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Joined 1 years ago

Fuck Reddit

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Fuck Reddit and the bootlickers all over the site now. Enjoy brown nosing spez as you scroll through ads on the shitty official app

Of course Huffman admires Musk, they're both pricks.

Amazing news. I loved Sync. If the developer could just imitate what they did with Sync but for Lemmy that would be great!

yeee Fuck Reddit

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Some subs on Reddit are ridiculously complex to post in. It put me off posting things that I thought were interesting so many times.

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I'm one of the people who doesn't listen to podcasts very much and therefore doesn't need any extended features that would require me to pay for an app.

As long as the app has a play/pause button, and rewind/fast forward buttons, then that's all I need lol

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Reddit comments seem full of Huffman bootlickers now who are claiming that there was no community support for protests and that the companies actions are fair and justified. I don't know what the facts are but every single poll on every sub I seen on the topic was decisively in favour of action.

I can't understand why some people are so proudly apathetic, or reactionary when there's some sort of dissent.

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Huffman is such a dickhead.

30fps for top end consoles in 2023 is absolutely pathetic.

I'm happy to see all the pictures of all the animals

I try not to get too caught up in world events. Right now I'm trying to make some improvements in my personal life. I got a new job which I haven't started yet, and I want to buy a new car once I get paid.

Global issues are obviously important, but don't neglect your own life and your own community.

Apollo was an outstanding app. Easily my most used when I had an iPhone. The fact that it's been killed by Reddit is absolutely shameful imo.

I deleted my 3 Reddit accounts last night, one that had over 110k karma. I'm starting to get cosy with Lemmy now, hopefully some refinements and it will be great.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was just a ruse by the Kremlin to start pulling out of Ukraine under the guise of having to deal with a crisis in Russia's own borders. I honestly suspect they're trying to figure out the best way to bail without losing face.

On the other hand, maybe it's exactly as it seems and the wheels are starting to come off as there is unrest within the Russian ranks at a lack of purpose and huge loss of life for no gain. Or maybe it's just mercenaries being mercenaries and having no loyalty to anyone.

Hard to know what to believe with anything that involves the Kremlin.

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It'll be interesting to see what happens at the end of this month when all the 3rd party apps stop working suddenly. There's been so much discussion over the past couple of weeks but when the time actually comes I want to see what impact it has.

I buy my films and TV shows from.. wait no I don't

Raw files and/or physical copies > anything else

Dragon Age: Origins

I remember playing a little bit of Inquisition years ago, but I never got very far. I felt like playing a somewhat old school RPG and I know this game is held in high regard so I'm giving it a shot. So far it seems pretty good but I've only put a couple of hours in.

Also playing Enlisted.

ud rēaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Honestly I find this really cool. AI might wipe us all out one day but I'm gonna use the hell out of it before that happens.


I'm hoping r/gunners can be reformed too. And r/soccer.

Good luck with reddevils. I'm not a United fan but I want to see all communities grow on Lemmy! Football subs are what I spend much of my time in on Reddit.

yeee Fuck Reddit

I so wanted this game to be good, but it was just.. average. Which is massively disappointing after the hype it had.

Looking forward to trying it again with the new update.