21 Post – 277 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


My name is Dee, I hope you like me, if you don't the block button is free.

Before everyone freaks out, this has zero impact on our communities. Chill.

They can already do this by bringing content from Mastodon to Meta platforms via links and screen grabs, this only speeds up the process.

Personally, I love that they're not federating day one. Because I don't want any instances I use to federate with them, I don't want to be connected to a Meta platform unless I deliberately go to a Meta platform to use it.

To expedite the process, Mastodon instances should just defederate from them entirely. Don't let them access that data through ActivityPub. They can build their own platform on the Fediverse and we can have our network of smaller connected instances.

Them doing this does not affect our communities unless we let it. Defederate from them and we can go on our merry way and they can have their own ad laden instance that's not connected.

Everyone, relax. Continue building your communities here and ignore Meta in their unconnected instances.

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Loving the anti-tankie memes, establishing this community to be based af

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I'm going to be honest but Trump blaming mutants was not on my bingo card. Is it X-Men variety or more TMNT?

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I've seen that article and no, we still don't need to be worried. Just defederate and that's all. As evidenced by the final paragraph:

Fediverse can only win by keeping its ground, by speaking about freedom, morals, ethics, values. By starting open, non-commercial and non-spied discussions. By acknowledging that the goal is not to win. Not to embrace. The goal is to stay a tool. A tool dedicated to offer a place of freedom for connected human beings. Something that no commercial entity will ever offer.

Just keep using it as the community building tool it is, defederate and protect those communities and we're golden.

Everybody relax.

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Somewhere I have a picture of it saved, but as a Sys Admin for an office one person had so much dead skin piled on their mouse I gagged. It formed the shape of their fingers on the buttons and the dead skin was, not exaggerating, like 4-5 millimeters thick of caked-on yellow disgustingness. Mind you, we provide new mice for people to use in the office for any reason, they just need to let us know and ask. There was no reason for this other than the person just being a Nurgle initiate or some shit. People are gross.

Yeah, when Digg did the dumb thing all those years ago Reddit didn't start eclipsing it for another two or three years. This feels very similar to that time tbh. Lemmy will get there, but I imagine it'll take longer due to its fragmented nature scaring some non-techies so I'd guess four years and we'll see numbers to rival Reddit. If you care about that, I kind of like the smaller communities, honestly.

Too bad there's not a RemindMe Bot on Lemmy yet, this would be perfect for that lol

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This is the way.

It's been so much nicer tbh, at least on Beehaw. I don't have any reason to go back with Lemmy and RSS feeds

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This is great to see, the Biden admin has been doing a way better job than I thought they would going into the presidency. Still a long ways off from what I'd ideally want to see but moves like this are always welcome.

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Hi, Beehaw user here. You can downvote me all you want and they'll never appear on my instance so that won't be an issue. I could be sitting at -50 on your instance and it'll always appear as 1 on mine.

Honestly though, I'm a big fan of the defederation decision (at least for now). It's only a temporary measure until Lemmy gets more powerful mod tools and then they'll refederate when they can more easily moderate the trolls and bad actors. This is one of the features of the fediverse, got an instance that's producing a large amount of trolls? Not anymore! Insta-community clean. The only people I've ran across that don't like it are normally the people that end up getting banned tbh.

Edit: For reference to the vote scores, on Beehaw this is currently sitting at 25 upvotes for me. If anybody is viewing from an instance with downvotes, that's how it appears for Beehaw users.

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I get it, my sister got bugs in her home before from a hoarder neighbor and I've known somebody who had to move due to a fire caused by a different hoarder so I understand why they'd want/need to do this. But I feel like this falls under the inspection notification laws, at least my state has it where they need to inform you 24 hours before any inspection. So they should've sent out a notification 24 hours before flying the drone over and it would've been fine IMO. I'm not saying this guy was a hoarder either though, the insurance company wouldn't release their photos so we can't say if that's actually the case one way or the other. But I'm fine with them using drones tbh.

