernet, Serial and RS485), radio (ASK, FSK, OOK, LoRa or WiFi) and light pulses (PJDLS). It is released in a single portable implementation that can be easily cross-compiled on many systems like ATtiny, ATmega, ESP8266, Teensy, Raspberry Pi, Windows X86, Apple and Android. It is a valid tool to quickly build a network of devices. People's Open Network is a community mesh network in Oakland, California.

Project Meshnet aims to build a sustainable decentralized alternative internet. Used by Hyperboria and built on CJDNS.

Skywire is the Skycoin Project's communication primitive (analogous to MPLS, open-flow, TOX, mesh networking, darknet, i2p) that facilitates mesh networking both on traditional internet service provider infrastructure, and on individually owned wifi and radio equipment, allowing for a phased, incentivized approach to decentralization. Skywire Overview | skycoin.net

Yggdrasil is an early-stage implementation of a fully end-to-end encrypted IPv6 network. It is lightweight, self-arranging, supported on multiple platforms and allows pretty much any IPv6-capable application to communicate securely with other Yggdrasil nodes. Yggdrasil does not require you to have IPv6 Internet connectivity - it also works over IPv4.

ZeroNet enabled decentralized websites using Bitcoin crypto and the BitTorrent network

devil's advocate: this will save the vast majority of user (which are completely tech illiterate) from loosing their most important data

lets be real, none of them will use a private or foss backup solution any time soon.

I'd rather not they loose their important family photos for that oh so horrible crime of offending my privacy nerd sensibilities

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california compliant single shot bolt action airsoft gun with a 0.001J spring

you gotta suck a few eggs to make an omelette

Patents and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

anyone wanna give me access to their compute cluster.. for science?

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