
0 Post – 105 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Yeah Jerry definitely looked a bit tense. The channel is just about at 1m subscribers already and the video is doing great, they'll definitely do just fine.

Honestly, with the way things have been going, I wouldn't be surprised if Big Time was more popular than Donut in a few years.

Why is sex work even illegal in the first place.

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Like they do with school shootings.

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According to these statistics, the same thing happens every year. If you look at the previous years they all start to go up in January then peak around May and start to decline after that. So what's the big deal if this happens every year? It's to be expected.

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Show me another car that's sold without paint?

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How much are SpaceX expenses though? Revenue is different from Net Profit.

The US hasn't given Israel enough money to unlock that feature.

It's amazing how many laws and initiatives where put in place to help Boomers and older generations succeed in life and how they slowly stripped everything away after they benefited from it.

Return it 🤷🏻. I'm sure they have some 30 day return window.

Oh La La look at Mister Fancy pants over here owning a house. I bet you eat and shower everyday in you ivory tower too like your the fucking king of France or something huh.

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That can be said about almost all classic cars. Like the article pointed out, you can still register and drive a Ford Model T in the state.

Where are all those cops with the punisher logo on their vests when you need them. I'm starting to think they don't actually read punisher comics at all lol.

They do have that special edition clear one. And technically didn't they add metal inserts for the screws to go in? Instead of the self tapping screws in the older model, I'm not 100% on that. I know the screws themselves are different for sure.

What's your question exactly?

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Those are more exceptions than the rule. How many people went to jail for the Panama papers or Epstein Island? Most of them just get away with it.

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Any debloating you do will probably be reversed by updates eventually. Have you considered installing Linux on their computer as well assuming they use it for just web browsing. Maybe just get them something that runs ChromeOS even 🤷🏻

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That'd be some top tier trolling by Valve lol.

Fairphone 5 might work. Software support till 2031 and all the components are "easily" replaceable.

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Step 1: open "pop shop" in the task bar

Step 2: search for "Steam"

Step 3: Click download

This concludes my guide on how to download Steam on Pop!_OS.

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I live in New Jersey and all the friends I have that own a home either got financial help from there parents or moved all the way out to West Bumblefuck in order to buy a home.

Racing and Sports games for sure.

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Are they banning imported cars in general or just k cars? People have been importing Nissan GTRs and other type of cars for years using that same loophole.

Or, he's just a bit of an idiot.

Kinda yeah, why not buy a hatchback instead? The Suzuki being taller will inherently have more wind resistance, hence worse gas milage and Co2. Unless you absolutely need the extra ground clearance, which very very few do, it's stupid.

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in the United States*

There are other countries that manage taxes just fine.

What suv is that?

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IDK why people hate on Wikipedia links so much. Most wiki pages provide sources at the bottom of the page and are annotated, the [12] at the end.

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Not to mention every other handheld that’s sold like gangbusters in the past.

Have they though, other than Nintendo. If the PS Vita was making Sony so much money, why no successor? As far I know, the Steam Deck is the only successful non-Nintendo handheld ever.

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Forza Motorsport will do 4k60 on Series X for example. Most Racing and Sports games will do 4k60 on modern consoles since they're easy to render.

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America isn't Sweden, you can't decide not to go to jail

Unless you're rich, then there are no consequences. And he's 74, I doubt he cares if he gets to work in politics or not.

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I wonder why there's no Pacific NATO equivalent. China seems on the brink of invading a different country like every week.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

I have the receipts.

Let's see them then

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Definitely, every other piece of Valve hardware has been one and done. I figured valve would cut the Steam Deck since other companies have entered the market.

The entire world runs on Microsoft products.

Except for all the Mac/iOS Android/Chrome stuff. Or NASA, the NY stock exchange, 50% of servers, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Department of Defense, Nuclear submarines etc. those run on Linux. But other than those yes, the entire world lol

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What matters at the end of the day is wether you truly care for each other and wether you're both happy. There's a possibility that it would work out and a possibility that it wouldn't. Your romantic partner doesn't necessarily need to meet all your needs, intellectualy or otherwise.

Seeing as you don't have any relationship experience I say go for it. There's no harm in taking someone on a date. In fact that's the point of going on dates, to know people better so you can decide if you want to pursue a relationship.

Probably not. Does it bother you now, would you be embarrassed by her because of it? If yes, then definitely don't.

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And will be replaced with an app that does the same thing, just slightly worse lol