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Joined 11 months ago

It's not a surprise, the Republicans are following the "How to Fascist: for Dummies" step by step book

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Companies will use them before they are perfect.

I can't seem to get over that this dude looks like the lead in a bad 1970s comedy.

Depends on the boss. Some can be good and actually try to manage, but most tend to be lazy and not care much about working with their staff. Figuring out how to get the most out of your employees is part of every management training course I've ever seen, but a lot of managers/bosses tend to pick the things they like and not necessarily the things that work best for their employees.

I like that more and more of the kids these days are willing to settle for shitty stuff. Most of the people in my generation (+/- a generation) just deal with it and shut down anyone that thinks things can and should be better, and that sucks.

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You can't make them read their own book.

How is the guy (biden) who's in a position to actually get shit figured out responding like it's our responsibility to?

Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for the country...

I think that's one of the worst quotes from a president of a country. The government is for the people, it's supposed to be doing stuff for the people. It should be our sword and shield against the corporations and fascists, but instead it's become the shackles of the people.

That's what she did last time.

Like with most things, consent and intent matter. I went out on Halloween when I was a kid and got free candy, so why is it bad if I break in and steal other people's candy?

I think it has to be both.

There are many times throughout the history of the United States where a community came together and became prosperous only to have everything taken away by people supported by the state through shit laws and/or law enforcement turning a blind eye. Look at Black Wall Street aka the Tulsa massacre.

I get that corruption is prevalent and is difficult to clean out, but there was massive sea change after the 1930's crash that lead to the US having a massive, strong, and healthy middle class.

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In some states, like mine, someone working for tips is not getting paid minimum wage. So if you don't tip the waiter, then they could be worse off than a cashier at 7-11 who makes minimum wage.

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The Mexican pizza that had olives on it.

Wait until they read the second one "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water"

I had to take a COBOL class in early 2000s. And one of the two C/C++ courses was 90% talking about programming and taking quizzes about data types and what do functions do, and 10% making things just beyond "hello world." And I'm still paying the student loans.

Looks like a manly arm.

I have sympathy for the Palestinian and Israeli civilians that are being murdered by both sides. Since 2008, Israel has killed significantly more Palestinians than vice versa https://www.ochaopt.org/data/casualties, 6,000 Palestinian deaths to 300 Israeli deaths.

It's the "deserve" part of your comment that I'm having trouble with reconciling when the amount of deaths and violent oppression has been so unbalanced against Palestinians. Yeah, Hamas needs to face consequences, but that's not really what's happening or what's going to be happening. It's going to be civilians that will suffer the most and Hamas will be fine when it's all done.

It's not hard to see, as horrible as Hamas is, how they can get recruits and support for their regime and how this escalated to this point. I don't support what happened in any way, but I can see how things lead up to this.

And I've seen people say that Hamas fucked it up for Palestinians because now they lost the sympathy. Which is hard to not see as flawed when the sympathy hasn't helped Palestinians for over half a century of violent oppression.

If include other countries, that list gets pretty long.

I'm trying to interpret this as a response to my post, but it doesn't make sense. I don't want to assume incorrectly or misinterpret your response so I need you to clarify what you mean.

Ideally yes. There are laws, sure. However, in the real world, it doesn't work that way. In my state, there is a different minimum wage for tipped workers. Back when it affected me personally, it was $2.85 when the minimum wage was $7.25. Now it's like $10 and $14.

And yes, if the tipped employee doesn't meet a minimum wage then the employer is supposed to make that up. How often that happens though, I've never seen it. And what is an underpaid employee supposed to do? Sue a chain restaurant with all the money they don't have? Get a pro bono lawyer willing to waste months of their time to help recover the difference of like $300?

I get the altruism, and the simple satisfaction from pointing to laws to try to disprove a person who experienced things in real life. But at some point in your life, you should learn that the real world doesn't work by pointing to a rule book and crying foul when someone breaks the rules.

Are your co-workers the only people on the planet that have ever tried to shut down that kind of conversation?

No. This is a conversation, the person you replied to said something and that something meant a specific thing. Since I'm the person who said it, I know what that guy meant. I was talking about conversations I had in real life.

Even if I didn't mention that specifically or clearly enough, talking about a random thing never before brought up in the discussion is your leap.

Cannot conversations be expanded upon?

They sure can. But since it's a conversation between at least two people, those two (or more) people should be on board with the expansion. Just forcing it into a conversation and ignoring what the others are telling you, is not a good way to have a conversation for a myriad of reasons.

No need to be so literal, especially when I was responding generally, and trying to make you feel better.

Talking about something that doesn't make me feel bad in the first place (astroturfing in this case), and "fixing" it, has absolutely no chance of making me feel better. It's like putting a bandaid on my knee when it was my finger that was cut.

I'm aware of astroturfing, and can usually spot it in the wild. But online comments from other people hold much less weight for me than in person or at least personal conversations. So by default, astroturfing doesn't really affect me.

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One person has to start the expansion though, it just doesn't manifest on its own.

Sure, and like I already said, the others should be onboard with you. If however, like I did, push back against it and provide the reason for the push back, then it's bad form to keep pushing. You haven't even addressed the reason for the push back.