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I don't mind too much, I didn't know TorGuard was blocking that traffic or logging American users but now I do. So I appreciate the article in that regard but the post should've been titled like "Reminder that TorGuard tracks American users" or something rather than being presented as new info imo.

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My mom who I haven't seen in like six years is coming to stay with me for a little under a week. She hasn't seen me in person since I transitioned but is supportive despite her conservative leanings. She's also visiting me in here in Portland from where she lives in Texas so there's a double layer of "everything is okay, the city is not on fire" plus all the new trans stuff she's going to be asking about. So it'll be a week of doing my best to be an LGBTQ encyclopedia and Portland advocate while catching up with my mom. It should be okay, but it's going to be stressful 🥲

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because I’m a minor or something.

That's a pretty big something tbh, it makes sense that a mod/admin might not want a minor making sexual jokes on their instance. I'm sorry that happened and as much as it sucks for self expression it's something to keep in mind until you're eighteen because it might happen again.

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people can easily sign up here or another non-blocked instance

It requires approval to sign up here and a lot of the other instances Beehaw is federated with, because of that filter it will drastically cut down on trolls and make moderation much easier for the small team here.

The beauty of the fediverse is that we can go make a account and enjoy all that content if we want. I have an account there already, and a account because it's temporarily defederated from just about everyone.

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and he was a fair bit of a regular.

That's the wildest part to me. You'd think if you're into that kind of stuff you'd learn to repair your own equipment that hosts some of the most illegal content one could possess.

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Man everything is political these days

Always has been.

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I want Star Citizen... The Star Citizen that was promised in the Kickstarter... Still waiting.

Looks at article.

Yeah, I think they might realize it lol

Happy to see it though, I've been saying they should be defederated right out of the gate ever since I first saw these rumors.

Found my new favorite science communicator, she did such an awesome job here! I'll have to check out the rest of her videos because she seems to cover a lot of different science topics.

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Yeah, I need to switch to another authenticator app because I'm not sure I even trust that at this point.

Edit: love this community, say I'm looking to switch and I get a plethora of suggestions within the hour lol

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Why do I go to the comment sections of articles like this? Why do I punish myself?

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This kind of talk really displeases the Overseer. You better watch yourself.

Relevant Pratchett passage:

There is a very interesting debate raging at the moment about the nature of sin, for example,” said Oats.

“And what do they think? Against it, are they?” said Granny Weatherwax.

“It’s not as simple as that. It’s not a black and white issue. There are so many shades of gray.”



“There’s no grays, only white that’s got grubby. I’m surprised you don’t know that. And sin, young man, is when you treat people as things. Including yourself. That’s what sin is.

"It’s a lot more complicated than that . . .”

“No. It ain’t. When people say things are a lot more complicated than that, they means they’re getting worried that they won’t like the truth. People as things, that’s where it starts.”

“Oh, I’m sure there are worse crimes . . .”

“But they starts with thinking about people as things . . . ”

— Terry Pratchett, Carpe Jugulum

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At least with this structure we can still defederate from them and go on about our merry way.

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You're right, a former mod of The_Donald was trying to become a mod of r/aww this week during the protests. So that's exactly what's already happening, Reddit is about to get a whole lot worse.

I'm on Lemmy now so I'll watch from afar with 🍿

Actually, removed their c/thedonald community so they seem to be taking steps in the right direction too. Still probably not time to refederate until more granular mod tools are developed but it's a promising sign.

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Most of my life we never cared about this kind of stuff

You just described privilege very nicely, well done. Other people have to care about this stuff or we lose human rights.

K, you should. To make sure you're not supporting a piece of shit by giving them your time, clicks, and views. But you do you if you're okay supporting potential bigots.

It's not even a high effort task, just find the name of the podcast and add "political leanings" or something similar in the web search. It's the minimal effort required to be an informed consumer.

