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Joined 1 years ago

It sounds insane to me they would use a suite where they have no control over its state.. Can't they at least block the updates? Just imagine you're a student and your success depends on the incompetence of others

6 more...

Who are you kidding? They would shoot the blind man because he would be approaching with a stick like weapon

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Fair enough, but if it was at work or something you can at least say, 'eh at least I still get paid' Here you have no recourse options.

edit: Having read the translation now. It seems the students do have a choice in which software suite they use. So I guess they did have a recourse. So in the end it was their own responsibility. I guess it was a good lesson then.

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Eh? Is it really just normal over there to assume the police is this incompetent and are basically just hitman on call? Because this is not at all what I would expect when I call the cops. Blaming the parents, that's just massive victim blaming...

7 more...

Jesus no! You don't deal with mental health patients this way! You should have started a dialogue and keep him occupied until he calms down and possibly comes out himself. And if he doesn't you break down the door, step back and reevaluate the situation. Not just barge in and shoot him.

Well maybe, but I still don't think you should assume of cops they react this way. They should have been trained in deescalation.. Not shoot at the first sign of a threat. Also I think you should turn the blame around. The cops knew what they were called in for, so should have entered with more care.

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Might be a fuck ton of money. Buts he is 27 years old, so old enough to know ramifications. What he vandalized is priceless so, yes I still think the 40k is too little. If nothing else I hope we won't ever allow this little shit to ever leave the country again. I'm ashamed to be of the same country as this fuck face.

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€40k is too little of a punishment. Let him tag the inside of a prison cell for a year, see if he stills enjoys it after that. And then add the clean up costs on top of that 40k and we are talking.

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Almost like it's some kind of coincidence!

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So a fairphone? Though it doesn't provide wireless charging I think.

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Yeah that was probably the wrong decision, following their mantra. But personally it doesn't bother me too much. I'm pretty happy with it

Yeah I assumed they would be centrally managed, but they are not apparently. So then I don't really see why they would get a time extension to be honest. You could easily game that then and just fake it crashing.