One person's forcing is just another person's expanding, and shouldn't be responded to rudely.

The first time is not forcing. Continually pushing and pushing is forcing.

So the content I got from your replies is basically a person is only allowed to respond exactly to what was said, cannot leverage from that and expand on it like any other normal conversation between people, cannot be helpful if the other person is not in need of it, and if they do so they're just plain 'wrong' for doing so.

Not anywhere near what I said. I said it doesn't make me feel better, and yet you persisted. That's not good behavior.

If you want to talk with someone rather than at them, then yes, you have to accept and adapt to what the other parties are telling either directly, through their actions, or even in hints. I'm telling you directly and that doesn't seem to work.

You prefer to talk at me rather than with me where only your desires and intentions matter. I don't see why you bother talking with anyone if that's what you do, because a wall is just as good as a conversation partner as one you don't listen to.

You must be really fun at parties.

Yes actually. For one, I don't force the conversations after someone lets me know they're not interested in it. Tends to put people at ease when they feel that their boundaries are respected.

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How long do you think they should try diplomacy for before they realize that it's not working?

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The cowardly and terrorist attack on civilians Hamas committed on Oct 7th was short sighted and doesn't make logical sense. Fighting back against a superior force when all other options have been exhausted does make sense. There are a few historical examples of a small force overcoming a superior force, it could happen. Not likely, but again, when there aren't other options, trying the same thing that didn't work over and over again for 50 years isn't very logical either.

Pushing back against my rudeness? You think what I'm doing is rude and what you're doing is OK because you think I was rude.

Because when someone is trying to do something nice for you, you don't smack their hand way.

I didn't smack your hand away, I made a joke based on your odd assumption. If you only wanted to be nice, why are you pushing me at all? When I try to do something nice, and the person receiving it doesn't like it, I apologize, because I did something to them. That they didn't like. That is the polite thing to do. The nice thing.

Trying to brow beat the other person into appreciating what you did or worse, to get them to apologize to you for not liking what you did is not nice. It's controlling behavior. It's bad behavior. You are behaving badly and rudely. No amount of ridiculously irrational ramblings is going to change that.

instead of inquiring further to what I was trying to convey

I already knew what you were trying to convey, I was not the one ignoring the other. Which most would agree is rude behavior.

Well, when you start[...]

Hey, I don't care. I was just offering up some friendly advice about how to interact with others. Act how ever you feel you need to. It just looks to me like you're missing the mark on what you claim to want to do. By all means, keep messing up, it doesn't affect me one way or the other.

And truly, I would say that you are the one who is not listening.

I'm sure you would say that. I'm sure that in your head I'm the bad guy and you're some kind of crusader whipping me into submission for having the gall to respond differently to you than how you wanted me to.

And yes, I am fun at parties. Not sure why you think otherwise from a small sample of our interacting. It's kind of irrational.

You want the right to act as you want with others without them being able to tell you when you are acting poorly. Gotcha.

Well this doesn't make any sense. Do you want to read what I try that again?

Honestly, you were being rude

I wasn't. I have nothing to apologize for. If it makes you feel any better, I don't think there is any winning in an Internet argument. I honestly thought this was just some weird exchange and not an argument at all.

If you think it's a waste of time, and you're not getting entertainment out of it like I am, then why am did you keep replying?

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Alright, buddy, have fun.

The settlers, armed and protected by Isreal, run counter to your claim that Isreal is willing to make peace. The reality is that Isreal wants the land and they're going to take one way or another. With violence from peaceful people or with violence from people fighting against them taking their land.

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You mean like a corporation got some coworkers hired and doing actual work at the place I'm working at just to tell me I need to deal with my shit job? That seems a bit on the paranoid side.

I have a good job now.

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I think it ebbs and flows. My grandpa liked his job and didn't put up with shit even if that meant losing his house. But he was still able to manage. We're in the roaring twenties again, hopefully after the coming financial disaster we get another round of 40 or so years of a strong middle class before the neo boomer summer children fuck it up for everyone.

Yeah, I gathered what you were talking about. But you're responding to me talking about me talking to coworkers. I get that I didn't specifically say that, but I also don't say anything about comments on forums.

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Yeah, get that. I get where you went wrong as described in my last post.

I am not happy with a lot of people in my generation wanting to shut the conversation down. Astroturfing doesn't apply since the people that were doing it, were in person, face to face, coworkers. Not astroturfers.

What does make me feel better is that millennials and later seem to be more on board with me on this.

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Who said that all they wanted was the land?

And if you think that the Sinai Peninsula was in any way peaceful, you're missing a lot. It gives the impression that you don't know what you're talking about and are only using bullet points that someone else came up with. If not, go ahead and look into it and there you will find the answer.

Irrational deflections aside, Israel is taking land from peaceful people as well as people fighting back. If you were to disregard the excuses given by Israel and look at what has been going on for 80 years, you might see that their actions speak louder than their words. At about 10 times louder and getting even louder.

Edit: line breaks

The person I'm replying to seems to be missing a lot of historical context, which is why I'm asking the question and why I'm not going to answer yours without a bit of quid pro quo.

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