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I was going to say, all the articles and science I saw on lab meat previously had it consuming far, far less resources than the traditional beef industry. Definitely going to read more about it but I'm still team lab meat for now.


"But in a preprint, not yet peer-reviewed, researchers at the University of California..." That's not a good start to their point.

The comments on that preprint by another expert also don't seem promising on their conclusions of lab grown.

I'll believe it's worse than traditional beef when more science substantiates that view. This article isn't that.

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What is your opinion on giving money to houseless people you see IRL?

I live in the PDX area and so run into a lot of houseless people. For me, it varies. The houseless are not a monolith. There are many, many different kinds of houseless for how they got there and why they're there now. Many just need a bit of help to get back on their feet, many others don't want help. You just have to talk to them to get to know them. I've had many conversations with them on the train and there's a lot of good people out there who were given a tough break. I don't give to every one of them, but the ones I know it will help I try to when I'm able.

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I was in Texas and moved to Oregon about sixish years ago, I saw the writing on the wall then and was making plans to get out. I miss my friends and family, it's true. I miss a lot of things in Texas like favorite stores and hangouts and definitely the BBQ. That aspect gets better with time, and with mourning those aspects of your life you've lost. Overall I've been much, much happier in Oregon though. It's literally like night and day, sure Oregon has issues, no denying that. But the sense of security and well being I've been able to enjoy since moving has been priceless.

It wasn't until I moved to Oregon that I felt the support and comfort needed for breaking out of my trans egg. Now I'm enjoying being my true self and meeting like-minded people around me who accept me and vote for politicians that aren't trying to exterminate me. I'd like the bar to be higher than that but here we are lol

I feel bad for my LGBTQ friends and family still in Texas. Thankfully all my family has escape plans in place and should be out in about a year or so, but not all my friends do. So I worry about them, especially after that last Allen Mall shooting because that's the general area I'm from.

Problem: exists for decades and has not been solved by experts with tons of funding in all that time.

Redditor with zero knowledge or context: Why don't they just do X, Y, Z? It's so easy 😏

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Oh hey, another thing to send my sister who was considering moving to Montana in order to get out of Texas.

Incredibly fucked up, the kids in that state aren't going to stand a chance getting accepted to universities out of state. Which is their plan, I guess. If the only schools that will accept them are in Montana and the only jobs that recognize those Montanan degrees are in Montana you have a full workforce from crib to grave.

Oh wow, this project looks like a really awesome management game! Thanks for sharing!


Huh, I already own it without knowing it too O_o

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Who said it has to be one or the other? We can pursue these new methods for tomorrow while simultaneously cutting down on animal products today.

These two things are not mutually exclusive.

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I'm still rocking my PS4 Pro and haven't felt the need to upgrade to the PS5 yet. Plenty of good games on there and a lot of the new ones still release to PS4 too. There's cool exclusives on PS5 but not $500 cool exclusives imo. Well, closer to $600 after purchasing the game. So I'll continue to wait to upgrade. I'd say go for it because you can have a lot of fun on the PS4 still.

Absolutely agree, I don't think they should be able to pull out like they did here. I could possibly see it if it was an extreme case of hoarding with an open flame and tons of flammable material or something like that, but there's nothing to suggest that's the case so the insurance company is in the wrong still. I was more referring to the use of the drone tech itself since this is the tech community.

Ugh. I'm so tired of these fascist fucks... I don't even have anything to say anymore. It's entirely expected behavior yet it still causes unrivaled disgust and revulsion every time they do something. I'm just so tired.

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I'm not big on video content so that doesn't bother me at all, but I could see how that might hold some people back if they prefer that. Funnily enough, I often won't click a link if I see it goes to a video instead of an article.

That being said PeerTube is in the works, still a ways to go but it's comin'

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Thanks for all the work you do for this space to thrive! Is there anything community members can do to assist other than not being jerks?

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