
1 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

A lot of people think that regular human transplants are problem free but the vast majority of them are rejected by the receiver. If it’s for a life saving procedure it can only extend the life span by so much…

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One of my favourite things about early days Reddit was it’s growing community of positivity. There was actual encouragement to be nice to each other and subreddits were built around celebrating stuff.

Negativity was downvoted into oblivion so you never saw that stuff on the All page and popular pages.

I’m seeing the same thing with Lemmy right now and hope it continues long into the future. The lack of profiteering should really help with this.

If you’re doing chest compressions to save someone who has stopped breathing there roughly a 10% chance they will survive but a 0% chance if you don’t So it’s often worth it anyway.

However it does keep the blood flowing and can prevent brain damage until a defibrillator is available which has a much higher chance of saving someone who has stopped breathing.

The heart is also protected by the lungs and breast plate.

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What’s the rush? Rome wasn’t built in a day. If people are happy (enough) with it now it will grow with time and at the pace it should.

If things get too big too quickly then the cake will always collapse.

I like the amount of content here right now and things will diversify gradually over time.

Most people seem to forget their Reddit accounts were more than 8,9,10+ years old and a lot changed over that period.

Yes but the people who suffer the most with these weapons is the civilians.

Just because they are already being used, doesn’t mean more should be used.

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This was disproved on mysthbusters

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Yes if the heart has flatlined completely then it won’t be started again by AED. But if they are in cardiac arrest then the heart rate is erratic and doesn’t function normally but can be returned to normal with a defibrillator.

Isn’t this the opposite of the guy who said he needed to survive 3 days without pooping?

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Streamers are currently benefiting from the actors strikes as no new content is being bought and made while they continue to receive subscription payments for old content.

This, and price hiking is simply greed, nothing more.

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I see your point but There’s no clear answer here.

The article raises a valid point that Cambodia has extensive history from these weapons spilling over from the Vietnam war and causing civilian fatalities way after the war ended.

My point here is that just because a war crime(s) is committed one the Russian side, that doesn’t give free reign to the Ukraine side to do the same.

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I think this looks better than it is. Sure, new energy generation coming from green sources is good but proportionally of existing sources it’s very small.

Total energy generated in US is 4 trillion KWh

56 billion KWh out of 4000 billion kWh is small.

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Good luck it’ll be a blast!

Because this information is very valuable to advertisers who want to target to customer base. If Meta sells them the users who happen to be X, Y, and Z and also happen to be searching recently for a similar product, Boom they’ve got themselves a likely customer. Much easier than advertising to the masses and hoping 0.1% will bite.

It’s all about discreet money making. The advertisers and Meta only care about how to make money off you.

Geology budget of 5million dollars doesn’t seem like that much.

I just blocked Politics.

I felt that politics posts and discussions on reddit led to a separation of communities and echo chamber when platforms like that an Lemmy would ideally, be politics free.

It leads to a more friendly positive and inclusive place to be.

I think it would be impossible to keep politics off Lemmy so best I can do for now is filter it out.

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This is only the beginning of Lemmy and it already has everything I got from Reddit.

We gave the admins and spez a chance to go back on the API changes with the protest but they arrogantly ignored the users views.

The only thing that will get CEOs like this to listen to their user base is a mass exodus. If several million people closed their account they would actually listen in the first place.

Power to the people.

Cinematographer here. It is a very expensive industry but everybody starts somewhere and the technology has improved so much that even no money productions are doable now.

Shoot on your phone. Shoot outdoors. Use your mates as actors. Writing a script costs nothing but bare in mind everything you write could cost you money to acquire. The clever bit is how to write that without it costing much.

Above all story and characters are the most important so focus on those rather than expensive gear.

There’s also some great books out there. The guerilla filmmakers blueprint helped me out a lot when I started out.

Sad that 9 other (potentially innocent) people also had to die for this “accident”.

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When you don’t live with your parents that’s when you feel like an adult as you don’t have that safety net you’ve been given since birth.

They should definitely drop a banana on the moon’s surface

What does the 196 refer to?

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Are there any negatives to using a different instance. Does it require work and hoe do you do it?

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Does anyone here have the capability to implement this? Is it a Lemmy admin thing or can the app devs do something?

What would you reccommend?

Works fine for me on iPhone

I immediately thought I need to watch the live version after the music video. That whole gig was amazing. 15 years ago though whelp 👀

My favourite from the live gig

Albi the racist dragon

Cinematographer here. It is a very expensive industry but everybody starts somewhere and the technology has improved so much that even no money productions are doable now.

Shoot on your phone. Shoot outdoors. Use your mates as actors. Writing a script costs nothing but bare in mind everything you write could cost you money to acquire. The clever bit is how to write that without it costing much.

Above all story and characters are the most important so focus on those rather than expensive gear.

There’s also some great books out there. The guerilla filmmakers blueprint helped me out a lot when I started out.

God I miss the days of my Saturn

Happy to be here, also sad to be here.

The south of the island is much quieter and nicer than the north!

Why not get ahead of the curve and start moderating/start a community here already?

The positivity and enthusiasm on lemmy is so refreshing and each community is growing quickly. It’s like the days of Reddit when it was young.

Sound like you live in the states but one thing I’m doing to keep costs down at the moment is cycle everywhere whenever I don’t need to get the train or car. It’s 7.20 return to use the metro whereas cycling is free. Savings Adds up quickly.

I’ve always thought the measure of being an adult is when you being to like mustard.

This is only the beginning of Lemmy and it already has everything I got from Reddit.

We gave the admins and spez a chance to go back on the API changes with the protest but they arrogantly ignored the users views.

The only thing that will get CEOs like this to listen to their user base is a mass exodus. If several million people closed their account they would actually listen in the first place.

Power to the people.

Are you using wefwef? Maybe try Memmy as I found the ordering of posts varies a lot from app to app

They did a month of measuring a toothbrush for bacteria and found no real change after 30 days of using and flushing

Here’s the book I mentioned. So much love for this book, taught me loads. And if you get it 2nd hand it’s cheap.

Guerilla Film Makers Movie Blueprint https://amzn.eu/d/64xSEqH

It was one of the most well polished apps I’ve ever used. It was constantly being improved without changing the core of what it did.

Think of it as an Apple product. It did loads of clever things in the background, powerful and easy to use while maintaining a slick aesthetic. The content was the style and the UI was satisfyingly plain. It never broke.

Media player was great and No ads ever.

Lots of gestures to make it simple and quick to browse Reddit. My favourite was the swipe to the right to hide all the posts I’d seen above.

I could go on.